The pond must confess to not having discovered Michael Toby before, and some might still mistake his work with one of the top 20 Michael vs. Toby moments in The Office.
Others might prefer to think of him as fitting neatly into the long tradition of useful idiots that regularly scribble commentary, and truth to tell, whenever the pond visits the British down under domiciled Spectator, there's always a huge flock of them to be found ...
But enough of the light banter because there's some serious historical work to be done ... even if some might think this is just another cheap attempt by the pond to throw in some Trump cartoons ...
But there's a price to pay for gallows humour and that's to meet earnest scribbler Toby ...

Ah, this would belong to the school of protectionism and suffering white men, and the wonders of the American health system, and the tremendous care that the Republican party has shown towards the uninsured over the years ...
Well it conforms to other policy stances ...
But of course for every cartoon, there's a price to pay and that's more of Toby waxing lyrical about the Raygun and tricky Nick and the joys of protectionism, because Republicans have long been fervent protectionists deeply concerned about shipping jobs off to China ...
Hey nonny no, on we go ...

Yes, yes, because 'Nam worked out tremendously well, just look at Cambodia even to this day, what a winner ...
Oh dear, another price to pay ...

And didn't Nixon work out well. What a tremendously successful Presidency. And the way it ended. What a skyrocket ...
Oh dear, another price to pay.
Oh well, might as well double down ...
Ah that feels better, time for the final haul ...

Actually, any sane person might be a tad worried, including intelligent Republicans. Sadly it seems that Mr Toby is not one of them ... but it might dawn on him when he starts jumping around shrieking "we've won, we've won ..."
Here's hoping he seeks medical advice for his condition ...
Oh heck, we've done the hard yards. There's just time for a knees up and a singalong ...
The real truth about the "great communicator"
First thought of a Right Wing Nutjob: If we do this, it'll really give the Left the shits. let's go!; second thought: um.. I wonder if this is a good idea?