Thursday, April 20, 2017

In which dashing Donners dazzles once again with decent Judeo-Christian Australian values ...

This might have been titled The Hollow Man, in honour of T. S. Eliot's poem about Hollow Men:

I am the hollow man,
I am the stuffed man
Captive to the right and Pauline
Headpiece filled with straw. Alas!
My dried voice, when
It whispers
Is quiet and meaningless
Talking of Australian values
As wind in dry grass
Or rats' feet over broken glass
In our dry cellar ...

Oh apologies to Eliot and stop right there, scrub that, the dead rat still stinks under the floorboards, and the live rat still lurks in Canberra.

Was this what it was all about? The greed for power, so that the holder might make John Howard look multicultural and Tony Abbott positively diverse?

Which naturally brings us inevitably to doddering Donners this day in the Terror ...

There's an irony here from the get go of course.

Malware made a pitch about gender equality is part of Australian values, which means that the entire institutional Catholic church and the powerholders in the angry Sydney branch of the Anglican church should be evicted from the country forthwith.

There are any number of other ironies, but the main point is distraction. Feed the right rambling waffle and hope they head to the trough to lap up endless talk about what constitutes being Australian, as opposed to being un-Australian.

Malcolm Farr made note of Malware's ramble around the thickets this morning ...

The ramble underlined the difficulty of setting out a framework for identifying what is Australian and what is un-Australian, and the associated problem of asking people to follow a values’ set if you can’t explain it. (

In its way, that's actually the point of the distracting dogwhistle ... with dashing Donners' hounds early out of the block. They might not know what it is to be Australian, but they were eager to show that in best Joe McCarthy fashion, they knew what was un-Australian ...

That's where Malware has landed ...

Naturally dashing Donners was wildly excited ...

Somehow the pond feels it's been here before, and even has the music to go with the mantra ...

How soon before dashing Donners mentions Judeo-Christian? Can we have a waving flag?

Indeed, indeed. How soon before we work into the pledge the need for citizens to renounce and abjure allegiance and fidelity to any prince, potentate or pope of that satanic whore of Babylon, the Holy Roman Church ...?

Well it is a state, and you know what they say about followers of funny furry furrin' states ...

As for grander tests, well, we've been here or thereabouts many times before ...

And so to that inevitable mention, albeit meaningless, of Judeo-Christian values ... such a one-note Johnny, but like Orson Welles' beloved Swiss cuckoo clock, Donners can be relied on to sound off hourly ...

Indeed, indeed, the pond knows for a fact that not many cultures in the world can produce a decent pineapple ...

Never mind, the pond thought it was a good time to join the celebrations ... which are about as up to date as a copper-based Queen Vic NBN ...

Has anyone thought about the apple isle, that jewel in the dinkum Aussie crown? The pond hears that Malware trotted down there after feeding the swine their swill ...

The pond hears it's still very white-bread ...none of that nasty mix of breads that keep turning up in the supermarkets these days with all sorts of off seeds ...

Ah, an all-white community. Let's hope Malware keeps it that way, Pauline and the mutton Dutton will be ever so pleased.

Might the pond also suggest a few shows that might be usefully revived by Malware?

There's also much that might be usefully derived from old magazines ...

And the citizenry could be entertained with games ...

It's best played before we heed the call to arms, and join dazzling Donner on the battlements ...

... and soon enough we'll be in a position not just to despise, fear and loath 'em, but to smash 'em to smithereens!

But don't let the hate fester. There's always a jolly cartoon that will bring a relieving smile to the face ...


  1. Remarkable, isn't it, that despite a mountain of contrary evidence, simpletons such as the Donners thinks that "we" have this uniform society and culture that live by his rules. No, Australia was never, ever 'parallel societies' was it.

    I'd have some news for him if I thought it was even remotely possible he could hear and understand it: Donners, old mate, just about every tribe, nation or state above the complexity level of a small village, is a plurality of 'parallel societies' whether ethically homogenous or not. Yes, even good ol' "White Australia".

    And just to complete the picture, Donners, I do not want to live according to your Catholic schoolboy values or your rules, I want to live according to mine. Capiche ?

    Gotta feel a little sorry for Angela though - there she comes in from racially pure East Germany, only to find that West Germany has been polluted by aliens. By some estimates, up to 5 million of current or recent Turkish origin, for starters - they came in on the German equivalent of the 457: the "guest workers" imported to do all those mean and dirty jobs that Germans just won't do. And then, like The Man Who Came To Dinner, they stayed.

    1. Ooops, in my comment above, I meant to say "whether ethnically homogenous or not", but I guess that "ethically also applies: I consider myself to be "ethically" quite distinct from the likes of Donners and the reptiles.


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