Thursday, February 15, 2018

In which the Moorice goes on parade and the pond jumps to attention ...

At last a sign of normality, and the return of sanity to the reptiles after Barners' bush bash ...

Usually the pond wouldn't go to a third sitting on a day, but when Moorice speaks, the pond jumps to attention. 

Always has, always will ... this is, after all, on any given day, one of the world's greatest climate scientists, and with any other number of areas of expert ability ...

Sure, some of the reptiles kept trying to stir the Barners' pot, and there was a regular parade of Barners' related matters and Jack the Insider even attempted a shocking comparison between Barners and other politicians of a clingy, cling-wrap kind ...


Why do the reptiles waste their time with this trivia, when Moorice has spoken and all would benefit from a little time at his feet listening?

You see, just as surely as Moorice keeps carrying on about the nonsense of climate science catastrophists, and their regular predictions of doom, how he also yearns for signs of economic disaster ... 

How he ferrets through the entrails, tea leaves and runes, and how he forms strange alliances in his practise of this arcane art...

Prayer? That's hardly a Donald strength, but oh how foolish it was of the pond to listen to the bromancer this day.

How could the pond allow the bromancer to stand, without a Moorice correction?

How foolish was the pond to think that the sage bromancer had got it right, and that all was well with Trumpism and the Pacific, and golly gosh, those Chinese just needed a stern talking-to from the new ambassador and they'd fold like straw dogs, and never mind the United States' lust for debt ...

Moorice has gone full bear, and if that's not a worry for the bulls, then nothing will shake their capacity for delusion.

Even worse, he almost goes the full Krugman ...

We'll all be rooned, said Hanrahan and then Krugman and now Moorice ...and what a worry that, as a result, the media elite might get to gloat, because there's nothing like a total fucking of the world economy to please the media elite ...

That does it. Moorice is over the Donald and is worried about what the debt-holding Chinese might do?

The pond will have to swear off the bromancer kool-aid, the starry-eyed sip that once slurped, promises grand Trumpian times ...

What a correction, what an emetic, what a purging, what a laxative for the mind ...

Will it change the bromancer? Probably not, when he falls, he falls hard ... just look how long it took him to break up with the onion muncher.

But now Moorice and Krugman are merely arguing about the timing, as to when the hard rain's gunna fall ... is that a sign there's an elephant in the room that the bromancer somehow couldn't see?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dorothy,

    Oh dear! Moorice must have taken a bath on his stocks in the last week, if he (a staunch follower of Milton Friedman) is using the very Keynesian term of “animal spirits”.

    I thought Moorice and his guru Friedman considered the markets infallible, just so long as government got out of their way.

    I sense that it won’t be too long before the begging bowl comes out again and the banks and the markets start their familiar refrain of “we are too big to fail” and yet again they will demand to socialise their losses.

    This from a man who flooded the Trump Administration with Goldman Sachs alumni.

    They truly try to have it both ways.



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