Wednesday, April 20, 2022

In which the pond indulges in a preamble before indulging in "Ned" and Dame Slap ...




What with the war in Ukraine and other depravities, the pond is sometimes in urgent need of distraction, and last night YouTube delivered.

While the pond tended the washing, it watched Colbert in full flight in the matter of Tuckyo Carlson's latest folly ...

“Coming from a Fox News anchor, that is a refreshing and positive display of homoeroticism,” he said, in reference to Carlson's "documentary" blathering on about testicle tanning. 

And it's true that the imagery and the wondrous Kubrickian Straussian music in the trailer were full Leni Riefenstahl, a bizarre cross between her interminable films about the Olympics, and Triumph of the Wilful Dick. 

What makes it so comical is that Carlson himself is milksop without hair - a slithering eel or the whitest dick ever if you will - with his brand for years featuring the wearing of a bow tie.

It reminded the pond, in the usual Godwin's law-breaking way, that the Nazis who glorified manly men were themselves an unedifying bunch of misfits. Check out Steve Bannon and see if you think he fits the pattern for manly men, as opposed to beasts slouching towards Bethlehem ...

Colbert also couldn't resist a dig at Florida, the mullet of America.

The state rejected 41% of new math textbooks for containing what they claim to be Critical Race Theory language or “at least they think it’s 41%, for some reason they suck at math”.

There is a refusal to provide any examples but the process is being described as transparent. “I guess they also banned dictionaries because that’s not what transparent means,” he said.
(The Graudian liked it so well they gave the pond an easy crib).

And so on, and then the pond caught a James O'Brien rant about what it must be like to make a living being paid to lie to defend a lying law-breaker. 

That was just the flavouring for the real sauce ... the inane spectacle of a minor BoJo loon trotting on to Sky News to be given a Burley time. It's probably a bit personal for Burley, given she was handed a six month suspension for a Covid breach herself,

If you want to relive the moment, the Northern Island Secretary is still there on YouTube lying his socks off, but the pond recommends that only specialists approach with extreme caution.

And then there's the United States going full Taliban on the matter of abortion. Say what you will, not to allow an abortion where rape and incest is involved, is beyond the valley of the Taliban (and the pond woke up to news of the woeful Taliban mishandling of a deadly blast at a boys' school in Kabul).

Yet if you draw attention to any of these absurdities, somehow you become fully woke.

Sorry, the pond knows its duty is just to report on the latest reptile droppings, studying them with the same fascination a scientist might apply to the implications of finding lashings of scat in the wild ... but there is a rough connection, because this day the reptiles reverted to full tranny bashing at the top of the tree killer edition ...





No Klive Kash in reptile Klaw, but full KKK all the same, with the reptiles apparently unaware that mixed sport has been all the go for years ...






Relax, it's only touch, they'll get beyond the touching in due course ... 

But no, the reptiles were determined to keep it alive in the digital edition too ...



Yes fuckwits and loons won't be silenced, fuckwits and loons must be heard, and that's more than enough of a lengthy introduction.

Now it's sleepy time, with a serve of "Ned", furiously explaining why doing anything about corruption on a federal level is a shocking matter ...






Indeed, indeed, and to prove it, "Ned" himself is about as shallow, and nakedly self-serving as it gets ... what with News Corp itself having lined up for the odd serve of government cash in the paw ... Mates looking after mates. Coalition has an impressive array of programs to fund News Corp, said Crikey back in 2020. 

The piece even mentioned "Ned" by name ...

No wonder, as The Australian’s bloviator-at-large Paul Kelly admitted this week, that the paper isn’t merely conservative or even right-wing, but actively provides partisan support for the Coalition. The company stands to do very well indeed from the government.

Sorry, back to the scratching of backs for mutual pleasure ...


Indeed, indeed, it's so much more fun to be a professional liar, trotting off to the telly to defend an inveterate liar lying about his law-breaking ...

Sorry, how did BoJo end up back in the mix, when we have our very own liar from the Shire ... resulting in a dossier of lies and falsehoods ...

 The pond will acknowledge that at least "Ned" is shameless ...




Uh huh ... and poor old sweet innocent Gladys too, don't forget Gladys ... and then came the ultimate insight ...a flash of awareness astonishing to behold. The pond didn't think the aged bloviator had it in him ...


There you have it, in a nutshell, straight from the goose's beak ...

"The Liberals have lost the integrity debate."

As beefy boofhead Angus himself might say, Amen to that ...and pass the rorts, brother ...

And now, simply because it's the pond's duty, a serve of Dame Slap ...




Dame Slap free of generalisations? 

