Thursday, June 23, 2016

Day 94 of MUC and day 47 of MOC, and Moorice steaks across the sky like a blazing comet heralding the end times ...

Like any proper hipster retro medievalist, the pond is always ready to marvel at the wonders and marvels that flash across the sky ...

Like this bit of pathetic silliness served up by the Terrorists this day, as their basis for existence suffered yet another mortal blow ...

Someone pointed out that the parade of pics at the top of the page, featuring world beaters, also featured Cate Blanchett.

Of course for as long as Blanchett's been a tall poppy the Terrorists have done their best to demonise the actress ...

For those outside the tragic and pathetic world of the Terrorists, and the lucky ones who know nothing of thugby league boofheads, there's a reason, as noted at the bottom of the Terror front page and elsewhere ...

Well, the pond doesn't mind, and takes an unseemly pleasure in the tragic and pathetic writhings of the Terrorists.

Yet again they've shown the style and consistency - put it another way the desperate, wretched relentless hypocrisy - which has made the rag the most mendacious and useless tabloid in the country. Losers and dropkicks, and graceless dropkicks about losing ...

Fortunately this day there comes a man who bestrides the stage like a colossus, and he has chosen to grace the reptiles of Oz with his presence ...

This giant is a model of consistency, in what might be called the rhetorical mode of "a pox on all their houses" kind ...

When he smotes, he smotes mightily and righteously and lays to waste all around, maroon, blue, red, or any other colour to hand ...

No one-sided scare campaign for this man, whether on Medicare or the coming of the boats. This is a man for a comprehensive, winner take all scare campaign ...

Ah, the pond knew it in its bones, the media and the left-wing intelligentsia, and all we have to stop them is an old man howling into the wind in the wilderness, shouting at the rapidly scattering clouds ...

Of course it could just be that the doomsayer, desperately seeking some relevance, just wants the doom to flow, the more doom the better, so that there might be an epic slashing and burning, and everyone might be put on short term contracts and be sackable on whim or at least on a week's notice ... there, that'd teach sacrosanct workplace laws.

And once all the burger flippers have been put in their place, we might again howl and rage against the cultural cringe and increasingly oppressive government!

Foolish populists, and yet, and yet would be foolish to deny the power of populists ...

Oh okay, the pond admits that the hysteria in this day's piece was a little lacking.

The pond loves Morrice best when he's cranked up to eleven ... but sadly we now must leave his populist devotion to Trump and Brexit, and his highly developed sense of entitlement, and return to today's climactic gobbet of sackcloth grief and ashes of woe ...

Grim days indeed, and if the comet is a worthy portent, as it careens across the night sky, it seems we are all rooned.

Now the pond is more than a casual reader of runes, was trained in the study of tea leaves by the best in Tamworth, was frequently given chicken entrails to play with, and studied the Tarot using Aleister's pack ...

Yet it took an almost superhuman effort by the pond to decipher "...voters' choices are limited. The best they can do is inflict the least harm on their children's future and hope that in time safer options will present..."

Of course once the pond realised the seer had meant "vote for Turnbull's mob, so that Tony Abbott in due course, might return, and overthrow the interloper, and present a safer option for barbecue-stopping knighthoods and make Moorice his business adviser again and all will be well and safe in the world", that the pond realised Moorice wasn't being gnomic, but his usual self-less visionary self ...

It was in keeping with an insight by the great man himself, who last knight munched an onion or two with the Bolter as he modestly disclaimed any ambition except that of a humble member... before moving on to smote the Islamics ...

"If I may say so, I think all of us have at times tiptoed too softly through this particular field," he said. "I do think we have to be a little more forthright – I think there are elements of Islam which are very hard to reconcile with a modern, secular pluralist society." (here, with forced video in the Fairfax style).

Yes, indeed, and more than a few elements of the Holy Roman Catholic Church, with its homophobia and bigotry, and an onion-munching member willing to obfuscate, delay by any means, fight by tooth and nail and claw against gay rights ...

But we are all Spartacus now, the hypocrites and the bigots united in their outrage against Islam and homophobia ... and gay marriage.

Because you know, as Cory has shown time and again, belting the shit out of gay rights hasn't got anything to do with homophobia. He loves ya, gayz, and he's more than a little cut too ...

Never mind, this day the immortal Rowe proposed a little truth-telling therapy class for the scare-mongers (though he really should have given Moorice a place in the class) ... and more Rowe here ...

Speaking of that wi fi, does that explain 'Short-sighted, expensive and backward looking': ex-NBN boss blasts Turnbull's plan.(with forced video).

The pond will allow the use of the word 'plan.' A plan to fuck something up comprehensively remains in its own inimitable way, a comprehensive plan ...

Never mind, after Moorice, the pond has got the taste for a really good scare campaign, thanks be unto the Pope, and more papal insights here...


  1. I must again reach to paraphrasing Bertie Wooster's humble praise of Jeeves when rescued from his latest folly, "Moorice, You stand alone!"

    In a country fulfilling HG Nelson's epigram of "When too much stupidity is barely enough!" and we have Morrison's marvellous lament about bigotry against him, Dutton crying about bikies bullying him ... Moorice is still a standout.

    Well played, sir, and thanks be to DP for keeping track for us.

    1. Yes, GD, Moorice is a serious challenge to us non-believers as in "Nothing that weird could have arisen naturally, he must be a plague sent by God" (And frankly, I'd rather clouds of locusts any day ... sort of).

  2. Shit, Nick Cater is on The Drum.

    Well here he is when he got his O level results (with the excellent Maureen Lipman).

    1. Love it. You get an -ology and you're a scientist! As opposed to being the tedious fart who makes The Drum unwatchable ... but then anyone who attempted to watch Rebecca Weisser the same week would realise that there are two really dumb Tweedle peas in that pod ...

    2. Is this the same Rebecca Weisser, DP, that back in May 2013 argued "the ABC is biased. To fix the problem she suggests creating "a commission of inquiry to rework the charter so that it stipulates that balance in programming is fundamental to the operation of the ABC".

      Oh yes, I could see why she'd be a major contributor to The Drum.

  3. Hi Dorothy,

    Euro-Myths revisited;


    1. Excellent listicle DW and the pond was hard pressed to pick between cabbages and using Latin names for fish! What's also interesting is that this sort of stuff would these days be blamed on the myth-making of the intertubes, but it was mainly the work of pathetic mindless UK tabloids (and Boris Johnson reading the tabloids and thinking he was born to rule).

  4. That Terror front page amused in one respect. Its a bit hard to see in the image, but the text includes a bit of derision for other states pursuing ephemeral sporting glory while NSW cracks on with important things. Obvious deflection from the thugby of course, but the thing that caught my eye is that three of the seven people in that fresco alla Photoshop are sports people...

    The lack of self reflection never gets old.

    1. The Terror's probably the worst paper in Australia. At least the NT News has no pretensions or delusions, it's just a handy toilet wipe for outdoor dunnies ...whereas, like Oscar Wilde's rocket, the Terrorists think they serve some soaring purpose, until the thugby leaguers sputter into the mud.

    2. "probably"?? It's worse than cheap 7 Eleven toilet paper, so it must be THE worst.

  5. So all that hooha debt and deficit in 2014 was 'an Abbott/Hockey construct'?

    Out of the mouths of babes and reptiles....

    1. Yep, Merc, scripted and fashioned to the same design as Howard-Costello's "Beazley's Black hole" back in 1996 - mind you, that frightful chasm was only A$7.6 billion.

      Basically, it's just a standard packa as taught to wingnuts in the MRC/IPA beginner's school.


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