Wednesday, October 25, 2017

In which the pond enjoys a happy ending with Dame Slap ...

Meanwhile, yesterday, the dog botherer maintained the rage, it being well-known that even Magda thinks the 'Yes' mob are just a mob of bullies ...

And poor old Crikey is worried about the reptiles' war on Tim Flannery ...

Do they have any idea how a holy war is properly conducted?

Take a photo of Szubanski and stick it below a line about the 'Yes' camp being bullies, and get the dog botherer to rabbit on about sanctimony, and you have perfect examples of reptile balance at its finest ...

And so to today where Dame Slap is on the case for suffering men ...

Indeed, indeed, and the opening par by the Dame is a ripper ...

Indeed, indeed, it seems Dame Slap loves a happy ending, and don't get the pond wrong, there's surely nothing wrong with working as a prostitute as a way of elevating the status of women ... especially if they know how to give a terrific massage, with a nod and a wink ... and a little jiggy jiggy of the hand ...

Who knew Dame Slap was all in favour of hookers? The pond had thought the Dame was all hard work and no play and no fun and certainly no happy endings, with a leer, a snigger and a wink wink and a say no more ...

... when it seems she's all in favour of a Luis Buñuel approach to life ...

Well the pond regularly thanks god it's an atheist, and so to the meat of the good Dame's argument ...

Indeed, indeed, a lynch mob is a lynch mob, and the pond never tweets, and it certainly is deplorable if tweeting is treated as a kind of rough justice, and worse, a forum for abusing politicians and as a kind of nonsensical form of 140 character policy-making ... though all that said, the pond is profoundly disappointed that Dame Slap hasn't found the room to defend hapless Bill Orally, forced to fork out $32 million for doing absolutely nothing wrong.

But let there be no doubt that trial be twitter is alarming. It's shocking and disturbing to live in this new world of twittering twits tweeting in their bullying, hectoring way, making a mockery of poor Melania's anti-bullying campaign ...

Here children, have a dose of kindness and consideration and amity and fellowship and goodwill ...

Now remind the pond, where was Dame Slap in all this?

Ah, that's right, slipping on a MAGA hat and heading out into the streets of New York to celebrate the erection of a pussy grabber ...

Hmm, what an unfortunate erection ...though it has to be said that the Dame is consistent in her support of pussy grabbers ... but will she finally get around to defending the hapless Bill Orally?

Sorry, Bill, no cigar this time, how sad you wasted $32 million for doing absolutely nothing ...

But still the Dame offers a lot shaming of the shamers  and a good, heartfelt, solid empowerment of men in search of a happy ending ...

Speaking of which, the pond was somehow reminded of a recent David Brooks' column ...on the question of how to engage with fanatics, no small matter given the way the pond engages with the fanatical reptiles ...

I’ve had a series of experiences over the past two weeks that leave the impression that everybody on earth is having the same conversation: How do you engage with fanatics? First, I was at a Washington Nationals game when a Trump supporter in the row in front of me unleashed a 10-minute profanity-strewn tirade at me, my wife and son...

So how did he go with all that Christian love and turning the other cheek and Martin Luther King civility?

Now I confess I didn’t respond to the Trump guy at the ballgame with all the noble sentiments I’ve put in this column....

Uh huh. Maybe there's a clue in there about how some women respond to the kind of pussy-groping offered by Harvey and the Donald, and enthusiastically endorsed* (* excluding standard legalese defences, "that's not to devalue" and "this is not a defence of Weinstein" and so on) by the MAGA-cap donning Dame ...

In the world of the twittering, wittering twit happily tweeting away, you now live or die by the tweet, and the grope ...

And now, as somehow sheep soon to be shorn turned up in the conversation like an angora sweater in an Ed Wood movie, it's time to switch genres, and turn to a Rowe cartoon, with more delicious sheep-shearing here ... and please, no wide blades of the kiwi kind ...



  1. Dame Slap: "...the rule of law, a concept explained by Aristotle more than 2000 years ago."

    Aristotle the pre-Christ Greek philosopher and pseudo-scientist ? That isn't very "Judaeo-Christian" then, is it. In fact, quite the contrary. The "rule of law" will have to go, then.

    So carry on with the twitter 'trial', it's all we've got.

  2. Some further thoughts about the Dame. She says:
    "...we put oafish male behaviour in the same category as women behaving rudely..."

    I kinda wondered just what womanly "rudeness" she'd put "in the same category" as a male initiated rape ? Just asking questions.

    I also kinda wondered what she taught her daughters and how they react to "oafish male behaviour" if they ever encounter any ?


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