Friday, March 09, 2018

In which the pond enjoys TGIF Stormy weather ...

That quad poster puts a nice gloss on it, but it was a terrible movie … Greg Hunters will realise it was an attempt to make any play by Shaw read like a masterpiece of dynamic action, or an attempt to give Marilyn gravitas by hanging around with Larry, with Arthur apparently not good enough …

And yet just hearing Larry's voice can still make the pond go weak at the knees …and how even the dullest of the old days can make the new seem like an age of lead …


And there's the rub.

While US cable is full of Storminess and Stormy legal actions and Stormy jokes, and the hints that Stormy might have photos or that in an indiscreet moment, the Donald might have done a Weiner, where are the lizards of Oz?

Getting their knickers in a knot about economic ruin…

… running Steve Chiobo getting his knickers in a knot about economic ruin…

… desperate for a few crumbs from the rich man's table … and clutching at the TPP as a ray of hope, in news and editorial, as a way of avoiding economic ruin …

Oh sure, they walked the walk of mocking the PC police, with the usual easy target, and this time Adam wassent to the frontline to maintain the crusade …

But when it comes to talking the talk, to sounding off in an unPC way about the President and the Porn Star, the pond looked, and looked, and there was nary a hint of Stormy weather on the digital front page this day …

If the Huff Post is any guide, the same condition afflicts the Democrats: Stormy Who? Democratic Leaders Won't Talk About Trump's Porn Stay Payoff …

There have been any number of attempts at mocking Stormy as a publicity-seeking, bubble-headed porn star seeking to draw attention to her current tour of the United States … but here's the thing.

If the President of the United States found her good enough company for a fling for a year or so, why is she not good enough company for the media?

If it'd been Bill Clinton and a stained dress, there'd be all sorts of fuss and carry on, 

Trump, a candidate embraced by the Christian right, is credibly accused of cheating on his wife with an adult film star. He then apparently paid her off to stay quiet, and has been less than forthcoming about the questions surrounding that payment.

Well yes, and there's more, and it's better out in the open rather than coming out in dribs and drabs in later years, like the stories about JFK sharing a mistress with a Mafia mob man …

Instead we get the media looking at the media, and concluding Pro-Trump media sweeps Stormy Daniels story under rug 

What's happened to the Murdochians of Oz? Have their tabloids lost their mojo?

Isn't "The President and the Porn Star" a good enough title for them?


Forget the simple sordid, there's rich pickings here, including shell companies, pseudonyms, a bizarre lawyer, a contract perhaps signed or not, arbitration of a most peculiar kind, and other sorts of mischief noted in The Graudian here

If it was good enough for the WSJ to break the story, it's good enough to keep following, especially as it gets murkier and Sanders botches it, and the likes of CNN tries to keep up …

...In effect, Sanders broke the news that Cohen last week won an order from an arbitrator to temporarily stop Daniels talking about the alleged affair. 
Cohen who told the Journal in January that he had "facilitated" the payment, argued that Daniels had breached the non-disclosure agreement she signed weeks before the 2016 election. 
But in a suit filed Tuesday in Los Angeles, Daniels contended the contract was invalid because it was never signed by Trump.
The Daniels lawsuit also contends that Cohen initiated a "bogus arbitration" hearing against her without notifying her beforehand. 
A copy of the restraining order against Daniels obtained by CNN confirms that the judge made a "one-party" ruling that did not require her to be notified -- raising questions about the tactics used by Cohen, if not their legality. 
Wherever the truth lies in this legal imbroglio, the fact that it is being talked about at all spells bad news for the White House. Beyond the embarrassment for Trump, and potentially his wife Melania, it also will force Republican lawmakers to answer questions on the issue at a time when their relationship with the President is under fresh strain.
The longer the episode lingers, the most likely it will become an issue for Trump and the GOP in the midterms...

However it's cut, the notion that the Donald's lawyer paid Stormy 130k not to talk about something that allegedly never happened can mean only one of two things … it happened, or the Donald is the easiest President in the world to blackmail, with his lawyer chums happy to hand over a jolly 130k to any passing porn star with a story to tell ...and chairman Putin should take note …

Back in the day, the pond became weary following all the intricacies of Bill's blow-job and the distortions and contortions about never having had sex, and the Flowers matter, and assorted other stories, and it's simply not right or proper for the lizards of Oz to lie doggo and imagine this later variation will all go away … and if Australia gets special exemptions from a few tariffs, everything will be hunky dory …

Oh okay, this was all just light TGIF lunchtime fun for the pond, and a chance to run a few Donald cartoons …


You see? Stormy is one of the few areas that American comedians have a competitive advantage …


  1. It's been an amazing week has it not?

    David Frum delivered one very sweet tweet on March 7th:

    - Sanders is trying to explain: “There was no agreement and Stormy Daniels is in breach of it.”

    1. I've got to admit it's getting better
      A little better all the time (It can't get no worse).


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