It seems that the Fairfaxians have a new contender for Paul "the magic water man" Sheehan's long vacant throne ... yes, he still offers up the odd forlorn tweet just to prove that nonsense never changes (a plebiscite which doesn't bind politicians to act in any way is surely just a vast opinion poll ...)
But now to the current player ...
Yes, yes, she was completely wrong, but she has a chance of being right.
Why the problem is almost as intractable as the problem of the clash between Western modernity and the Republican party and fundamentalist Christians ...
Need the pond go on? This sort of nonsensical equivalence, which allows rabid right wing views into the tent, is all the go of late.
Let's just wrap the painful lightweight business up quickly ...
Why the problem is almost as intractable as the problem of the clash between Western modernity and the Republican party and fundamentalist Christians ...
Need the pond go on? This sort of nonsensical equivalence, which allows rabid right wing views into the tent, is all the go of late.
Let's just wrap the painful lightweight business up quickly ...
Indeed, indeed, and the pond looks forward to Switzer's valiant defence of Sarah Palin, who might not be the devil incarnate, simply because the devil would likely be a heckuva lot smarter ...
It's always the way with these smooth-tongued devils, giving ground and grace to the thick and the malicious.
The pond isn't the only one to notice. There's James Fallows offering Time Capsule #92: 'How the Media Undermine American Democracy', in The Atlantic of all places ...
It's always the way with these smooth-tongued devils, giving ground and grace to the thick and the malicious.
The pond isn't the only one to notice. There's James Fallows offering Time Capsule #92: 'How the Media Undermine American Democracy', in The Atlantic of all places ...
There's plenty of other examples ... Soledad O'Brien Scolds CNN: Trump Coverage Is 'Softening The Ground' For White Supremacy ... and knock the pond down if MSNBC didn't show how it works by running with a loon Surrogate Tells MSNBC: Donald Trump Raised 'Legitimate Questions' About Osama's Birth Certificate ...
That's the way it always works ... loon says Trump raised legitimate questions, Tom Switzer says Hanson raises legitimate points ... and so on and so forth .,.
Yeah, for bigots, and so we don't have to wait for something truly nasty to emerge.
They're already here and Tom Switzer is on ABC radio, and the ABC is off getting into bed with the likes of Swisse and it's all supposed to feel perfectly natural ...
Speaking of emerging nasties, the pond was so distracted, it almost forgot that today is Oreo biscuit day and there are moral challenges to be taken up ...
That's the way it always works ... loon says Trump raised legitimate questions, Tom Switzer says Hanson raises legitimate points ... and so on and so forth .,.
Yeah, for bigots, and so we don't have to wait for something truly nasty to emerge.
They're already here and Tom Switzer is on ABC radio, and the ABC is off getting into bed with the likes of Swisse and it's all supposed to feel perfectly natural ...
Speaking of emerging nasties, the pond was so distracted, it almost forgot that today is Oreo biscuit day and there are moral challenges to be taken up ...
Oh dear, it's another of those whip-cracking go team go huzzah routines ...
Now the pond should probably at this point confess that moral challenges no longer appeal.
It wasn't so long ago that climate change was the world's greatest moral challenge, and look what happened to that.
It wasn't so long ago that climate change was the world's greatest moral challenge, and look what happened to that.
Perhaps the world would be better off without moral challenges. Perhaps we should just tackle ordinary challenges, like a hundred hot dogs in five minutes, or avoiding clock watching while in parliament, with the moral stuff left to the tut tutters and the cluck cluckers ...
Which naturally includes the Oreo, because she gets on a fine tut tutting roll ...
Usually at some point, the pond jumps the shark and nukes the fridge when it comes to an Oreo read, and this time it was talk of the let media and the selfish left media and the Labor populists and so on and so forth, as if somehow the ABC and the Fairfaxians and the Graudians bestrode the media world like behemoths, smiting and smoting commercial radio, commercial television and the Murdochians who dominate what's left of the print media world ...
Is this how paranoia works?
Imagine yourself surrounded by enemies and then struggle against their vicious barbs and soon enough you're lathered up with talk of Labor squandering the proceeds of the mining boom, as if John Howard and Peter Costello hadn't been dipping into the pork barrel like drunken sailors ...
