Monday, April 04, 2022

In which the pond continues its completist onion muncher duties, but in a late arvo slot so no-one will notice ...







The pond is something of a completist, and so it simply couldn't ignore the onion muncher this day in the lizard Oz ...

Sure, the onion muncher is late on the scene - Vlad the impaler, the invader, the war monger - first launched an unholy war on Ukraine on 24th February, and here it is the 4th April and finally Mr Irrelevance decides to make a stand - but that attempt to strut the world stage, a form of impotent futility, deserves some recognition, even if the piece itself is full of the usual pieties, the always lurking pomposity, and routine self-glorification of the "my government" kind ...


Oh dear, Australia's robust response? It's just the onion muncher using Ukraine's tragedy to score cheap political points? If the Ukrainians had hung around waiting for an Australian response, chances are the civilian butchers would have overrun the country.

Sadly it seems the war is just a chance for Mr Irrelevance to wander down memory lane and talk yet again of "my government" ...

The pond hopes the Ukrainians realise that they shouldn't count on the onion muncher, getting all teary about his glory days ...

How to cope? Why not some completely irrelevant cartoons? The pond led with one, and here's another celebrating democracy in action ...



And now back to the onion muncher hacking it out for the reptiles, trading on the deeds of others ...


Dear sweet long absent lord, the pond had forgotten how the onion muncher loved to hear the sound of his own voice, somehow imagining that it had a Churchillian ring, as opposed to a sounding brass or a clanging cymbal ...

Quick waiter, a relieving irrelevant cartoon ...

And so back for the final gobbet, which thankfully is short because there's only so much meandering irrelevance even an onion muncher can produce ...
Is there anything more that the onion muncher can do to alienate the pond and produce a profound sense of futility while a war criminal carries on regardless?
Yep, he draws himself up to his full pompous height and starts off a par with "In my judgment" ... you know, in my opinion, to my mind, in my view, to my way of thinking, I believe, I think, as I see it, if you ask me, personally, in my book, for my money, in my estimation, in my pompous cliché-laden carry on ... 

The pond will settle for the judgment of Zelensky and the Ukrainian people, battling a butcher, but for those who want the self-regarding bromancer, here he is ...

Oh fucketty fuck, not two "in my judgments" in the one gobbet ...
Look, the pond doesn't mind the onion muncher belatedly realising in April that there's a war on ... and that we should be helping.
That's the sort of prompt response we could have expected when he was PM, and the pond thanks the long absent lord that the Ukrainians didn't need his huge morale-boosting before the 4th of April to dish it out to Vlad the impaler, but why does the onion muncher bother, and why do the reptiles encourage him?
The pond has no idea, but it has carried out its completist duties and will end with another cartoon ...



  1. Hi Dorothy,

    With Abbott, once you get past the three word slogan, you soon realise he’s as weak as piss.


    1. Weak as piss will do nicely DW, and the pond had thought of running the cuddly koala and cuddly Putin snap again, and will probably go there one more time if he sticks his head up again ...

    2. "The more, the bigger" - he can't even get his metaphors right.

  2. The Muncher: "so I hope we're planning to send at least a hundred [Bushmasters] of the just over a thousand we have." Ok, so at 4 Bushmasters per C-17 that means an absolute minimum of 25 C-17 flights to where ? Now apparently Australia has all of 8 C-17s, so that's at least 3 flights per aircraft. There and back to wherever they are going.

    How long will that take to arrange ? Couldn't we just have given the Ukraine our useless F-35s instead ?

    But hey: "I told our parliament 'the bullying of small nations by big ones, the trampling of justice and decency in the pursuit of national aggrandisement, and reckless indifference to human life, should have no place in our world'." Oh my, the Muncher has finally come to his senses about the Iraq invasion. Or did he perhaps mean Vietnam ? Or maybe he meant in 1956 when Britain, France and Israel invaded Egypt to steal back the Suez Canal ?

    1. There was an even richer irony when it came to the Suez canal, per its wiki ...

      After the fighting had started, political pressure from the United States, the Soviet Union and the United Nations led to a withdrawal by the three invaders. The episode humiliated the United Kingdom and France and strengthened Nasser.

      Those were the days ...

    2. "As a result of the conflict, the United Nations created the UNEF Peacekeepers to police the Egyptian–Israeli border, British prime minister Anthony Eden resigned, Canadian external affairs minister Lester Pearson won the Nobel Peace Prize, and the USSR may have been emboldened to invade Hungary."

      The very late not so very great Anthony Eden. Those were indeed the good old days.

  3. There is nothing more annoying than English Fops who can't get a job in the UK, coming out here and thinking their background and accent gives them the right to tell us about Australia and what we should do?
    They all find a home in Murdoch's shit house.

    1. Certainly Cater and Morgan - any more prominent examples to add to the current list ?


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