Wednesday, June 27, 2018

In which the pond finally gets around to the Caterist and immediately regrets the folly ...


The reptiles recently showed a flicker of nervousness at recent fluctuations in the Force, or the Market, or whatever, while the pond felt relief. 

It might be necessary to bring down the whole temple so that George Sanders, or the Donald, gets only one last sip of wine …


Oaky, the pond admits it, the Caterist called to the pond early in the day, and the pond has done its best to ignore the siren song all day …

All day the reptiles have been wildly excited by Albo v comrade Bill, and comrade Bill making a captain's call, and class warfare and the war on business, and the suffering of big business and all the rest of it, with nattering "Ned" advising that comrade Bill looks shifty, though whether that's worse than being a pompous prat must remain an open question.

Anyhoo, the Caterist was blessed with the Lobbecke of the day, but here's the thing.

The pond is much more amused when the Caterist applies his immense scientific and engineering skills to quarries, dams, floods and such like, and climate science, and dinkum clean Oz coal, oi, oi, oi … yet here we are, with a cheap masturbation joke at the top of the tweet ...

Yes, yes, Barry McKenzie holds his own, and all that, so bloody witty, elegant and intelligent … so hey ho on we go …and look, it's the same joke at the top of the column …while the Lobbecke sums up the tone, and almost makes irrelevant, the whole Caterist discourse … as a classic wanker makes jokes about others wanking ...

Indeed, indeed delivering a lecture on fiscal rectitude to a Caterist quickly turns to the question of how much cash there is in the paw …

Oh dear, it's such a wank and so bloody tedious, would it be wrong of the pond to indulge in a little lizard Oz click bait?

The pond knew there was a reason the pond had abstained from the click bait ... but oh foolish, silly, wretched pond, nothing has saved you from the Caterist … please allow the pond to get the last gobbet quickly done and dusted ...

Yes, yes, all good propaganda from the Government Gazette, funded by the the feds, but what's that, the pond miscounted and there's another gobbet?

Oh desperate times, please make it end ...

Amazing how quickly 2008 can be forgotten, but if the trade wars that are brewing really take off, perhaps the Caterist will get around to remembering it, and how lucky Oz was to skate through …

But the pond and the Caterist are at least on the same side about the uselessness of certain public service practices … and the hypocrisy of people who suck on the government teat while idly blathering about free markets …

And with that the pond has catered to the specialist late arvo cultists in love with Caterism and Lobbecke, and now it's time to celebrate the uselessness of trying to shame Caterists, in much the same way that it's impossible to shame a Trumpist …


  1. Well that was worth waiting for ... a truly classic Cater.

  2. This little creep should be sent back to where he came from because who ever dropped him off here deserves his puerile lecturing so we don't have read or listen to him.

  3. This little creep should be sent back to where he came from because who ever dropped him off here deserves his puerile lecturing so we don't have read or listen to him.


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