Imagine yourself surrounded by enemies and then struggle against their vicious barbs and soon enough you're lathered up with talk of Labor squandering the proceeds of the mining boom, as if John Howard and Peter Costello hadn't been dipping into the pork barrel like drunken sailors ...
Now it's not just the pond, or the pond's correspondents, who noted this.
The IMF's view was recorded in Hey, big spender: Howard the king of the loose purse strings, which incidentally contained a broken link to a 2008 government report that they decided was no longer worth viewing, except for the good folk of the Wayback Machine, who saved a pdf copy here...
The IMF's view was recorded in Hey, big spender: Howard the king of the loose purse strings, which incidentally contained a broken link to a 2008 government report that they decided was no longer worth viewing, except for the good folk of the Wayback Machine, who saved a pdf copy here...
Indeed, indeed, and here's the thing. How is that reptiles like the Oreo still manage to see the world in simplistic, digitised one and zero ways ...
There's more to life than thinking it's a binary of left and right, media and politics and budget debt, there's more to it than an Oreo biscuit view of the world ...
Surely it should be possible to note that Howard and Costello were big spenders, and that unlike former Chairman Rudd, they didn't even have a world financial crisis as an excuse.
Isn't it possible to note that Sam Dastyari is a prime goose while wondering why both sides don't sort out the political donations that see assorted Icaruses of the goose kind fly too near the sun, burn and crash ...
Isn't it possible to note that even in what should be a moment of triumph, poodle Pyne manages to make a hash of it?
When we talk of climate science, shouldn't we note just how much like the onion muncher Malware manages to sound?
And if we're worried about the budget, why did Malware go off and blow a fortune on a third rate system that will need constant, expensive upgrading of a kind that's already begun even before it's been properly rolled out?
Oh alright, the pond just wanted to run the Oreo so we could add to our collection of NBN novelty items ...
Surely it should be possible to note that Howard and Costello were big spenders, and that unlike former Chairman Rudd, they didn't even have a world financial crisis as an excuse.
Isn't it possible to note that Sam Dastyari is a prime goose while wondering why both sides don't sort out the political donations that see assorted Icaruses of the goose kind fly too near the sun, burn and crash ...
Isn't it possible to note that even in what should be a moment of triumph, poodle Pyne manages to make a hash of it?
When we talk of climate science, shouldn't we note just how much like the onion muncher Malware manages to sound?
And if we're worried about the budget, why did Malware go off and blow a fortune on a third rate system that will need constant, expensive upgrading of a kind that's already begun even before it's been properly rolled out?
Oh alright, the pond just wanted to run the Oreo so we could add to our collection of NBN novelty items ...
More power to the owner of that paw print in the corner.
Now have some really rich and sickening cheese cake. After a serve of Switzer and Oreo, you've earned it ...
Well Monday may be (sourdough) Bread and (magic) Water Man day, and Oreole day too, but Monday in the Hairoiled Scum is for somebody else, and here's a juicy little bit of what he said today. I quote:
ReplyDelete"I suspect that some of Turnbull's errors come from this fragile man's desperate desire to be the smartest man in the room. That may explain why he seems to see argument as personal attack, counter-arguments as threats, and his failures as some other bastard's fault."
A very perceptive piece of self-analysis by the Bolter, don't you agree (and he used the Oxford comma correctly too). If I say the magic words - attribution-projection - need anything be added ?
Even allowing for the fact it was written by two chocolate biscuits held together by cream, that's a pretty pissweak article. Wrong from the first sentence - the lesser angels of the coalition didn't rule the roost last week, they were too busy flying to Melbourne, or going to the Majura Park Masters' closing down sale or had a note from their mum's or something. Painful as it would be for Jen to admit, the roost was ruled by the opposition, once again running the countries political agenda, who gave Pyne and his whips an absolute schooling.
ReplyDeleteShe inadvertantly touches on an important point in mentioning that private debt is now 160% of GDP. Her solution to deflate this bubble? Nation-building spending cuts...you really can't make this shit up.
Perhaps the biscuit's solution to the boiling frog dilemma would be to turn up the heat.
DeleteOn the missing ministers, I'd heard that Crackers Keenan took off early because he wanted to draft an apology to Annette Ali for his election campaign smear, while congratulating her on her award. Alas, events have not confirmed that, but he may have been wanting Julie Bishop to join in his apology.