No, we're not talking about Eddie Maguire drowning witches.
That would be to admit that the pond plays the slightest attention to a misogynist boofhead when he's just a regular supplicant in the temple of sacred footballing misogynist boofheads, hallowed be Sam's name.
After all, it was all done in the spirit of fun the pond commonly associates with the Salem witch trials and what fun they were ... put that PM in a chaff bag and drown her at sea. It's the Australian way ...
But no, we could run a 'kill the witch' sign, and we could trudge through sexism like a cow wandering through cow pats, but today is sacred, because today is Oreo day ...
You see, the pond wishes it had a million Oreos, because bloated excess and disgusting indulgence has always been a pond tendency.
And today we have three full columns from Imam Jennifer, because ... well, because some days you can never have enough. Waiter, one last after-dinner mint, if you please ...
Of course it's beguiling. The pond has scribbled something of the same itself. If anybody in the PM's office/department had half a clue, they would have been aware of the homophobia that runs through conservative Islamic thinking the same way that warped sexuality is the river on which the Catholic church floats ...
Let us start with the first, sanctified, righteous gobbet from today's piece ...
Ah the old banality of weevils line and the invocation of the Nazis and the Holocaust.
But if we may stick with military metaphors, it's the pond's duty to report that imam Jennifer was one of the front line storm troopers, a valiant Stoßtruppen, or Sturmtruppen if you will, who routinely went over the top in the lizard Oz's valiant recent attempts to defeat the vile and dangerous homosexual agenda ...
Yes, it wasn't so long ago that every second column in the lizard Oz featured a reptile warning of the dangers of the gay agenda or the homosexual agenda.
Let us celebrate by doing a flashback to an heroic column which certainly would have pleased a Shady Sheikh ...
Yes, it wasn't so long ago that every second column in the lizard Oz featured a reptile warning of the dangers of the gay agenda or the homosexual agenda.
Let us celebrate by doing a flashback to an heroic column which certainly would have pleased a Shady Sheikh ...
Indeed, indeed, Imam Jennifer, a worthy corrective to dangerous thinking.
Can we now flash forward to your dire warning today of the consequences of bigoted homophobia?
The pond loves its ironies, can't get enough ironies as a way to start to the week...
Can we now flash forward to your dire warning today of the consequences of bigoted homophobia?
The pond loves its ironies, can't get enough ironies as a way to start to the week...

Indeed, indeed, the banality of weevils is a matter of serious concern.
Which is why the pond would like to run another full Oreo column showing how a dedicated Oreo will never, ever just watch the trains go by ...
Which is why the pond would like to run another full Oreo column showing how a dedicated Oreo will never, ever just watch the trains go by ...
No, no, no, she'll launch a full scale assault on the wicked, evil gay agenda ... which it goes without saying is also dangerously leftist ...
Splendid stuff, Imam Jennifer.
Take note of that, wicked evil queer extremists. Oh by the way the law according to Islam and Imam Jennifer requires punishment ... perhaps banning and exclusion. Have you thought of discreetly leaving the country?
Take note of that, wicked evil queer extremists. Oh by the way the law according to Islam and Imam Jennifer requires punishment ... perhaps banning and exclusion. Have you thought of discreetly leaving the country?
But not to worry, because the rest of us have feasted on a surfeit of Oreos ...
Oh okay, maybe not millions, let's just hope for lots more ...
Oh okay, maybe not millions, let's just hope for lots more ...
And while we're at it, why not, in the spirit of Oreo, have a gold flake, and the flakier the memory loss of what was written and the real feelings embedded in the writing the better ...
Oh and a tip for Eddie. When you've offended the little woman, it's so easy to make it up to the little woman ...
Abuse her, joke about drowning her, thump her around in the privacy of the home, go the full O.J., now there's a great footballer, and isn't it interesting to see what a great footballer got away with in that new series of feature-length docs, but hey, a little chocolate always heals the bruising ...
Abuse her, joke about drowning her, thump her around in the privacy of the home, go the full O.J., now there's a great footballer, and isn't it interesting to see what a great footballer got away with in that new series of feature-length docs, but hey, a little chocolate always heals the bruising ...
Choccies, Eddie, choccies, and some flowers. The real sexist knows how to work the street and the angle ... and soon enough then you can have some more fun and make some really funny remarks ... have you thought about the comedic possibilities of burning at the stake, crucifixion and the use of the dunking stool?
Oreole: "It is increasingly common to find the sexualisation of very young children promoted as part of sex education in schools."
ReplyDeleteBetter to do it in connection with Beauty Pageants for very young girls, perhaps ? Has Oreole ever heard of JonBenet Ramsey, do you think.
As to homosexuality, here's how Western Civilisation - or at least one significant component thereof - handles it.
Quoting Wikipedia: "In England, Henry VIII introduced the first legislation under English criminal law against sodomy with the Buggery Act of 1533, making buggery punishable by hanging, a penalty not lifted until 1861."
And: "Ten years after the Wolfenden Report, MP Leo Abse introduced the Sexual Offences Bill 1967 supported by Labour MP Roy Jenkins, then the Labour Home Secretary. When passed, The Sexual Offences Act decriminalised homosexual acts between two men over 21 years of age in private in England and Wales. The 1967 Act did not extend to Scotland, Northern Ireland, the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man, where all homosexual behaviour remained illegal. The privacy restrictions of the act meant a third person could not be present and men could not have sex in a hotel. These restrictions were overturned in the European Court of Human Rights in 2000."
Yep, just the very vanguard of rational anti-clerical civilization.
What's so wrong with a hint of water-boarding? Same as drowning a witch, or choking a Marxist, surely? Those enemies within must be expunged without mercy.
ReplyDeleteGolly - what a dedicated Social Justice Warrior the Oreo is (though she'd doubtless recoil like a vampire from a crucifix were the term ever applied to her)! As a wee lass she determined that she "would never be a person who just watches the trains go by." And so she now fights the good fight for truth, justice and equality by..... writing rants for the most reactionary and least-read of all the Murdoch rags?
ReplyDeleteRight on, Sista! Power to the People!
“Because this investigation is open and ongoing, we’re not commenting on anyone else’s role in it right now, except to say that we are talking to everyone who knew him, and that of course includes his family, to determine what they knew, what they saw in the days and weeks leading up to this,” Ms Lynch said."
ReplyDeleteRight wing nut job conservatives still fixated on the concept that the interaction of dicks and fannies is the only acceptable outlet for sexual engagement. Because ??? Procreation, mixed with Religion, mixed with their own egotistical power trip - thus deluding themselves that they can tell others what they can and can't do.
ReplyDeleteYeah, right. Good luck with that.