Sunday, April 04, 2021

In which the pond deems our Gracie needs empathy training for the plight of Polonius and the Angelic one ...


Today is the day of resurrection, yet consider this momentous truth. It has been well over a year since Polonius was cast into exile ... and there has been no resurrection, nor any sign of one since those fateful runes were read here...

Who'd be a panelist with such an ideological crew? And yet the bitter aftertaste lingers on the tongue and the back palate ...

How can the ABC be so heartless?
How can the ABC be so cruel?
Easy to be hard
Easy to be cold

How can the ABC have no feelings?
How can the ABC ignore its friends?
Easy to be proud
Easy to say no

And especially people like Polonius
Who care about strangers
Who care about evil
And social injustice
Do you only
Care about the bleeding crowd?
How about a needing conservative friend?
Polonius needs a friend ..

Oh you know the original, no need to go there. 

Now to begin the Ēostre bitterness, and what better day than resurrectionist Sunday for this Polonial meditation ...


Good old Bazza, but that was a decade ago, and Polonius himself in exile for a year and more already, and will, at some point, he forget to restrain himself and mention that the ABC is a conservative free zone, for the zillionth time, thereby adding to the pond's infinite wealth, it being on a dollar each time the zone is mentioned ...


Ah Erica, triumphant as always, and yet still it lingers, the bitterness and the suffering ... 

The Major lavish in his praise for Speersy? As always, the Major is clueless, and Polonius knows the insidious truth.

Speersy has joined a Satanic cult, and likely feasts on the blood of dead children after each show when the cameras are turned off (check the ABC basement, follow the pizza!) ... 

And so to the pond collecting that conservative-free zone dollar for the zillionth time ...


Take that Speersy! But is Polonius bitter about being cast out?

Heck no, if not resurrection, then surely reincarnation. Wasn't he Cleopatra in another life?

i have my ups and downs
but wotthehell wotthehell
yesterday sceptres and ABC crowns
Bazza fried oysters and Marr velvet gowns
and today i herd with lizard Oz bums
but wotthehell wotthehell
i wake the world from sleep
as i caper and sing and leap
when i sing my wild free tune
wotthehell wotthehell
under the blear eyed moon
i am pelted with cast off shoon
but wotthehell wotthehell

its a gay life at the sydney institute

my youth i shall never forget
but there s nothing i really regret
wotthehell wotthehell
there s a dance in the old tyke conservative yet
toujours gai toujours gai

the things that i had not ought to
i do because i ve gotto
wotthehell wotthehell
and i end with my favorite motto
toujours gai toujours gai

Well the pond likes something blue and something borrowed, with the correct text here ... 

And so to a couple of bonuses, because where would Ēostre be without a whining, petulant Christian taking offence, and possibly the gate ...

Indeed, indeed, it's always the Xians who are on top of the real problem. Perhaps a missionary or two to fuck over traditional ways of life and ancient customs, as recorded in that doc The Sharkcallers of Kontu? And don't get the pond started on what Xians did to Aboriginal people, or we might be here all day, or at least be watching Rabbit-Proof Fence ...
But the pond digresses, do go on ...


Dear sweet long absent lord, that cross on the lectern, can it be, is it possible, has the redeemer arrived? Is the rapture imminent?


Hallelujah ... and how Gaetzgate to have that young thing in a state of rapture ...


Sorry, the pond was just terribly excited to at last get a reptile bemoaning the state of Western society for this Ēostre celebration ... please, do go on ...


Ah yes, the newly found, and Shanners is so down with Aboriginal people. Perhaps a mission to sort them out, and announce they're all going to hell if they don't join up with their new god ... because She's such a bitch ...

