Saturday, April 09, 2022

In which the pond has no regrets consigning the dog botherer to the late arvo slot ...




The pond feels no regret, no remorse, no sense of shame consigning the dog botherer to the late arvo slot, even though the dog botherer sounds truly desperate this day, what with angry pensioners out and about ... the liar from the Shire can still ascend in a dog bothering rapture ...



The pond will admit that it's a compleat shame to waste a few Wilcox cartoons just to keep up the level of interest, what with the dog botherer being the same old same old, but the pond has some catching up to do, and should really pay attention ...

Oh yes indeed, and so back to the dog botherer, and lordy lordy even for the dog botherer does it start to go strange and weird and deeply disturbed ...



Oh indeed, indeed, what's a dog bothering climate science denialist to do?



 And that's why the pond could clap hands and laugh when the dog botherer led with the nuking option ... followed by a standard nuking of the ABC ...



Such naked hope, such naked fear, and if only the pond had another Wilcox, but it must save one for the end ...




Oh look at that shameless pair, as all the dog botherer can do is urge the liar from the Shire to go as barking mad as the dog botherer, as a certain way to ensure that his reign might continue ...



What a Ginsbergian howl of pain, what a cry in the wilderness, and yet the pond has hopes, a hope celebrated by Wilcox ...





  1. Putting our Bovverer into the late arvo slot is quite appropriate. Actually, these words are more likely to have been put up by DogBot 2.4. The first paragraph might be read as suggesting that the Bov. considers himself able to detect, nay comment on, ‘tectonic shifts in cultural and political evolution’. In his circumstances, those factors are no more high-minded than watching the Foxes to gauge what Rupert might look for in his other sources of independent opinion.

    The real banality comes lower down (in both senses) where DB2.4 writes ‘Morrison’s major political mistakes . . . .have been to abandon conservative positions, such as embracing net zero, failing to stand up against state government overreach . . . and largely ducking the crucial cultural battles around education, identity politics and public broadcasting.’

    You could derive a supposed ‘Conservative’ position on net zero by reference to the Alkali Acts. The position of the Conservative party of that time was essentially to do nothing to reduce air and water pollution that were direct and obvious health hazards, so it was left to the still new Liberals to try to restore streams so downstream industries might use the water, and, at the very least, it did not cause more premature deaths of children.

    It is difficult to synthesise a separate ‘Conservative’ position on the relative powers of a federal government, and a group of states - when those states formed the federation voluntarily, and have a written constitution, act of the British parliament, to spell out how those powers are allocated.

    Education - yep, go back to 19th century England, during Conservative governments - education for the children of the masses should not interfere with their work in factories or mines, and was often left to charitable religious groups. Identity politics - in those same periods, all politics was identify politics. Just settle back and read about the long series of ‘Reform Acts’. Finally, public broadcasting - well, Joseph Lyons established the Australian Broadcasting Corporation.

    The writing style of DB2.4 contains plenty of big words - its resources of memory and definition need more input. It should not be used for publication without further beta testing.

    1. I just have this thought that you're too clever by half for a pitiful DB2.4, Chad.

  2. Oh my; so according to the Doggy Bov: "If Scott Morrison can find a way to focus the contest on the pressing challenges of our time - economic security, national security, border security, energy security, all the securities..." Yep, all the "securities" except the only one that actually matters: planetary environmental security, the lack of which simply has the certainty of ruining everything.

    But never mind, in the Doggy Bov's imaginary universe, "voters, en masse, have a habit of making wise decisions." Sure we do, sure we do. There's not one single election ever held in Australia that didn't produce an optimal outcome. But then, what's this: "Concerns about the economic risk of Labor would be much higher if the Coalition had not generated so much debt and trumpeted such profligate spending." Oh, you mean voting for $loMo wasn't actually a "wise decision" by the electorate ?

  3. Marina Hyde on fire today:

    1. The pond should find a way to put in a permanent link to Hyde. Not sure if it was fire or ice. Some say the world will end in Marina's fire, some say in Marina's ice ...but if the pond had to perish twice, it thinks it knows enough of writing to say that for destruction, Marina's ice is also great and would suffice...

  4. Much merriment there, thank you Anonymous. It seems Lynton Crosby is still available to mastermind the Boris government. That should start any day now.

  5. Can anyone imagine themselves voluntarily having a beer with Frydenberg, like "I love to have a beer with Duncan ...)?

    1. I'm tempted to wonder if anybody would, Joe, but then there are some very depraved people in the wingnut world.

  6. As youse are not classy nuff for The Review, youse have missed out on a double dip into the Doggy Bov's menu of complaint this fine weekend - he's reviewed a small publication written by David Anderson, describing his time at the ABC. It's titled Now More Than Ever.

    I'll never read it, I can't imagine many will - but does it ignite Doggy Bov into a repetitive listicle of his much aired moans. You bet your sweet bippy it does.

    Overtime payments at aisle 6 please!


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