Wednesday, April 06, 2022

In which "Ned's" natter and Dame Slap's love of the mango Mussolini find a home in the pond's late arvo slot ...



As promised, it's time for a dose of nattering "Ned" and Dame Slap.

But because the pond likes to show its workings - always show your workings, they thundered at Tamworth High - here's the reason. 

Neither of them had a whit or jot of point to them, so why not consign them to a late arvo slot?

Here's "Ned", whittering on in the usual rambling, handwringing, sky is falling "Ned" way ...





You see? It's just the usual interminable "Ned" ramble, with mentions of "inner flaws", and "psychological damage", because you know, better the man from marketing ...

Just to make it clear where "Ned's" heart reposed, the reptiles slipped in a snap of the glorious winner in golden times ...





Ah, memories. Burnt out ends of smoky days and Labor nightmares, the stale, cold smell of morning, a street lamp dies, another night is over, another day is dawning, and the celebration might yet come again ...

As an aside, please allow the pond to note that it was reading this version of "Ned" on the web, and clicked on the web version to open the web version, only to find that the web version it was reading seemed to contain the web version that promised content only available on the web version. Oh and there was no mention of "Ned" reading his words of wisdom to himself ... so perhaps the web version didn't contain the vital component that the pond was seeking in the web version ...


As for the rest? Poor old "Ned" was sounding tortured in the usual "Ned" way, and it's true that the pond couldn't decide what was more shocking ... the treachery, or the way that the wretched traitor decided to give her op ed to that bloody milksop colonial invader, the Graudian ...


There's a lot more here, but following on from Lloydie of the Amazon this morning, the pond was startled by the depth of the treachery and the persecution of Lachy's larrikins, just doing their coal-loving jobs for Gina's team ...

...The climate change fight has divided and just exhausted many of us in the NSW Liberals. And sitting here in the flood-ravaged northern rivers I can only deplore how much time has been lost.
Somehow the federal Liberal party, encouraged by the Murdoch press, has delayed the urgent need for climate change action by at least 15 years. To give you an idea as to how completely anti-intellectual and stupid this is, just read Andrew Bolt’s opinion piece in the Daily Telegraph last week saying it was “woke warmists” (climate change activists) like Tim Flannery who caused Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. This is the sort of commentary the Liberal party has indulged and wedged and tried to harness into votes. It’s appalling.
Robert Menzies invested in the CSIRO, universities and schools, and spoke with great intellectual power about the role of education and science in powering a modern Australia. These values have been totally abandoned by the Morrison government. And I am not happy that successive NSW Liberal premiers have handed the education portfolio to the Nationals, because education is the core business of any Liberal government. Like agriculture for the Nationals and industrial relations for Labor, for us, it’s education. Our philosophy of hard work, competition and markets only works because every child has the opportunity of a first-class education. Our rhetoric falls flat on its face if education isn’t progressing. It’s who we are in terms of fairness and equity. I cannot understand how this – our most sacred core value – has been palmed off to another party. It’s all about inside deals where what we stand for and care about is now negotiable and can be bargained away. Koalas are on that list. I am so incredibly disappointed – not for myself, but for our higher duty to Australia.

Encouraged by the Murdoch press? The Bolter mentioned in despatches? The man is appalling? But surely in the reptiles' alternative universe, woke alarmists made Vlad the butcher invade Ukraine? Why, talk of climate science would surely lead any reptile to massacre a bunch of civilians in the most brutal and casual way imaginable ...

Well "Ned's" not going to take that sort of treasonous guff, not when he has his own patented brand of guff ...



Beyond the valley of the pathetic really.  

"Labor cannot be criticised for wanting to win"

You can't get a more stupid, sillier observation than that, except perhaps the notion that SloMo had a substantial reform agenda thwarted by his situation ... as opposed to SloMo wanting to look after number one, and if it takes walking away from his Hillsong mates, that's an easy thing to do ...

What's wrong with "Ned"?!

Of course Labor can be criticised for wanting to win. Tories were born and bred to rule the land, and any attempt at being upstart winners must be immediately put down by Lachy's larrikins ...

At this point, the pond would usually turn to a Rowe or a Pope for a little light relief before proceeding, but not to worry, the pond has plenty of cartoons to hand to help it through Dame Slap's offering ...


Ah, it's the old gone to the dogs routine, the golden age of war criminal little Johnny and so on and so forth, as if Dame Slap was bracing herself for a loss, harping on, just like "Ned" about factional warfare.

But when was the golden age beloved by Dame Slap? Here the pond must drag out an ancient but timeless celebration by the reptile warrior ...





Yes, there's your, or at least Dame Slap's. golden age triumph, and what a win it was ...



Well the pond did promise some cartoons, and they were desperately needed, because soon enough Dame Slap began one of her usual litanies ...


Oh indeed, indeed, whereas Dame Slap celebrated the mango Mussolini, while hinting that the UN was intent on using climate science to establish world government by Xmas ...

You won't find any morality or virtue in that ...


It goes without saying that all this is the fault of Twitter, and absolutely nothing to do with Lachy's larrikins or Faux Noise, or Tuckyo Carlson or the Bolter, or Dame Slap herself ...

Did Dame Slap just admit her deep and abiding guilt? Did the pond read Dame Slap right?

"The next time you despair over the state of politics in this country, remember the faux moralising of Dame Slap and Dame Slap's reliable intolerance of anyone who disagrees with her".

Sorry, must have been a typo, and that's why it's on with SloMo's victory, just as the triumph of the mango Mussolini created such great joy in Dame Slap's heart ...and if that's not possible, why then bah humbug and a pox on the lot of you from Dame Slap ...

And so to a final couple of cartoons, and who cares if they're relevant to Dame Slap, any cartoon in an impending storm says the pond ...



  1. The Woman from Wycheproof has launched her exposé of the electoral campaign for those of use who are quite unaware of the intricacies of this one. Oh to be of the enlightened. It is available, of course, on Youtube

    - and is already circulating across sites like Tony Windsor's Twitter, but for reasons that Ms Wycheproof may not have intended. Comment to Windsor included 'This "smear" campaign is hilarious — it's actually a 13min ad for climate action...oh my god lol.'

    It will take only 13 minutes of your life, and is worth it to see an example of misguided missilery of such quality. You can also answer the question 'Who is the Minister assisting the Prime Minister?' whcih I certainly could not have done before I watched this.

    What was it $loMo said about leaving these things to the professionals?

    1. Oh my: "wasting time shoring up electorate seats that by rights shouldn't be at risk" and later on by a Lib functionary: "part of the avalanche of left-wing people who are against us in this coming election".

      They really do have such a childlike belief in the over-riding legitimacy of their god-given "entitlements" don't they. And getting the Muncher along to spruik about how he'd "prefer to be a loser than a quitter". And he was - a pathetic loser, that is.

  2. And thinking about the world of the mango Mussolini, here's some interesting reading:

    Study: You Can Deprogram Fox News Viewers by Showing Them CNN


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