Tuesday, April 13, 2021

In which the pond detects a shift in the reptile ether, even if the pong remains the same ...


The pond rarely watches Four Corners, but made an exception last night, only to discover that nothing had changed. Beefy Angus revealed that he has a certain rat cunning, and a canny ability to spout bullshit to the camera, but behind the façade is a deep well of duplicitous stupidity.

The theme was the impending irrelevance of gas, coupled with the ongoing desire of the government to cling to fossil fuels, and to screw farmers and domestic consumers of gas, linked somehow magically to a carpet-bagging Trump whisperer (how nauseating to see him in full whispering mode), who has returned to shout about the wonders of gas.

For all that, the pond detected a shifting of the mood, which is why the lizard Oz editorial on the theme was relevant ...



No grand gesture or public posturing? You mean we won't be copping any more of this?



 Ah, 2017, it seems such a short time ago ...and yet clearly there's some sort of change in the reptile air ...

And so to the barbs ...


Could that abuse have something to do with other changes in the air? Poor old Malware has been out and about of late ...




Poor old glum Malware ... suddenly discovering what was in front of his face for years ... but at the same time the reptiles seem to be softening on their climate denialist stance, what with this story turning up, which surely signals to SloMo that he can talk net-zero target, because the reptiles will give approving nods ... provided of course on any other day of the week, he doesn't upset them, provided he stays true to sweet, beloved, innocent, pure Oz coal, or gaseous derivatives ...



Part of the change in mood has clearly come from events in the United States, though speaking of the United States, the pond did enjoy this Crikey story ... (paywall affected)...



And so on, but as we're now talking about backflips, cop the next part of that lizard Oz story ... with the stupid one taking important action, suh ...


Having a diplomat in charge of our climate change advocacy will address this?



Diplomacy is the way forward for action man from marketing? How much bullshit can a koala bear?


Yep, there's a change in the air, but it still reeks of bullshit ... but spare a thought for poor old Malware, who talked the talk, but never could walk the walk against the luddites around him ...

There's more Rowe here, but now for a change of pace ... because the pond realised glumly that it could never get back to BKC ... (before Killer Creighton) ...



Talk about a change of pace. What happened to libertarian Killer? Here he is, meekly taking his shot, wearing his mask, and spruiking vaccine passports.

The pond began to think there was something to this media diversity thing. Launch a few bugs in the air and see them react, what with the Murdochians nervously reaching for their hip pocket wallet, just to make sure everything was intact ...



Um, actually, Donald Trump was mocked for taking credit for the invention of the vaccine, being totally and comprehensively stupid in a bleach injection, hydroxy, anti-mask, shine a light inside you and it'll go away by Easter way, and he's still being a mindless moron ...



What a relief to have the old fuckwitted Killer back in action, at one with the Donald ...

“This is the fundamental problem that we’re facing: the most powerful political actor in Australia is not the Liberal Party or the National Party or the Labor Party. It is News Corp. And it’s utterly unaccountable,” Mr Turnbull said.
“It’s controlled by an American family and their interests are no longer, if they ever were, coextensive with our own.”...

...He said the political might of the Murdoch empire represented “an absolute threat to our democracy” — a threat that he said America had already witnessed on January 6 when rioters stormed the US Capitol building. Mr Turnbull said the Murdoch-controlled Fox News had amplified the civil unrest that led to rioting, by promoting the lie that President Joe Biden had stolen the election from Donald Trump.
“If you don’t think that isn’t a threat to American democracy and undermining the strength and capability of our most important ally. Then, you know, you are kidding yourself,” Mr Turnbull said.
He also claimed that News Corp’s “problematic” influence was evident in its lobbying for the news media bargaining code laws, which forces Google and Facebook to compensate media companies for using their content on their platforms.
“The power that you represent — your parliament, our parliament — has been used to shakedown two big tech platforms, Google and Facebook, to give money to media companies, the leading protagonist of which was News Corp,” Mr Turnbull said. 

Poor old Malware, but the pond thought it might just throw a few of Malware's sayings into the mix, before moving on to the last of Killer Creighton, apparently forgetting all his libertarian leanings ...



What a blithe spirit. How gay and carefree ... and all the pond could think of was the infallible Pope's outing this day ...

And so with climate science and operation vaccine done and dusted, the pond can hear dedicated Dame Groan lovers wondering why she hasn't turned up this day ...

Never mind, the pond decided that the bonus for the day should be a barebones presentation of the Dame, with few comments, except for a spoiler ...



Of course it's no surprise that Dame Groan is against high immigration. Her courageous example of using her summer break to do some fruit picking should be an inspiration for us all ... though some might be surprised that she isn't into always talking up growth and size and bulk, as if there might be some incidental benefits for climate science and the planet ..


