Friday, April 16, 2021

in which the pond offers an RN refugee as its TGIF highlight, before spending the usual quality time with our Henry and the bromancer ...


What a relief to be able to start a TGIF with a genuinely moronic reptile who isn't our hole in the bucket man. 

Instead RN has loaned the doofus to the reptiles so that he might produce one of those standard moronic litanies the reptiles love so well ...



The pond thought hard as to whether it should cancel the swishing Switzer, but by golly, mine tink it, he fit today's pond ...


Mine tinkit pond readers come back to cope a dose of this standard serve of cancel culture tripe ...


Oh just fuck off back to RN to elevate that station's credentials as the thinking person's ABC ...


It will be noted that the pond hasn't bothered to argue with this moronic level of litany - when the pond hears "cancel culture" it quickly reaches for its Glock - and instead has just run a few ads. You know, in the end Coon hasn't been cancelled, just a brand name, an outdated and irrelevant and offensive one at that... but morons always mistake the dressing for the substance, and in the swishing Switzer, we have a truly mindless and hysterical one ...


You know, in the old days, it was common, the desire not to cause offence, or even to take a gate. Of course it only applied to the dominant white culture - irritating wogs and difficulty, uppity blacks need not apply.

But there was something about considering other people and showing a little empathy that had a certain appeal. These days?

Oh just fuck off back to RN with your paranoid hysteria, and the blathering about the end of civilisation and history crap, but please don't go empty handed, allow the pond to present you with a shirt as the prize winner for this week's reptile stupidity contest ...


And now the pond can relax and get on with our Henry ...

Weird shit. Our Henry in his bid to go back in time to help SloMo and defeat that blonde witch and dismiss her as a soap opera star has landed on a truly obscure matter.
The pond had felt sure he'd deliver a Cicero line about the joys of exile and flame out, say "Death is not natural for a state as it is for a human being, for whom death is not only necessary, but frequently even desirable."
Too gloomy? Sorry, it hits the right sacrificial lamb Henry note for what's to follow and the pond is most disappointed to discover that'll be the last we hear of good old-fashioned Roman stoicism.
Instead, let it be noted that this day our Henry gets too weird ... even by our Henry's stoic standards ...


What's this got to do with the current situation? Three fifths of fuck all, and even worse, without a single classical reference to this point, about the need to suck it up and so on. Instead the reptiles lavished endless shots of the soapie woman on Henry's piece, with videos and such like, as a form of distraction, and as a way of ensuring "that woman" remained front and centre ... so the pond trimmed our Henry down a little, cutting out some of the videos ...


Look, there she is again, refusing just to suck it up, making herself a martyr, irritating our noble Henry and incidentally, the speaking in tongues, coal loving SloMo, who amazingly managed to generate some sympathy for Cartier watches ... but luckily with a little more trimming, two more gobbets will get us past our Henry's righteous indignation, and in a fittingly tone deaf Switzer way, he'll manage to quote Billie Holiday instead of Cicero ...


Will our Henry be the one to break it to prattling Polonius that his endless caterwauling about there being no conservatives on the ABC is just an unavoidable price we must all pay. 

Is it fair or efficient, some might ask? Who cares, because in the spirit of our Henry, next week you can scribble in righteous fury about unfairness and inefficiency in public enterprises, and that way, get them coming and going ...but remember, in the meantime save all your scorn for that dreadful soapie woman, who refuses to be silent or act in a manly man way, and head off to a nunnery ...

And now this ...

And with more Rowe here, the pond can turn to the bromancer summing up the war in Afghanistan.

Before embarking on this journey, please allow the pond to give the bromancer a tip, admittedly of the kind aging, more elderly gentlemen seem to need. 

The bromancer has of late been turning up on the ABC, and his dark black mane hints at a dye job, with the eccentric, fulsome cut evoking a barber on acid. But down below there's a grey beard, which makes the bromancer look like the ancient mariner stopping one of three ABC presenters to deliver his usual nonsense. 

Please, a mix of vanity and folly is never a good look ... salt and pepper the hair to match the beard, cut off the beard ... for the love of mindless distractions, just do something, whatever ... now carry on in full warrior mode ...




The pond has again felt the need for some discreet trimming, being anxious to see how the bromancer summarises the results of this exercise ... but then the pond wondered if it had the time to wander back down memory lane to the days when the bromancer was a keyboard warrior.

There's a lot more at the ABC here ... this is just a sample ...

Oh yes, the pond gets the idea, the pond gets the picture ... now back to carrying on regardless ...

