The pond does its best to stay in touch with all that's good and heartfelt at the lizard Oz, but sometimes feels overwhelmed. So much ranting, so little time ...
And sometimes it's better not to curate pieces too much, but instead just offer them up for celebration ... and all that's needed for this one perhaps, is a few way stations, of the kind that sees cyclists and runners pick up a drink, and then get back into it ...
No need to rant back, just drink deep of the cordial, even if it might not be so cordial ...
No need to rant back, just drink deep of the cordial, even if it might not be so cordial ...
Now around this point some might suspect that they're in the grip of a therapy session ...
Indeed, indeed, and so it's important to fix a glassy smile and listen on ...
Some might wish that at this moment they'd encountered one of those comical 404 signs the reptiles love so well ..
Others will recognise that this sort of wild-eyed rhetoric is just what we might expect from the pond ... bearing in mind its banner ...
So much anger, so much outrage, so little time ...

Well it's pretty much a compendium, from 18C to the dire threat posed by swamp creatures of all hideous kinds ...
Indeed, indeed, but it's back to those other swamp creatures ...
Now around this time, some might have paused and scratched their noggin and tried to look back into the dim distant past.
Baldwin, old Baldy, that name seems to ring a bell, and no it's not the North Carolina lighthouse, or the Battle of old Badly, or even General Meade's Gettysburg horse. It's this old Baldy ...
Well we were speaking of the universalist vision of the Enlightenment, and you can find much more about the Enlightened ways of the Labor party in Kate McClymont's lengthy piece here ... which remarkably concluded this way ...
Oh no, don't say that it became full of hipster 'leets who thought bashing the shit out of each other might not be the best way forward ...
Sorry, they've drifted off to the greenies, so it's probably just as well if we put the whole universalist vision of the post-Enlightenment on hold for the moment and wrap up the rant.
And so to the final gobbet ...

Well the pond doesn't know what to say, but in a way, the comments section says it all, as to whom the column was pitched and as to whether they got the dog whistle ...

Indeed, indeed.
What's needed is a Donald Trump to come along and erect a universalist vision of enlightenment for angry old men ... a new kind of birtherism of the ages ...
Ah, the joys of western civilisation ...
"The impulse to censor and anathematise anyone who challenges the prevailing zeitgeist can be found in parties regarded as centrist or even right-wing > > > a surge in support for Pauline" - Baldy
ReplyDelete“We are not a racist country and I wish people would stop reaching for that adjective whenever they want to isolate somebody who they don’t agree with. “Let’s not resort to all of these isolating remarks ... there’s no good saying she will be a particularly scorned species. That doesn’t achieve anything. You have to recognise that people voted for her.” - J W Howard at his presser responding to Chilcot report, 7 July 2016
Backdoor Man - John Howard - Pauline Pantsdown