Friday, April 28, 2017

In which the pond searches the reptile Catholic Boys' Daily Government Gazette in vain for some guidance on good and bad debt ...

The pond is nervous. The Donald doesn't have much more time to issue a one page summary of how he intends to deal with, sort out and solve all the issues confronting the United States and the world by the end of the year. 

Oh sure, he's fixed US tax system, and he's got until Sunday, if we count by Australian time, but still, the pond is nervous ...

Perhaps he should take a note from the local reptiles.

Confronted by ScoMo's bizarre attempt to sort out debt into good and bad, the reptiles naturally completely ignored it, and instead devised a hypocrisy storm for Bill's bus at the top of this day's digital page ...

If they'd wanted to, they could have devised an hypocrisy storm around a more modest truck - well Malware was paying for it, and even his dollars can only drive things so far ...

Was it only a year ago that the gibbering loon known fondly on these pages as nattering "Ned" was talking of moral challenges?

Doing the numbers is a moral challenge?

That's even worse than trying to turn climate science into a moral challenge, as opposed to being a singular challenge for politicians to attempt to sound sensible...

The numbers add up or the numbers don't. That's not a moral challenge, that's do the math (though the pond finds a calculator helps).

So where's nattering "Ned" this day as we learn the great moral challenge has turned into "good" and "bad" debt?

Can anyone find a lead story on the great moral challenge this day on the front digital page?

Nope, there's Coatsie, and Gra Gra on the Donald, and gas locked way, and a get the Muslim pice, and a click bait yarn about the new fast diet ...and so on and so forth ...

What about the tree killer edition? Did ScoMo score a front page hit with his revelation of good debt and bad debt?

Nope, there was a mention of debt in the digital edition, down the page ...

But the reptiles did their very best to ignore the story ... a quick look around the Murdochian empire suggests that the word went out that this wasn't a story ... though the reptiles of Oz could find space near the top of the page for the usual bit of urbane Urban nonsense, spooked by the spectre of feminism ...

What about the Oz columnists? Did nattering "Ned" or any of the other reptiles turn up to discuss ScoMo's revelations?

Fat chance ...

Nope, nothing there, nada, zilch, zero. Though there was a comedy item,  Making students allergic to ideas...

How about making readers allergic to ScoMo's stunning revelations?

The Currish Snail topped the comedy charts with this comedy front page ...

Well the government's got nothing on the reptiles when it comes to burying the dead ...ignoring ScoMo and cultivating a culture of secrecy about "good" and "bad" debt ...

Here's a little more of nattering "Ned" back in 2016 ...

Back then, "Ned" couldn't get enough of great moral challenges and moral duties ...

There's any number of other stories to be found if anyone is interested in a wasted life.

It wasn't so long ago that the reptiles and assorted sites were in a state of near hysteria about undifferentiated debt ...

These days the Aus debt clock ticks over, unmourned and unnoticed here ...

The foolish, unhinged, unschooled, uneducated clock was never trained to understand the difference between good and bad debt ... and it seems the readership of Oz will also take some time to be led by the nose to a deeper understanding ...

It made the pond marvel yet again at the cheekiness of the reptile banner ...

For the informed Australian?

So what's all this about good and bad debt?

Don't you worry about that. Here, have a little more chook food and get into a real moral panic ...

If there was ever a definitive day that the Murdochians abandoned any wet lettuce leaf attempt to pretend that the Catholic Boys' Daily wasn't also the Government Gazette, this is surely the day ...

Is it any wonder that the pond fervently believes the only way forward is a cartoon-led recovery?

More immortal Pope here, and more immortal Rowe here ...

And since the pond started off by mentioning the Donald ...why not share a couple of the logarithm-driven finds that so torment the pond these days ...

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