People might be better off if they read the study of the early years in Afghanistan where hopes were high, to be found at the APH here, and concluding in 2010 with this ...

Minister for Defence, John Faulkner, announced that with the Dutch withdrawing in August 2010, ISAF have agreed to new arrangements establishing a US-led multi-national command structure in Uruzgan province, which will comprise military and civilian elements. He also revealed the potential for Australia’s military presence in Afghanistan to be drawn down within the next two to four years:

After the Netherlands starts drawing down after August 1, a new multinational International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) structure will take command in Uruzgan. Under the new arrangements, the United States will lead a multi-national “Combined Team – Uruzgan” (CTU) under an ISAF flag... Australia will provide a civilian leader for the Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) ... On the basis of solid progress in our training efforts to date, CDF has recently advised me that within two to four years we should be able to transition the main security responsibility for the province to the Afghan National Army. Following a successful transition of this responsibility, I expect consideration would be given for the ADF to move into an overwatch role.

That was the 23rd June 2010. Unlike hair dye, how memories dim and waver ...


Indeed, indeed, time to wash paws in bowl, throw the whole sorry mess, women in particular under the bus, move along, and down play the entire thing ... and is there anyone better to hand than the bromancer to manage the dirty job?

Back in the day, when the bromancer was doing his flip-flop, there came this suggestion ...

A columnist for a major newspaper is in a powerful position to shape policy. That power should be accompanied by a corresponding responsibility.
If Sheridan had any decency, he’d resign – or, at very least, apologise for being so wrong for so long. If he doesn’t, why should anyone ever take him seriously again?

Sorry, whoever, apart from the bromancer himself, took him seriously? Instead let's get on with the cleansing of the memory ...


It's a tough question, but you won't find the bellicose bromancer inclined to answer it. Suddenly he's just a pussy stealing into the night ...

But no need to end on a solemn note. There's always the infallible Pope to hand for an uplifting cartoon as SloMo puts the country on a war footing in relation to another matter...


  1. Now talking about projection and transference, what better example than this from the swish Switzer: "Thus the cancellers strangle debate, kill the ethos of the liberal society, suppress ideas and seek to standardise opinion."

    Perfect !

  2. If the Henry's classical reference for this day is to come from Billie Holiday - perhaps we might cite another Hank (in this case - Hiram)

    1. Oh truly classic, Chad, but sadly only 27,231 views since posted in September, 2018. How the past is lost.

      Compare with 16,804,431 views for this young lady since 2019:

    2. GB - given that the Henry does seem to like generally unremembered persons to cite in his column - Hiram should appeal to him. Although, many people still quote Williams' words unknowingly, in snatches of his lyrics, which is more than we can say for almost all of the Henry sources.

      Miss Summers - mmm - mental note to follow-up some of her other 'tubes', not recorded in any of the 'Got Talent' formats, which tend to go OTT.

    3. Well, at least the Holely one might have known of Hiriam, which I certainly didn't - like a lot of people, I guess.

      As to Ms Summers, you might like this one:

    4. Or this one:

    5. GB - thank you for both links, and they, of course, brought up even more. She has been blessed with generous range, and seems to enjoy her performances (hugely important at her age). Listening to her 'House of the Rising Sun' is tantalising for her future, but shows she needs training on basics, like - breathing. We do hope to hear more from her, well into the future, after she has moved from under the curse of 'child prodigy'.

    6. You've about summed it up, Chad.

    7. Otherwise, whether you do or don't know the Angel City Chorale and Christopher Tin, herewith:

  3. Can someone ask the Swish Switzer how Colonial Beers have been cancelled if I am regularly buying and consuming them? Their porter is a little disappointing, but I fully endorse their pale, their stout, and especially their IPA.

    Should I advise the staff in the bottle-o that their piles of display beers are actually holograms, as the products are cancelled?

    Should someone advise the Swish Switzer that the Dr Suess books were removed from print by his family as they realised the racist tropes were out of step? That an editorial decision by flesh and blood who no longer wish to be associated with racism does not represent "cancellation"?

    Above all, tell Swish that when you get too po-faced, those creepy progressives who actually are possessed of a sense of humour about you may pull the fairy bread stunt. Never fails :)

    1. If you'd like to see some classic "cancelling", vc, try this one:

      Tucker Carlson speculates the COVID vaccine “doesn't work and they're simply not telling you that”

    2. And The Colonial Sugar Refining Company succumbed to cancel culture before we even knew there was such a thing.

  4. And of course when it comes to being sucked in as far as humanly possible, never discount Vile Lyle. He told us this would happen don't you know :)


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