Thursday, June 07, 2018

The battle for Western Civilisation, redux or perhaps stomach reflux ...

Oh sheesh, it's just as well that the pond sometimes runs a five o'clock specialist slot so that the latest reptile crusader obsession can be tracked by cultists …

The boxing on Baxendale kept up a cracking pace. What an indefatigable cultural warrior she is …

By now the pond is so exhausted and completely over it, comments have been kept to a minimum. If only the same could be said for the reptiles, furiously airing their work on social media and getting a blaze of interest ...

Oh dear Jack, that's a bit hard … or maybe, on second thoughts, reading the endless blathering on Baxendale, a bit soft …

Naturally the Bax to the Max went off to get the gormless Malware's view, him having the spine of a jelly baby when confronted by reptiles in crusade mode ...

But wait, that's only an excuse for the litany, with the craven Craven returning to the ring …

What a tedious, petulant repetitive twit Craven is … and yet there's a solution immediately to hand. 

Shut up the jibber jabber and announce that ACU is the new home for yet another useless y'artz degree, so that the reptiles can rabbit on about the uselessness of universities in general and y'artz degrees in particular… perhaps a joke about the relevance of Latin could be included? Or should we save that until the Mocker struts on the scene?

Well just shut up then, and do it, and save us from this tedious, mind-numbing reptile crusade …though the pond supposes that the craven Craven must put in a kind word for the onion-muncher ...

Will he ever walk the talk, or are we just going to get endless talking of the talk, in the craven way we expect of the Craven?

Just do it, ACU, and put us all out of our misery ...

But worse was to come, because as noted at the very beginning, the reptiles had put the Mocker at the top of the digital page, and the pond had a sinking feeling.

Couldn't they find something more useful for the Mocker to do? 

You know, like bombing the shit out of Iraq to prove the superiority of western civilisation, it being a superior skill to bomb people back to the stone age as a way of helping them embrace forward-thinking democratic principles ...

The pond has no idea why the Mocker, in his dimwitted attempt at satire, needs to be anonymous.

Could it be, that somewhere in the dimwittery, the Mocker is ashamed at his pathetic attempts to be witty?

By this time the pond was racing to get to the end … 

It was as if the ways that the Roman Empire had once tried to deal with the mobile population that came with its expanding, then shrinking empire, had no echo in the way that the onetime British empire was now trying to deal with the results of its empire …

But to dignity a cretin with a discussion, as the dog bothering Mocker returned to the deep well of routine dog vomit, isn't the business of the pond today, it just wants to get to the end and a couple of cartoons ...

Ah, the old Anglo-Celtic national anthem, "what about Anglo-Celts, all out of academic love, and western civilisation, and they want their share …" even if it involves totally useless y'artz degrees …

But soft, just one more gobbet to go ...

What a pity there's not an actual war for the Mocker to attend to …

You know, demonstrating the superiority of western civilisation by bombing the shit out of them …in the way that the dog botherer once helped to redeem and restore Iraq ...

But then the pond suspects we'd be back in Donald territory, or off in an armchair somewhere muttering about the joys of empire and colonialism and the need to carry a big stick, provided someone else carried the stick, and had minions ready to die while using it...

And here's another cartoon, because monarchy and the divine right of kinds never ends, and as a Donald lover, the Mocker should be able to enjoy that bit of historical irony ...


  1. 'a university can teach romantic notions of primitivism" - as well might a Ramsay Centre... or is Jean-Jacques Rousseau now barred from Western Civilization?

  2. Strewth, DP, what an endless stream of trivial nonsense. If that pathetic babble is representative of 'Western civilisation' then westernism is totally doomed.

    But I did enjoy this:

    The Mucker: "You do not have to accept all of Gilley's argument to acknowledge that many postcolonial developing countries are indeed basket cases."

    Actually, one equally doesn't have to accept all of Gilley's argument to note that many uncolonial "developing" countries are indeed basket cases. Like Britain in the throes of Brexit perhaps, or the USA in the throes of an incipient Trump autocracy perhaps. And not to mention Greece, Hungary, Poland, Italy, Spain etc etc. One could also add most of South America, except that those countries are still immersed in 'colonialism'.

    But it would really be good if the Mucker could actually understand the meaning of 'colonialism' versus 'imperialism'. There is quite a difference between the two, but I guess the likes of the Mucker can't understand that because his 'liberal arts' degree concentrated on canons and ignored cannons.


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