So it's not really about the economy or climate science or growth or whatever. It seems that a deep-seated, barely disguised prejudice against ignorant furriners will win out against all that other stuff ...


Gone are the glory days ...




But here's the bit that totally unnerved the pond, and began to make  it wonder what was being put in the kool aid served up to all of Satan's minions ... it began "for once Labor", followed by a heresy so dire the pond couldn't repeat it ...

Yes, bugger off pesky, difficult furriners. Dame Groan will do her own fruit picking, thank you very much ... we'll have none of that ancient nonsense ...





Damned if we need tram conductors, and as for fruit pickers, we'll do it ourselves, with Dame Groan leading the way ... it took us decades to overcome the poor bathing habits imported so long ago ...




  1. The only thing about large-scale immigration is that if it's so very good for our economy and our payscales etc. why hang around and go slow with only about 240,000 'permanents' per year. Go for broke: 2,400,000 per year and building up just as quickly as we can. After all, at least so they tell us, the human population is stabilising - may reach a peak of 8.7 billion in 2055 and then start to decline (and oh yeah, I really will believe that when I see it). But then the UN says 11 billion by around 2100, so wtf knows.

    But can't you just see it ? Australia with a human population of about 200 million ? We'd really need a battalion of tram conductors by then - just to squeeze the passengers into the vehicle like they do in Japan.

  2. Herpetological economics. We get the Washington Correspondent ‘Killer’ giving us his version of ‘Economics in one lesson’ (unfortunately, that title is already taken, but perhaps he can do as the Cater did to Donald Horne, and come up with a title that, he might hope, is just close enough to inveigle the casual book buyer. ‘Economics in a lesson’ anyone?)

    In fact, it could be ‘Economics in one line’, and he has given us the line “The good news is the free market can cater to everyone.” Yes, remember how folk gloried in the free market when seat belts became available for motor cars? The ‘Killer’ does refer to coaxing a large chunk of the population back to normality now. Those of us who were around when seat belts were introduced in Australia will also recall that - our freedom-loving citizens could not be persuaded to click their seat belts over themselves to reduce greatly their likelihood of serious injury or death from an encounter on the road - no, eventually they had to be ‘coaxed’ with the greater probability of an instant fine - $10, when that could buy something.

    But then we have the Dame Groan also discussing (?) ‘return to a more normal world’. Set aside the challenging logic of having degrees of ‘normal’, and that, if we have been receiving immigrants at a steady rate for so many years - that is one version of ‘normal’: the Dame is happy to talk on, as if seeking votes for ‘Dame Groan’s One Nation Party’, about ‘many’ costs and benefits, without offering any kind of monetary assessment of either.

    Oh - she does ink the ‘DISGRACE’ rubber stamp for the draft report of the Joint Standing Committee - I suppose we should accept that as a ‘quantitative’ comment by her standards.

    But, yes, DP - seems something is happening in the aether (I won’t test the blogspot to see if it will accept a ligature). Yesterday - the Major saying Waleed Aly got something right. I am feeling uneasy about ‘normalisation’.

    1. Ah yes, reminders of the immortal Henry Bolte who made wearing seat belts 'compulsory' in Victoria in 1970. To be followed by his good mate Donny Dunstan in SA in 1971. Oh, 'normality' was a wonderful thing back then.

      Especially considering the great 'wave' of white European immigration from 1945 until the end of the 'White Australia' Policy in 1973.
      "Between 1945 and 1965, two million immigrants arrived in Australia.
      Among the new immigrants were the first government-sanctioned non-British migrants.
      This massive influx of people transformed Australian society

      I'll say - I remember clearly when we no longer had to cart a half dozen (minimum) CUB bottles to a party but could take a flask - and later that great Aussie invention the 'wine cask' - instead. It was quicker to get legless, too.

  3. Hi Dorothy,

    The ‘Mask Thing’ seems to be a problem for our little Killer.

    He just can’t seem to stop talking about his difficulties with masks. It seems to be almost pathological.

    Did little Adam have a bad experience with masks as a child?

    Were characters such as the Lone Ranger and possibly The Batman associated with anxiety for the young Creighton.

    Have the Marvel and DC universes which dominate modern culture become frightening unwatchable experiences as the characters continually “Mask Up”.

    Poor Killer.


    1. Yeah, most human aberrations arise from childhood misadventures don't they. It really is a concern as to what could have warped the young Killer so - especially given how many millions seem to share his anti-mask mania.

    2. You've solved it, DW. For weeks, nay months, the pond has wondered about the Killer's mask thing, but he possibly saw the psycho kid donning a mask in Halloween and that was it. Nightmares ever since ...


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