Tuesday, September 12, 2017

In which Comrade Caterist sets a Trabant pace ...

Welcome to the socialist commentary page.

As usual, the pond has turned to one of the most reliable socialists of all as a way of proving that government intervention works, and is always for the best ...

For those who dare to doubt our expert socialist's credentials in the matter of government intervention, please allow the pond to remind you of the socialist's willingness to suck on the taxpayer's teat ...

And if that isn't socialist enough for you, the pond has no idea what more might be required, except perhaps an even bigger grant in aid, a more substantial amount of cash in the paw ...

Now that the formalities are out of the way little Nicky Cater will sing for his supper, in a long-established tradition ...

Just forget the white bread, and dole out that taxpayer butter ...

And so to the google splash for the text ...

A trabant? 

What happened to the glorious Trabant?

Now it might be a fine joke, from one socialist to another, but did the reptiles deliver a typo? 

After all, it's a Trabant with a very elongated T as every Trabant devotee knows. One wouldn't, amongst Ford or Holden devotees, talk of fords or holdens, would one?

Eek, they did, they did ... 

Never mind why socialist Caterist, cap in paw in queue for government hand-outs, struggles with the socialist word, where's the capital T?

The pond felt another bout of shoddy socialist workmanship coming on, and after all that paying for the singing for the supper, fancy getting it sung out of tune ...

The pond loves it when its expert socialist commentators talk dirty, but is there any greater slur than suggesting that Labor-friendly bloggers were indignant about the vile Murdoch press ...

Naturally the pond googled up the quotes to nail these wretches, but was shocked to discover that the Caterist was doing another trabant.

It turned out that the line about buying it hook line and sinker was actually a comment on a posting on Independent Australia ...

But that's trabant commentary for you, and it is, after all, so easy to confuse a comment with a blog. 

And what do you know, it turns out that the "piss off" line is another comment on the same posting.
Only the first comment came from the actual writer, John Passant, and that seemed to involve a Caterist conflation of Passant's talk of the red scare with his "sad, pathetic man."

And so, in the manner of a friendly trabant, we can strike off "Labor-friendly bloggers" and reduce it to "blogger", though as it was published in the context of a website, it's about as meaningful or as useful as labelling Miranda the Devine, Akker Dakker, the Bolter and little Timmie Bleagh as bloggers ...

Why if that's what the word means, we might then also dismiss the Caterist as just another paid government hack weekly blogger ...

Phew, at this point the pond needed another Trabant ...

That's better. Just love that stretched T ...

Of course the pond knows how it's done and occasionally falls into the same error. 

Rush off to garner a few quotes, use them as garnish for an intro, and then get into the real business of slobbering all over Mathias like a cashed up government suck and stooge ...

It's a tad unfortunate that it comes at a time when the government is exceedingly bolshie about coal, talking of government-owned coal stations, and otherwise intervening in the marketplace, and flinging together five year plans for government energy, but this is water off a duck's back ... at least if the duck has got its government grant ...

Indeed, indeed, will the government learn from its mistakes, or will it keep on handing out grants willy nilly? It seems unlikely they'll stop, as the Caterists are now much further along the socialist spectrum, with much government cash already in the paw ...

Was it only in June 2017 that the lizards of Oz ran a piece which ended this piquant way (the rest can be googled)?

Ah, the good old market place ... why the pond can just feel itself sliding into the luxurious seating it's produced ...

And just remember that your socialist commentary comes in an awe-inspiring range of colours, just like government-owned coal-fired power stations...

And so to the teensy weeny little last gobbet from our expert, government-funded, 'government is good', socialist commentator ...

Indeed, indeed, government intervention works ... you've seen how ...

And so the Trabant building goes on apace ... 

Well it's a tad late, but in order provide a little competition in the marketplace of ideas, the pond decided to import a genuine reptile ratbag to go up against the government trabant suck ...

Did someone mention polls? Rowe certainly did, with more Rowe here ...

At this point the pond thought of sending any stray reader off to google the rest of the piece, but it's such an odd contrast to the Caterist, the pond thought 'where's the harm in reminding the world of the splendour of an interventionist government in action?'

And so to the Pope of the day, with more papal insights here ...


  1. If the reptiles are going to act like smartarses and call somebody 'adjectively challenged' they could at least say it right: 'adjectivally challenged'

  2. Outstanding! The pond will appreciate why this was on my favourite T-shirt in younger days :-)


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