Actually the pond knows how this game is played, and Xians are expert at it. It's a variation on that old Monty Python routine:

REG: Listen. If you wanted to join the P.F.J. Xians, you'd have to really hate the Romans.
BRIAN: I do!
REG: Oh, yeah? How much?
BRIAN: A lot!
REG: Right. You're in. Listen. The only people we hate more than the Romans are the fucking feminist Judean People's Front and that newbie heroine Brittany Higgins thinking she's Joan of Arc (and never mind the anachronism).
P.F.J.: Yeah...
JUDITH: Splitters.
P.F.J.: Splitters...
FRANCIS: And the Judean Popular People's Front.
P.F.J.: Yeah. Oh, yeah. Splitters. Splitters...
LORETTA: And the People's Front of Judea.
P.F.J.: Yeah. Splitters. Splitters...
REG: What?
LORETTA: The People's Front of Judea. Splitters.
REG: We're the People's Front of Judea!
LORETTA: Oh. I thought we were the Popular Front.
REG: People's Front! C-huh.
FRANCIS: Whatever happened to the Popular Front, Reg?
REG: He's over there.
P.F.J.: Splitter!

And so on ... because, say what, there might be all kinds of women being given a bad time? Not in the Angelic one's world, because she's a skilled artisan in the art of distraction, conflation, confusion and humbug ... and must stick with SloMo, because he's a sincere Xian person (seeks lonely Xian woman in Canberra bubble for companionship) ...


Yes, the Angelic one has delivered. A truly epic pious fit of nonsense for the pond's belated pagan Ēostre celebrations.

Now before going off to participate in the hunt for Easter eggs, the pond would like to offer a bonus.

It's part of an ongoing series, which the pond has entitled "What went wrong with our Gracie?"



Of course there can't be any Mehitabel poems or splitter jokes here, because each week the pond is consternated yet again to discover that something went badly wrong with our Gracie. Once she was inside the reptile compound, and now she's eerily outside it ...


Hubris? Delusion? Is she talking about the Angelic one? What went wrong with our Gracie? Why does she stay outside the tent?


Dear sweet absent lord, at times like this, the pond feels quite mystical ...

Who is the third who walks always beside you Gracie?
When I count, there are only you and I together
But when I look ahead up the white road
There is always another one walking beside you
Gliding wrapt in a brown mantle, hooded
I do not know whether a man or a woman or SloMo or the Angelic one
—But who is that on the other side of you?

More mystical questions in The Wasteland here ...

You see, the pond no longer recognises this hooded figure who purports to be our Gracie, with her talk of business rules and genuine cultural change ...


Yes, yes, all that, but frankly it's a downer, so un-reptile like, and on Ēostre Sunday of all days, with Polonius still experiencing excruciating pain, rather like the shingles (bloody ABC), and the Angelic one traumatised by the state of western society, rather like a wafer stuck at the back of the throat.

What our Gracie needs is more empathy for their situation, and to help her out, the pond reverted to a First Dog, and as usual, those who want to see the full cartoon must journey to the Graudian here ...


  1. "Oh you know the original, no need to go there."

    Yeah, but if one dog barks, do the other two join in ?

    1. Depends how cold it is GB. Could just be the sound of one hound yapping, or am I parking up the wrong street?

  2. Ho ho GB - but, perhaps the third dog says 'Am I bovvered? Am I bovvered?'

    Did your latte come with a special topping for whichever festival you choose to observe this day?

    1. Hmmm, a Doggie Bovvered.

      Special latte topping ? What kind of festivals do you choose to observe this day, Chad ? But for me, no, just a bog standard $5.30 medium soy latte no sugar takeaway at Caffe Cherry Beans on the ground floor (outside Woollies Supermarket) at the Glen.

      I don't think the "orientals" observe a festival for some mythical omnipotent immortal continuing his (and they really mean "his") uninterrupted eternal existence. But they make ok 'Aussie' latte.

  3. Now this one really gets me from Polonius: "Anderson told Senate estimates that the ABC "has a statutory obligation to be impartial at all times" and added that the ABC did not employ people based on "political ideology"."

    It's bleedin' bloody [tm Kez] obvious that Polonius, like all his crowd, still thinks that "impartial" means promoting out-right dvckhead lies and bullshit and propagandising against the "green-left". The idea that "impartial" means neither believing nor propagating wingnut make-belief, but sticking to evidence and facts is just beyong their meagre comprehension.

    And since there is neither evidence nor facts in favour of Polonius and the Muckwracks, the ABC, of course, doesn't want to breach its "statutory obligation". And therefore it most certainly would not want to "employ" right-wingnuts, would it.

