Devastated, forlorn, stricken.
For yonks the pond has been accustomed on a Monday to kick back, have a cup of tea and enjoy an Oreo biscuit.
For yonks the pond has been accustomed on a Monday to kick back, have a cup of tea and enjoy an Oreo biscuit.
Today? Only a sinister silence.
Even worse, it's been at least a day since the reptiles have run a story demonising Safe Schools ...
There doesn't seem to be a single story linking SSM and SS in a way which might undermine both.
There doesn't seem to be a single story linking SSM and SS in a way which might undermine both.
What to do? Rummage through the tired old prejudices and the days old rotting stench of bigotry?
No, no, that way lies madness ... and anyway, the reptiles already know what a real fiasco involves ...
Besides how many times can the pond note that News Corp is at the heart of spreading the hate and the fear ... though in recent times, the campaign has suffered a few blows ...
Well it's any port in a Monday storm, and so the pond had to turn to the Catholic university for advice on how to move forward ...
Actually the man on the horseback was the onion muncher, and his plebiscite ploy was both a clever way of delaying, while also offering a hope that a backlash might produce a negative result.
And with News Corp and wayward Liberals and the ACL in full cry, who knows what might yet happen ...
Call it the Latham option? Why not call it the onion-munching Abbott, Cory, gorgeous George, Kevin or Erica option?
But at least the pond was reassured that the Craven was still bleating and blithering on about the Royal Commission ... nearing four long years on, what substantive changes in child safety have the religions and institutions made?
Quite possibly a few, and quite possibly, the changes might have something to do with the national shaming they've experienced ...
But at least the pond was reassured that the Craven was still bleating and blithering on about the Royal Commission ... nearing four long years on, what substantive changes in child safety have the religions and institutions made?
Quite possibly a few, and quite possibly, the changes might have something to do with the national shaming they've experienced ...
Meanwhile, the pond didn't quite know what to make of this ...

Now the pond can sense a certain worry here, what with the precedents.
Why not throw in a poll on euthanasia reform at the same time? Could we add in Aboriginal recognition? What about capital punishment? Why not revive back yard abortions, and give everyone the right to vote to return to the 1950s where the onion muncher and the bromancer still comfortably live with John Howard just across the street?
Well what do you know, like minds?

And speaking of popular sentiment, there's only one more sleep to the big event, and in the meantime there's always more Rowe here ...
What if Rudy Giuliani likes to wear frocks? Let's have a vote on it ...
...though there might be a way to stop cheap mockery ...but oh dear, what would the reptiles do? (and more Wilcox here).
Wau, I'd forgotten the other day when I asked who would be next into "the Left have betrayed their heritage" meme that Baldy Baldwin had already kicked this off - and here we have the very most Craven Greg picking it up today. He says:
ReplyDelete"Progressives once looked to the universal values of reason and the scientific method to serve a common humanity."
And here we go again: it's all the Left's (or Progressive's) fault because they were once so good and now they're just so bad. Deus misereatur, since none of It's earthly representatives will.
And, not only ... but also ! In the same post we have a Sydney Businessman - the veritable fount of all wisdom as we know, just ask Graham Richardson - to lead us gently towards the light of his advanced understanding. He says:
"Let's not ask a working party of MPs to assess the legislation overseas, review the evidence, reason together over draft legislation, and vote based on deeply informed deliberation."
And let's call it the 'Edmund Burke' option.
But really, little Sydney moneygrubber, what really happens is that the power factions in each party play out their prejudices, and the strongest one on the day gets to dictate how all the other MPs in the Party vote. Which probably can still be called the Edmund Burke option since no actual constituents and their grubby little ill-informed opinions were ever involved.
But really, it's the 'Illegal Option' because all those MPs are selling their vote in return for Party endorsement and campaign funds - and MPs selling their votes really is illegal, you know. Except for Hanson, that is, because she's told her Party members to always vote their own conscience.