Friday, April 08, 2022

In which the hole in the bucket man muses about justice and Thucydides and all that stuff ...



As usual, the pond must show its workings, and as usual the pond must start with the front page of the lizard Oz tree killer edition, to check that Klive's kash is making its way into the reptiles' klaws ...





Do the reptiles pause for even a nanosecond and reflect on how the moronic mendacity of a screeching "save your homes, save your homes" ad reflects on them? 

Apparently not, because a couple of junior reptiles led with this note ...




Guys, guys, routinely, almost day after day, certainly week after week, the reptiles have naturally gravitated, in a greedy way to the nutty advertising of Clive and the lesser Kelly ... suggesting that the reptiles would rather trouser the money and never mind the flaring imbecility. 

The tree killer ad at the bottom of the page has become a foghorn of ignorance because of the reptile love of cash in the claw ... and to date the pond has seen no hint of the reptiles wanting to distance themselves from their greed ...

As for the rest, it was a sorry bunch ... though there was this little note worth mentioning ...



Why that's worth a Rowe just to kickstart the day, with more kickstarters always here ...





So to the comments section, and it became an easy choice ...





The pond has no interest in bubble-headed booby Claire celebrating teacher's and reptile pet Noel Pearson, nor does the pond feature Gra Gra, in his own Swiss bank account lunchtime a coal lover and climate science denialist ... and the spectre of the surging far right in France is not as interesting as the surging far right in News Corp ...

So, workings fully on display, the pond settled back for the standard Friday history and philosophy lesson from the reptiles' meandering hole in the bucket repair man ...

Weighty matters, and a grim Thucydides to boot, and in the quest for justice, the pond wondered if our hole in the bucket man's kissing American cousins might ever be brought to justice. The pond never thought it would be quoting Max Boot, but there he was in the WaPo remembering recent war crimes ...




And so on, but sadly it's unlikely the treasonous criminals will be brought to justice any time soon, though there are precedents for how to deal with the Lord Haw-Haws and Tuckyo Roses who strut the stage in time of war...

Sorry, our Henry is sublimely unaware of the company he keeps, and so he carries on ...


Indeed, indeed, but what about indicting lickspittle forelock tuggers and fellow travellers and appeasers of the kind that got the Boot on the wrong foot?


Never mind, our hole in the bucket man remains locked in his own world ...


Sadly our Henry won't be examining any of his fellow reptiles' actions any time soon, or even ask the question whether there's someone worse than Vlad the impaler in the world, someone who facilitates and enables his crimes ...






Ah right, well that's a variation on pure evil ...






And so to finish up with our Henry, and just to rub salt in the wound, the reptiles used the chance to offer up a click bait video, which the pond had carefully neutered ...


Justice has its demands? The sooner it comes into play, the sooner the atrocities of Faux Noise that have filled some screens in recent times will become a thing of the past?

In the pond's dreams ...

What else? Well jolly Joe has been out and about flogging his book, thanks to ancient Troy, but that's only worth a late arvo slot, so for a bonus, the pond turned to the lizard Oz editor, still making out like a bandit with one of comrade Bill's sidekicks ...



Still with mining the Milner for kicks? The pond has observed a number of times that Crikey and in particular the Grundler grundling away about Vlad the impaler is dead to the pond, except when they come in handy, and this is one such time when the Grundle had something interesting to say about the Milner and the reptiles ...



Yes, just as the pond suspected ... and you have to admire the ability of the rats in the comrade Bill ranks to snatch defeat from any talk of victory. Oh he'll do a Jeremy and in the end at some distant point there will be a comrade Bill light on the hill ...

It made it easier to understand the rest of the lizard Oz editorial ...





Ah, after the rats in the ranks blather comes blather about Clive and the heights of absurdity and yet, and yet ... what's on the desperate and greedy front page of the tree killer edition day after day? The absurd lust after Klive's Kash in the Klaw ...


So it goes in reptile la la land, and so to an infallible Pope to end the day by going over the top and into battle ...






  1. While I am here - I am told that Q'n'A last night was graced by Gideon Rozner, Director of Policy for the IPA, and he listed many failings of the Prime Minister (Scott Morrison). $loMo did have Anne Ruston, Minister for Trifles, to boost his case, in her usual ebulliently cheerful way, but - the IPA is rating $loMo down? Has Dame Slap been making calls to the Dutton, and Rupert, about arranging a coup?

  2. "Albanese faces a greater job." says the editorialist about the search for authenticity.

    Does he? Does he really?

    Not sure the IPA head who exploded on QandA last night would entirely agree with you. In fact, his excoriating missile launched at "theworstPMever" would rather tend to signal that Gina and Rupert are letting Stunt Mo go free - he can seek authenticity in say, Hawaii. Take it away Gids:

    “Scott Morrison would have to be in my opinion the worst Prime Minister the Liberal Party has put up since Billy McMahon, except that Billy McMahon had principles,”

    1. Thank you VC - you have persuaded me to watch Q'n'A; about to summon it up on iView. That is actually a great line from Gids, I look forward to hearing it.

  3. Yoni and Christine: "...the UAP allegedly has a number of Jewish candidates standing for election." Whenever I see something like that, I just have to wonder if they are matriarchal, genetic (ie dad but not mum), religious or just ethnic or social 'jews'; and what kind of 'jewishness' they would actually lay claim to.

  4. Hmmm. Biden finds Murdoch 'most dangerous man in the world', new book says.

    Yeah maybe, but don't forget: "Study: You Can Deprogram Fox News Viewers by Showing Them CNN"

    Maybe the 'most dangerous man in the world' isn't Roopie, its every one of those dumbos who are too stupid or too lazy (or both) to deprogram themselves.


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