    So it's not in any sense "strange" that "no one at the ABC has put a name to a conservative on a prominent program." Simply because Polonius and the Murdoch minions are not "conservative" but really just right wing Proud Boys in disguise.

  4. "And don't get the pond started on what Xians did to Aboriginal people..."

    Or what they did to the slanty-eyed yellow-skins. But I'm sure some people will have vaguely heard of the Boxer Rebellion ?
    "Christian missionary activities helped provoke the Boxers; Christian converts flouted traditional Chinese ceremonies and family relations; and missionaries pressured local officials to side with Christian converts—who were often from the lower classes of Chinese society—in local lawsuits and property disputes. By late 1899 the Boxers were openly attacking Chinese Christians and Western missionaries. ",Several%20countries%20sent%20troops%20to%20halt%20the%20attacks.

    The first round of the war on China ? But those silly orientals just didn't get how much better off they were as willing serfs and vassals of the great Western Judeo-Christian Civilisation. But then I guess that the Formosan indigenes didn't understand how much better off they'd be under the Dutch and then the Qings, either.
    History of Taiwan

  5. "It's part of an ongoing series, which the pond has entitled "What went wrong with our Gracie?""

    It is indeed something of a mystery, isn't it. Especially given the physical, metaphorical and ideological proximity of the Angelacious Shananaham. There she is explaining how female (but not male, oh no !) chastity is a "moral" matter and not just the 'natural' imposition of male dominance over the female. Though I'm sure that there were plenty of women only too happy to be subject to male enforced chastity given what their alternative was.

    But there's Angelacious putting in her bid for the rapture: "Christian sexual morality requires something alien in our social hierarchy of values." Good to see the Lesser Shanna admitting that "Christian sexual morality" is alien to her. If she can keep growing her awareness, she may yet come to the same place as Gracie.

    And where is Gracie now ? Contemplating that SloMo's "miracle" in the 2019 election was really a "near fatal near miss", Gracie has a few concerns:

    "Yet there was no investigation afterwards, no examination and identification of the contributing factors, and no strategies put in place to avoid future accidents. Instead, hubris, even delusion, took hold."

    And that is why the ABC - legally required to act impartially - cannot take on board the totally biased and partisan wingnuts and their Murdochian masters: hubris and delusion everywhere one looks.

  6. Happy Easter Rising DP and all! I liked the thought of Three Dog Night consoling poor old Polonius in his infinite turmoil from being shunted off Aunty and wondered what Dino the wino might have crooned about it.

    Hapless Foray

    At the ABC if Hendo rings
    There’s a policy on what to say...

    You’re a loon filled with spite
    You’re an ungracious shite
    You’re a moron

    You just whinge all the time
    Like Miranda Devine
    Another moron

    You’re right wing
    You’re a ding-a-ling
    You’re a stale piece
    Of cheddar

    Past your day
    Better stay away
    Or we’ll send
    Our gays out
    To get ya

    We won’t take you back
    You’re a tool you’re a hack you’re a dud

    You’re obsessed you’re extreme
    And we’re having no more
    Of your sort on

    If we ever decide
    To let you back inside
    We’d be morons!

    1. Dino the wino - that's a totally new one on me Kez.

      Oh, so much to learn, so little time.

    2. Cheers GB. This might help.

    3. Oh, Dean (of the Rat Pack) Martin - a very famous wino indeed. But that is going a fair way back in time, Kez, does anybody still remember them ?

  7. All this talk of religion reminded me of an article by Stanley Fish on free speech (he wrote a book: There's no such thing as free speech ... and it's a good thing, too) where he said:
    "In paradise or in heaven (I speak here only through report and not direct experience), discursive speech is unnecessary because everyone is already in the place he or she would desire to be, allied in a perfect and an indistinguishable way with the good. Therefore there is no reason to say anything to anyone; because again the only reason to say something to someone else is to advance both of you in the direction you desire. But in heaven, everyone is at the place of optimal desire so it is imagined in great literature like Milton's Paradise Lost not as a scene of communication, but as a scene of celebration. Heaven's inhabitants express themselves as a chorus all of whose members sing the same song, and sound a note that is repetitive, ritual and ceremonial - in short a long endless amen or hallelujah. It is only in Heaven that speech is free and spontaneous, because it doesn't mean anything, it doesn't have to mean anything. In this vale of tears, speech means, has a purpose and when we feel this purpose threatened by some of speech's forms, we will always curtail it.
    So if you accept that, Heaven really is a lot like in Bedazzled:

