Wednesday, October 04, 2017

In which the pond helpfully connects the conspiracy dots for Dame Slap ...

Meanwhile, the real heroes are those who press on despite the difficult circumstances. The business of fear-mongering should never be allowed to rest, and valiant Joe Kelly was on the case for the lizards of Oz ...

Fear is good, fear is right, and naturally over at the Terror, the fearful Devine was full of fear, which oddly enough leads to hope ...

... the hope that fundamentalist Catholicism, bigotry and homophobia might still triumph, thanks to fear ...thanks to brave fearful mums ...

Oh keep the fear alive, feed it well with tears of pain ...

But of all the diligent warriors this day cultivating and treasuring the fear, how could the pond walk past a fearful Dame Slap, deeply afraid of losing?

The diligent Dame has discovered the real villain ...which comes as something of a shock to the pond because for the past few weeks, thanks to the reptiles, it has laboured under the delusion that the villain of the piece was AGL, and perhaps capitalism, and its shoddy edifices, and foreign blow-in entrepreneurs spruiking batteries...

Who knew that it was really greenie BHP all along?

Now the pond is disappointed about this story, not because BHP has displaced AGL as the real problem, but because Dame Slap has failed to make the leap and connect the dots.

Surely she should have realised that BHP is in an international conspiracy involving the United Nations and its push for a world government, as so cogently pointed out by Dame Slap herself not so long ago?

It really shouldn't be up to the pond to make this obvious sort of connection, but if that's what's required, please allow the pond to remind the Dame of her wondrous insights ...

There's more of course, but it's clear enough. The source of BHP's dangerous greenie ideas is clearly the UN and its push for world government.

Connect the fearful dots!

But sadly the pond can't spend all its time on old conspiracy theories, not when BHP presents such clear and present dangers. Please allow Cathy Wilcox  to sum up the deep thinking involved so we can move on...

And now it's back to the activist BHP, ruining everything with their faith-driven greenie jibber jabber ... unlike the tremendously scientific Dame Slap, who understands baloney has no place in a modern climate science sandwich ...

Indeed, indeed, and once again Cathy Wilcox has penetrated the veil of smug smog to help explain the dire situation ...

Indeed, indeed, and so to Dame Slap's poignant plea, a last stand for sanity ...

No, not that last stand, that's Frederic Remington at his silliest, showing a group of dismounted troopers and scouts making a last stand at the top of a rocky hill, which has nothing to do with the reality of Custer's situation, even if the main figure looks a little like an idealised Custer ... though come to think of it, a complete lack of reality does share a certain something with the Dame's last stand ...

It's come to this? Martin Ferguson or Gary Gray or the gravel-voiced gargler? Why they'd sell their mothers if they thought it would result in a decent profit for coal, so who better for these fearful times?

And so to Pope, returning to the main topic of the day with a relevant question, and with more Pope here ...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I was tempted to say the Dame had lost it but that piece from 2009 indicates "it" was gone long ago.

    Anybody who has had to deal with the public will know that, in the absence of facts, the truly stupid resort to personal attacks. They are not wrong, someone, possibly you, is out get them. If not you, it is a general conspiracy by persons unknown, with motives unknown, just to get them.

    Albrechtson's problem is that the facts, popular opinion & the market have all lined up against the things she has always believed. That last one hurts a lot. Actuaries have figured in climate change long ago, they have pencilled it into their calculations. Ditto energy companies - money trumps ideology any day.


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