Saturday, October 28, 2017

In which the pond does a magical mystery tour in time with the meretricious Merritt ...

Glorious days ...

There's the Donald revealed as part of a deep state vast government conspiracy to hide the truth about Ted Cruz's father ...

How long before the final redacted papers turn up, and Ted Cruz's father is found guilty, and/or Cruz finds a spine?

And there's the rooster Malware, who personally in his infinite wisdom, told the High Court what to think, and then they generously gave him a piece of their own sensible - the pond might even say obvious - mind ...

And the result? Why social media gone wild with a sense of fun ...


But the pond had other fush and chups to fry. 

You see, sensing that it might come in handy one day, the pond clipped this piece by the meretricious Merritt ... it will be noted that it's dated to the delusional day of 11th October, back in the magical mystery tour time of some long lost reptile Brigadoon ...

M'lud, if it might please the court, surely this is a desperate attempt at vainglorious thinking by a deluded buffoon who dares to call himself a legal affairs editor ...

The dog botherer might offer this as an explanation ...

But it seemed clear enough that futtocky fuckwits scribbling for the lizard Oz was what ruined politics ...

Why offer a straw of hope when a Malware is likely to seize it as a way of fixing the hole in the bucket?

And so this day, the pond was hardly surprised to discover the meretricious Merritt featured near the top of the digital page with an entirely different story ...

Say what? This vandalism needed stopping as Malware battles to save himself from his own preening, smirking stupidity?

Yep, the meretricious Merritt once more waded in the deep end ...

Better late than never? 

The age of reptiles clutching at straws is over?

The meretricious Merritt finally came to his senses?

Actually, apart from the ongoing matter of Ted Cruz's father, there are two mysteries that continue ... why Merritt keeps on scribbling, and even more peculiar and inexplicable, why the pond keeps following the reptiles into the labyrinth of their mindless nonsense ...

There is, however, no mystery in why the pond enjoys a Pope cartoon, with more papal hysteria here ...

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