    1. And that ecstacy goes on and on and on for eternity, Joe. Now just imagine that there was a very hard granite ball the size of the Earth, and that once every million years a moth flutters past and very gently brushes a very small part of the ball. And that the time it would take for the moths to wear away the entire ball by friction, is but a tiny instant in the passage of eternity.

      Are we all looking forward to that ?

    2. Thanks for that link Joe. I have seen Bedazzled but I don't remember that clip. I loved Dud's dancing and can see how much their style influenced Monty Python.

      And re your eternity example GB. Something similar I read when I was very young was of a huge granite block in the middle of the Sahara that was a cubic mile in volume. Once a year a bird flies up and sharpens its beak and the time it takes to erode the whole block is the age of the universe (and the age of the bird I suspect). It's not as impressive as your fluttering moth metric of eternity though.

      It's remarkable to think that if you add one eternity to another eternity the sum is still one eternity. I'm used to eternity because that's how long it takes for my laptop to boot up each morning thanks to my bloody fttn connection.

    3. And if you subtract an eternity (an infinity) from eternity then the result is the same eternity you started with. You can have your eternity and eat it too.

      Why does an fttn connection slow your laptop startup ? It doesn't seem to have much impact on mine.

    4. The pond enjoyed this Easter read ...

      What will resurrected bodies be like? Saint Augustine in his work The City of God gave us some clues early in the fifth century. They will be physical bodies but animated by an immortal soul. They will appear to be about 30 years old, the age that Christ reached.

      Men will arise in male bodies and women in female bodies. But there will be no sexual desire and hence no marriages in heaven. The “flesh” will serve the “spirit” and not the reverse as happens in the present life.

      Critics then, like critics now, thought it a ridiculous idea and panned it mercilessly. Even though Augustine thought the critics were being frivolous, he attempted to give serious answers to their questions. Will aborted foetuses rise? What size will they be? What will the bodies of monstrous births, the disfigured, and the deformed be like? What will be the fate of those devoured by beasts, consumed by fire, drowned, or eaten by cannibals?

      By the 13th century, these questions had become matters of serious philosophical discussion within Christianity and not merely responses to critics of it. Thomas Aquinas, the greatest philosopher of Roman Catholicism, for example, picked up where Augustine left off.

      On the day of resurrection, he believed, bodies will have the same gender and the same organs as when they were alive. But they won’t have the same uses because there will be no desire to eat, drink, or have sex.

      Therefore, there will be no need for food, clothing, transportation, or medicine. There will be no need for heavenly plants nor (pet or meat lovers read no further!) animals. Those in hell would have bodies suitable to their character — ugly, sluggish, black, gross, and capable of suffering.

      And so on. As for putting back together the pieces eaten by cannibals, follow the link ...

    5. I've never bothered to read any Augustine, but at least his 'City of God' inspired Christine de Pizan to write 'The City of Ladies' (finished 1405), the first 'feminist' work written by the first woman to make a successful living at writing professionally.

      Don't go heaps for Aquinas either, and as for his 5 arguments, well ... unmoved movers ? first causes ? necessary beings ? goodness scales and intelligent purpose ? Not much understanding around back then, and not much, if any, more now. But the bit about our resurrected bodies having "the same organs as when they were alive" but "no desire to eat, drink or have sex" just continues the "made in God's image" nonsense doesn't it - can you begin to imagine what a creature that created and powers the infinite and eternal universe would eat or drink in a day ? Takeaway pizza and beer maybe - and where would his piss and poop go, is there plumbing in heaven just for the trinity ? And he didn't even get Mary pregnant did he - had to send some lesser angel to do it. I wonder what Gabriel did in the off season for entertainment.


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