Tuesday, April 11, 2017

In which the pond bites on a Latham trolling and gets what it deserves ...

Whenever the pond is in trouble, it reaches for a Pope ... and more papal wisdom is reachable here ...

In the old days, the pond used to exercise a little editorial discretion, and would provide summaries rather than screen caps of reptile columns…

When fossicking in the overflow of untreated stuff, the pond saw no reason to involve readers in the dirtier bits of the rummaging, mucking out business ... jewels being hard to find ...

 Thus this gobbet …

 … might have been comfortably reduced to “Mark Latham lives in a world of delusion.” 

No-one would have missed the rest. All that's added are variations on the central theme of paranoia and hysteria, but this is already contained in "world of delusion."

The pond might have added that a hard rain and an axe is going to fall on sundry Terrorists later in the year, and with good reason and with good riddance.

Sure, some people will lose their jobs, but they’ll be able to go out in the world and do something useful with their lives, in ways that will benefit them and their communities …

Should anyone be rewarded for the sight of Mark Latham rabbiting on about the need to assert traditional Liberal values? They’re not even small ‘l’ liberal values, they’re big “L” Liberal values. 

Is weirdness enough of a reason.

But much as the pond would like to pre-sort the jewels and save stray readers the angst, the pond is befuddled.

How is it possible to do a summary of the incoherent rage that suffuses this gobbet?

This is seriously disturbed stuff. So does the reptiles' business plan involve producing the incoherent, frothing and foaming of a deeply disturbed man?

Is this the readership they want to cultivate? Is this the way they see going forward that they might overcome their failing, flailing business model?

They seem to want to support the deluded one - as evidence, the reptiles blessed Latham's outburst with their favourite shot of Malware tinged with pink filter …

And we all know what that means ... guilty as hell ...

But back to the task at hand, and the pond feeling apologetic. Whenever the pond approaches Latham these days, it's with memories of Mr Dick in mind. There's no doubt he's mad, it's a question of how the madness is approached. Should it be done with the benign tolerance David's Aunt showed to Mr Dick?

Everyone has a mad uncle or two and must confront the issue. Should they be kept in the attic, or allowed out, so that people might nervously shuffle around them at parties? Or should they be allowed to go fly a kite, whereby their anxieties about gays and King Charles' head might be diffused?

He showed me that it was covered with manuscript, very closely and laboriously written; but so plainly, that as I looked along the lines, I thought I saw some allusion to King Charles the First's head again, in one or two places. 'There's plenty of string,' said Mr. Dick, 'and when it flies high, it takes the facts a long way. That's my manner of diffusing 'em. I don't know where they may come down. It's according to circumstances, and the wind, and so forth; but I take my chance of that.'

The pond has no coherent answer, but is pleased that one site has taken the trouble to prepare all excerpts involving Mr Dick in easily digestible form here ...

One thing is certain ... in much the same way that Mr Dick was haunted by thoughts of Charles the First's head ...

... the reptiles and the arm-breaker are haunted by thoughts of Malware, and obsessively run images of him, while diffusing the facts and letting them come down where they may ...

It's impossible to provide a summary of this sort of madness ...especially when the bigot doesn't seem to understand the movie he's actually in ...

Yep, it's a freak show, and the Terror's idea of fun is for everybody to marvel at the freak. 

Of course there are other parallels ... the pond fondly remembers losing tic tac toe to a chook on Cannery Row in Monterey ...

... but this is the movie experience that's a little closer to reading Latham in full fowl flight ...

Substitute Mark for Luther, and you end up with the five points that were at the beginning of the troll ...

... which - chook style - went from saving the country,  to saving the country from political correctness ...though naturally King Charles' head, looking like a sober, thoughtful Malware, was still the dominant image and motif at the start of the show ...

Now the pond has done this piece arse-up, with the splash and the header at the end, but that's the whole point, because the arm-breaker and the reptiles are profoundly arse-up.

Well, all that's left is to do a spoiler, without even the grace of a spoiler alert ...

Yes, it's like watching a freak or a geek show.

There's an upside of course, for anyone who wants to imagine what it might have been like if Latham had got within cooee of government.

But that's done and dusted ... all we have now is the detritus ...

Some were aware of the movie comparisons way back when, as in this 2005 cartoon by Nicholson...

What's even more astonishing is the way that the reptiles have pandered to their freak by promoting his Facebook page and suggesting that he was indeed the person responsible for that Twitter address...

Yes, it's sprung to life again, but back in the day, it was beyond a cesspool, beyond even the sort of garbage and filth that might be found in the comments section of YouTube ...

And this is the reptiles' business model? Linking to this sort of stuff?

And Catherine McGregor hangs around with this mob?

Weird, deeply weird shit, even weirder than losing a game to a chook ...

Never mind, here's a couple of Wilcox cartoons to keep that blast from the past revving up ...


  1. Wow, such pure, concentrated bile.... How does Latham manage to become so angry and bitter, and remain that way all the time? He's like the Incredible Hulk on steroids - and about as intelligent.

    To top things off he has the classic nut-job conviction that his obsessions are shared by the majority of the general public, whereas he's probably representative of about 0.001% of the population.

    Once again we collectively shudder - _that_ could have been Prime Minister of Australia.

    In other worrying news, the current acting PM wants to open the Gates of Paradise to all! Doesn't the fool realise that Tamworth should be kept for the elite few?

  2. So - News Corp to sack a lot of photographers -


    Surely it would make better business sense to keep the photographers and instead axe as many journalists and columnists as possible? Lots of pleasant pics would be greatly preferable to more shilling for the coal industry and whinges about 18C, Identity Politics and Leets, and probably sell better.

    1. The opinion writers are cheap though. No fact checkers, no supporting infrastructure, all the need is Eric Lobbecke churning out drawings of outraged safe school children being forced to convert to 18C while reading the koran.

  3. Hi Dorothy,

    So here come the inevitable cuts to the reptiles business model;


    However it's the actual reporters, photographers and editors who are set for the boot not the highly paid opinionistas. Facts aren't worth fuck but attitude does in the New World of Murdoch.


  4. A lovely little rave by Mark 'Armbruster' Latham, DP (Urban Dictionary reckons 'armbruster' means "A faggot who thinks that everyone but himself is a tool").

    Anyway, the Armbruster said: "The ALP claimed it was helping asylum seekers but then more than 1200 drowned - the greatest humanitarian disaster in Australian history."

    Well, I dunno. I mean apart from the obvious examples (WWI and WWII), we also have a few events from history so I thought I'd propose the Great Influenza Pandemic of 1918 - 1919 which managed to kill off 12,500 Aussies in just a year or so. If that counts as a "humanitarian disaster" then it's much bigger and better than a mere 1200 by Latham's count, isn't it ?
    [ https://museumvictoria.com.au/about/mv-news/2009/museums-flu-history1/ ]


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