Saturday, June 02, 2018

In which the reptiles and the pond confront a crisis in Western Civilisation ...

Unfortunately the pond had expected to be spending quality time with prattling Polonius this posting, as is meet and proper for a weekend, but as the pond had also expected, the reptiles were confronted by fury, and a deep, fundamental crisis in Western Civilisation … and so attention had to be paid …

Sorry Tragic, the real tragedy is that you buy the tree killer edition of the lizard Oz, expect no pity from the pond, not when there's a deep, fundamental crisis in Western Civilisation to be faced …

Read a letter?

Oh if we must, first to the rodent ...

And then from the rodent back to the VC ...

Now here the pond must interrupt to applaud little Johnny. For far too long these academics have been getting away with curriculum murder, so it's perfectly proper and correct for an outside body examine and respond to any curriculum the wretches at ANU might devise.

Let's face it, money talks, and the ANU should have done the decent thing and grovelled, and accepted whatever mark the Ramsay folk assigned to the curriculum, and by golly, if it didn't pass muster, why they should have jumped to making the changes.

All this tosh about academics being free from outside interference, and the university set apart as an institute of learning free of passing fads and fancies, and burdensome ideologies and passing, preening politicians ...

As any academic knows, money talks … and little Johnny scribbles furiously ...

Yes, you see, academic autonomy is totally good and proper, provided you just send along your curriculum for examination and response, and do the right and proper response to the response and the examination.

How else is an outfit like the ANU ever going to improve? It's not that they have any reputation as a university, and it seems clear they don't have the first clue about Western Civilisation …that suppository of wisdom resides with the likes of the onion muncher and little Johnny ...

This is all jolly good fun, but doesn't fully convey the deep and fundamental crisis in Western Civilisation …

That was heralded by a tweet from the dog botherer ...

Now the pond should have been warned …

The reptiles didn't deem the dog botherer worthy of the cult recognition of a Lobbecke or any other form of visual celebration, and the reason soon became clear …the dog botherer fancied himself as a satirist of the Dean Swift or Alexander Pope kind …and you can't put lipstick on a pig, polish a turd, or turn the dog botherer into a wit of the Pope kind ...

Talk about a crisis in Western Civilisation!

Is it possible to sound more fuck-witted and addle-brained than the dog botherer attempting satire and humour?

You might as well strap a lead weight to the ankles and head off for a drowning outside South Head …

Here, the pond needs a reviving cartoon featuring a current icon of Western Civilisation …

Here's the thing.

The dog botherer is so infatuated with his wit and his comedy stylings that he goes on, and on, and on ...

Talk about a crisis in Western Civilisation!

Is it possible to imagine a bigger self-important, deluded futtock than the dog botherer?

Now the pond understands that 'futtock' actually means each of the middle timbers of a ship's frame, between the floor and the top timbers, but the pond loves the onomatopoeic way that the word acts in a Lewis Carroll portmanteau way, evoking buttocks, fucks and futility …and so perfectly fits the futtocking dog botherer ...

Here, have another cartoon … it's almost over …

The amazing thing is the way the pond was reminded of genuine school humour …

Apologies to Searle, it's entirely cruel to present him on the same page as the dog botherer trying to be funny ...

Talk about a crisis in Western Civilisation!

Shouldn't they had added in the disclaimer that the piece bears no relationship to wit, humour, satire or self-awareness, but does show strong signs of self-uppedness?

Back to skool for the dog botherer, and after a few more years studying decent writers, he might earn a spot at St Custards …

“This education we're giving them is the tool of destruction, of course; that's what makes it so painful. We're showing them how to accomplish the ritual murder of ourselves.” ― Malcolm Bradbury, Eating People is Wrong

Talk about a crisis in Western Civilisation!

1 comment:

  1. The ANU: "...covering the earliest human civilisations..."

    Oh yeah ? Homo sapiens sapiens has been around on this planet for either 200,000 or 300,000 years (depending on which side of the latest controversy you are on). Neanderthal and Denisovan homos were also around quite some number of tens of thousands of years ago.

    And your (ANU's) teachings on 'civilisation' go how far back ? Maybe 5000 to 6000 years ? You don't even have a clue as to when the "earliest human civilisations" occurred. You don't even know the history of civilisations since the last 'ice age' ended about 10,000 years ago.

    "Is it possible to sound more fuck-witted and addle-brained than the dog botherer attempting satire and humour?"

    No, DP, it isn't and never has been.

    "Is it possible to imagine a bigger self-important, deluded futtock than the dog botherer?"

    Ah, now that's a more debatable question, don't you think ? I mean, there's Latham for starters, and Polonius and Dames Snap and Groan and so on - on a good day, any of 'em would give Doggy Bov a good run for his ego.


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