The idea is a complete hoot, up there with all the other hoots that set the pond off this day ... all the more hooty because this very piece is full of simplifications, distortions and generalisations, in the Dame Slap way ... you know, like "the catchcrcy of modern women..."

You don't get more general than that, with a "seems to be" thrown in for good measure and vague generalist import,  and the pond without the first clue as to the point of blathering on about "modern women", when Dame Slap simply means women in the now moment, perhaps as opposed to the fevered women in planet Janet, far above the faraway tree ... and though it's hard to imagine, Dame Slap went downhill from there, in a generalist sort of way ...



At this point, the pond should interrupt to note that the reptiles slipped in a click bait video, and the pond carefully neutered it ...


As an organ of record, the pond cares about these sorts of details, and frankly making a note of this sort of interstitial is much better than dealing with Dame Slap on a humbug roll, generalising about the problems of generalisations ...



The funny thing here? "Why not throw out the groupthink...?"

The reptiles and News Corp are full of groupthink. If someone says tranny bashing is the new team sport, then everyone signs up to play the game ...

It's a bit like being a professional liar paid to lie about a notorious liar lying about his lawbreaking ...

The infallible Pope at last returned, and offered a valuable counterpoint to all Dame Slap's blather, and instead of modern women, we got modern Liberal electorates ...






And now, anxious to avoid a late arvo outing, the pond checked out the other reptile offerings for the day ...





Ah, the good old bouffant one doing the usual sucking up, but what's this, the bromancer out and about?

The pond always gives the bromancer a run, but this was just a disappointing demand for a debate. Luckily it was a short one, so the pond could do its duty ...





Oh dear, the bromancer spoiling for a fight, and none to be found ... but at least he kept his moaning short ...




Deep uncertainty about the future of NATO?

Oh dear, so much preliminary reading and viewing to do before any debate ...





And after all that you might end up back with the bow-tie man and Tucker Carlson's new argument is that NATO (and Kamala Harris) tricked Putin into war   ...

And so to the Rowe of the day ... with more Rowe here ...




Hang on, hang on, the pond can't leave it there without a celebration of manly men ...





Original? What would Leni say?


  1. "And after all that you might end up back with the bow-tie man and Tucker Carlson's new argument is that NATO (and Kamala Harris) tricked Putin into war..."

    Quite hilarious really, isn't it - but then Tuckyo Carlson is a dedicated Rupert minion and has the reptile ability to come up with any kind of nonsense that supports his viewpoint and 'owns the Libs'. However, we should perhaps note that 'nazi' doesn't generally mean to Russians what it may mean to everybody else: to Russians, 'nazi' doesn't mean anti-jew, it means anti-Russian, simply because it was 'Nazi Germany' that slaughtered Russians and tried to conquer Russia.

    See Slava Malamud (Russian emigre to the US):


  2. The broiling Bro: "Joe Biden's Democrats facing a wipe-out in the mid-term elections" Hmm, well the President's party almost always loses the midterms, and this time is not likely to be an exception - and Biden is very likely to lose both houses this time around because his margins are so small. An interesting next two years in America coming, just like in Obama's first term.

  3. The thing I enjoy most about Slappy is just how thoughtlessly automatic is her devotion to attribution and projection. So she spouts: "Whatever happened to the notion of judging individuals on their individual merits, free from generalisations based on aggregate observations about one or other group to which the individual may belong." And that from someone who happily attributes all sorts of evil to the "group" of woke-Lefties and then projects her prejudices onto them.

    But the one that entertained me most today was one of her regulars: "For example, what would they [members of the group "feminists"] make of studies that show many more women than men choose to care for their children, therefore these women work in particular jobs, put in fewer hours, are less attached to careers than men ? If you accept these generalisations about women and work, then it has big ramifications for the fairness of quotas. In other words, when men and women do not compete in equal numbers for jobs, any sort of quota or preference system for women is inherently unjust to men."

    Apart from some minor queries such as what studies ? conducted by whom ? when ? where ? were they peer reviewed and published ? there remains the question: for how long did the women sacrifice their careers to their child-rearing and did this attributed behaviour in fact cause a female-male imbalance in employment situations, and if so, by how much.

    And even if it is more or less as Slappy would like to think she can persuade us to believe, then instead of just accepting that situation shouldn't we be trying to: (1) share the child-rearing work more evenly between men and women and (2) establish 'child-rearing' facilities in connection with workplaces so that both men and women can make a more even commitment to achieving balance between children and career ?

    But no, I don't suppose $loMo would never accept that and the IPA would claim that it should all be by "personal responsibility" anyway.

  4. So Kelly thinks that having royal commissions into the opposition is OK but having a ICAC
    is not OK.


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