The pond knows the reptiles do it because it teases, tickling the pond's curiosity until it sneezes …
The cult sign of the Lobbecke is meant as a Masonic symbol to the reptile readership … a sign meaning here is kool-aid worthy of consuming. A subtle press of the finger here, a little twist of the hand there, and the reader will be in the land of clean dinkum Oz coal, oi, oi, oi …
What do you know? It was actually Josh …
But Josh can't you see, they've stuck a rolled gold bar around thee … and as a Minister of the government your constituency is the people of Australia, not the small band of reptile devotees …
It was some relief that the pond could turn to Josh's site and discover the piece in full here …
How cheeky is that Josh, the reptiles wanting to charge full quid for access to you, but all the punter's getting as a bonus is access to the cult Lobbecke…
Fancy wanting to charge for a Lobbecke and a government press release at that ...
Yes, Josh's column is all about how everything is hunky dory, never been better in the energy market, and Josh knew the siren song the reptiles love to sing …
While several generation sources including gas, pumped hydro and batteries can provide dispatchable power, our system’s reliability relies predominantly on coal. Under the NEG, the reliability obligation will value our existing coal fleet and see it more likely to be upgraded and stay in the system. Without the NEG, our coal fleet would face an even more uncertain future and electricity prices would be higher.
Hurrah, huzzah, it's dinkum clean Oz coal all the way, oi, oi, oi …
That should put an end to those blinkered sceptics reading Kolbert in The New Yorker reporting on James Hansen's last words ...
While several generation sources including gas, pumped hydro and batteries can provide dispatchable power, our system’s reliability relies predominantly on coal. Under the NEG, the reliability obligation will value our existing coal fleet and see it more likely to be upgraded and stay in the system. Without the NEG, our coal fleet would face an even more uncertain future and electricity prices would be higher.
Hurrah, huzzah, it's dinkum clean Oz coal all the way, oi, oi, oi …
That should put an end to those blinkered sceptics reading Kolbert in The New Yorker reporting on James Hansen's last words ...
And what about that alarmist Axios report?
"There is essentially no uncertainty that the Earth is warming, and that we're responsible. There is uncertainty in what exactly this means, for whom, and where. This uncertainty isn't comforting, it's terrifying: if we knew exactly what was coming, we could plan ahead. But we don't, and we're facing a huge and certain threat partially in the dark."
— NASA climate scientist Kate Marvel to Axios
But you're still beating the coal drum, aren't you Josh, and would prefer to avoid stories suggesting a Texas city in Trump country might run on 100% renewable energy ...
The pond knows why Josh… the reptiles are relentless and were at it again just across the way, under that bit celebrating their hate speech for the day:
Yep, they're quite happy to dig around in the garbage bin of political irrelevance, drag their scavenged, way past use-by date dinosaurs out and dress them up as "elders" …
You see, it's thT lesser member of the Kelly gang, Josh, good old Joe, as diligent as ever, shrieking and howling for more coal-fired power stations because it's the way of the future.
Naturally, there's more talk of the need for a five year plan, and government underpinning and regulation, provided it paves the way for dinkum clean-coal of the Oz kind, and never you mind that clean coal is the sort of oxymoron only a reptile fuckwit of the first water might manage.
Naturally the lesser Kelly had graphs, oh the reptiles love their graphs, but it wasn't anything like that 'spin me' Axios graph …
Nope, it was just the usual, Josh ...
And as well as old gravel in the bucket Mcfarlane, they dragged that world famous climate scientist, and other member of the Kelly gang, Craig the denialist out of the dumpster ...
You see Josh, while they noted your charm offensive and your promise of coal, coal, coal, oi, oi, oi, but they also dragged that used bit of beef Ron Boswell out of the dumpster - because when reptiles go dumpster diving, they only like prime dinosaur ...
Tough sell Josh, with the reptiles so fixated on coal …unless you announce that the government is going to build a brand-new low emission coal station that's competitive with renewable energy. Good luck in the hunt for one, and the pond has Major Mitchell standing by, ready to award you an Order of Lenin medal for faithfulness to Marxist-Leninist socialism ...
Well the pond's not going to bother with that supremely scientifically informed piece from the lizard Boswell …instead, Josh, can you just supply the pond with a government-funded ticket for a cruise - socialism rulez - and quick about it, the ship before it floats way?
Now what was it Kevin Drum said today about what persuades people? Oh yes:
ReplyDelete1. Generally speaking, not facts.
2. People listen to others who share their values.
3. Don’t make people feel bad. “That was reasonable at the time, but things have changed” is better than “You’re wrong.”
4. No hectoring. No guilting.
Do you think Ian and Ron - or any of the reptiles and/or their fellow travellers - are plying their "values" right ?
And now just a small addendum from KDrum:
DeleteWhat else?
Whatever the format, should you spend most of your time reacting to lies? Lots of other people already do this, and a lot of research suggests that it accomplishes little except to give more publicity to the original lie.
I wonder if somebody would be so kind as to pass that on to Gareth Evans: yes, Gareth, mentioning a lie, no matter how inconsequentially, strengthens the lie !
Especially that "I did not have sex with that woman" moment you had back a couple of decades ago. Surely you learned that lesson ?