Saturday, April 02, 2022

In which the dog botherer is left in splendid isolation, with his Killer fear of masks sent to a late arvo slot ...


The pond has decided, on a whim and perhaps a dime, that the dog botherer is exceptionally tiresome, far beyond the valley of the tedious and so deserves the punishment of a late arvo slot where few will notice his whining and moaning ... all the more so because today he decided to do a Killer Creighton impression ...

Frankly nobody does a Killer routine better than the Killer, and the dog botherer doing masks is really weird ...

For a start, that snap of parliament is so wide that it fails to conjure up a proper Killer fear of masks ...

What was needed was something evocative ...

Or perhaps this ...

Sorry, sorry, wrong sort of mask, though the pond suspects that sort of frightening visage was what gave Killer his childhood trauma about masks ...

Being the dog botherer, and speaking of war criminals, as the pond occasionally does, notorious for helping Lord Downer blitz Iraq, one rabid whine always leads to another ...

So many reptile clichés in the one gobbet, from virtue-signalling to Wuhan, though strangely it's only the "potential origin". Didn't simplistic Sharri convince the dog botherer?

As for granny killing, how pleasing to see that it's still going on, and a tribute to the work of some of the reptiles ...

Meanwhile, the range of moaning and whining doesn't get that much wider, though the notion of the dog botherer as a wild-eyed, brave and bold libertarian, while plumply sitting behind his Sky News desk, tends to the risible...

There's one thing missing from this dog botherer rant, though the pond will admit that his "won't someone think of the children" rant is up there with Helen Lovejoy ...

The missing item?

In any rabid dog botherer rant, there's always a mention of coal or climate science, or denialism ... so will the dog botherer stay true to form in the final gobbet ... of will he blow the chance?

Say what? No mention of coal, no climate science, no denialism? The dog botherer is below par, and as for that swipe at Obama and Biden, how quickly the reptiles forget ...

Perhaps the pond could help the dog botherer with his memory lapse ...

Yes, the quisling beloved by News Corp and the dog botherer's kissing US cousins at Faux Noise has been out and about helping with the fight against tyranny ...

The dog botherer finished awhile back, but perhaps just one after dinner mint at Vanity Fair ...

There's your fight against tyranny in a News Corp nutshell, and as the dog botherer forgot to mention his deep and abiding love of coal, perhaps the pond could help by turning to Kudelka, as the pond always does on a Saturday by heading off here ...

1 comment:

  1. It's when I read the Doggy Bov that I begin to grasp why religions have lasted so long: complete and total disconnection from any grasp of reality. So no matter what is said or done or by whom, Doggy Bov has formed his picture of the world and nothing will ever be able to shake it, because no part of reality ever reaches him. Though basically religion is essentially very strong mental compartmentalisation which isn't our DB.

    As Forbes contributor Todd Essig describes it: "...psychosis has multiple causes and many different features. What they share is that the person loses contact with external reality. This usually takes the form of hallucinations, delusions, disordered thinking, and disturbances in affect." Yep, that's our Doggy B right enough. Actually, it's all of the reptiles deep down, come to think of it.


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