Monday, June 25, 2018

In which Fake Oreo Activists cross the cartoon line ...

Some days the pond just has to go with the flow … and the reptiles have determined that this day the Oreo is the flow …

Sure, the Lobbecke of the day has been deployed to the urgent business of dinkum clean Oz coal, oi, oi, oi, and the Major Mitchell is squawking about the ABC yet again, but the Oreo was put at the top of the digital pack, because the lizard Oz and Trumpism are one …

Now note the subtle change from "Fake photo activists cross line", with the hint that the photo featured is somehow fake, to the tweet which couldn't sustain that sort of nonsense, and so became "border propagandists cross line" ...

That's because the immensely, inordinately silly reptiles are suggesting that somehow Time magazine doing a photoshopped cover is a thought crime… as if somehow the reptiles find that sort of thing repulsive, shocking and fake …


The pond knew there was no point arguing with the Oreo. 

Trumpists are, in essence, crazed fanatics, and they love to label anything they happen to disagree with as "fake" …though perhaps in the Oreo's case it's also personal, because there are so many hurtful fake Oreos out there …


Dammit, there's only one genuine Oreo, and she's always in a Trumpian fury …

Actually the pond thought that as a distraction it should picture this - the assorted ways that US cartoonists have been celebrating the Trumpian way …

It turned out that space travel was a handy image …

And so back to the Oreo, still in full Trumpian flight …

Oh okay, the pond cut that gobbet short, because it wasn't just kids in cages. 

There was also the Pied Piper, and the kids were just in prison uniforms …

… though to be fair there were kids in cages of one kind or another …

And so to the last Oreo gobbet, with the pond pleased to say that the Oreo's Trumpian fury zipped right past the pond, and can keep on zipping …

How did the cartoonists respond to the Oreo's Trumpian plea?

Well some tried to argue, a futile and useless mission, much too heart on sleeve …

The pond preferred Tom Tomorrow's declaration that satire is now officially pointless - and so this entire Oreo outing has been entirely pointless - with more TT to hand here, and with a new cartoon due shortly …


  1. I dunno if the cartoon lady in the jilbab [qv: ] is dangerous or not to us, but it seems that her dress might just be dangerous to her, and any children she might want to give birth to.

    "The niqab and burqa [ and presumably the jilbab too ] do prevent the intake of vitamin D from sunlight. But problems only occur when the person is unaware of the potential damage due to lack of sunlight and does not redress this by increasing their vitamin D intake through diet or supplements."

    Let's hope all those ladies know that they need to take vitamin D supplements. Just the same as we oldies do.


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