As a member of the primate anti-defamation league, the pond must strenuously object Mr Rowe, and those wishing to pursue their objection can tweet with Mr Rowe here.
Meanwhile, the pond has worked out the Bolter's cunning plan.
By purporting to demand that a Liberal leader shift somewhere to the right of Genghis Khan, he is cleverly and assiduously campaigning for the return of Malware.
By purporting to demand that a Liberal leader shift somewhere to the right of Genghis Khan, he is cleverly and assiduously campaigning for the return of Malware.
This day he sets out the agenda from the get go ...
Now that's clear enough. Vote in the backstabbing Leftist and there's a good chance that the backstabber could be backstabbed ... stick with Bill and you're stuck with him for three years ...
But that's where the argument gets really convoluted. Having ravaged the Billistas and Labor and spending and all the other News Corp guff the reptiles have learned by heart, the Bolter steps into really sublime territory by listing all that's wrong with Malware ...
It's important to note that none of these have anything to do with Malware's real defects - such as his epic fucking over and fucking up of the NBN, and his pig-headed refusal to recognise and adjust.
Instead, using the specious distinction of 3 years and 10 years, and ignoring the impending rule of President Trump, the next global depression, the demise of Britain, the breaking up of the European Union, the establishment of a Chinese hegemony in south east Asia, and the first sabre rattling heralding the outbreak of world war III - we keed, we keed, we hope we keed - the Bolter provides a list of Malware's most grievous thought crimes and deeds ...
What this list does is establish that the Bolter is barking mad, and cultivates an o'weening sense of his own righteousness, and so he ends up making Malware seem quite moderate and reasonable, and with a decent - as opposed to a fanatical and warped - interest in climate science.
That's why the pond finally worked out the cleverness of the plan. By demonising Malware so that he seems even worse than the Billistas, the Bolter actually paints a sympathetic picture of a man willing to think of women's rights, rather than hysterical bigots wanting to spread fundamentalist Crusader Christianity (please, remember the golden rule - Islamist extremists abusing women's rights and revealing homophobia is deplorable and should be stopped, but Radical Christians should be allowed to run wild and free):
Of course that notion of a "true Liberal leader", a category decided unilaterally by a crazed Murdochian columnist of the onion-muncher is the capper, the cherry on top of the treat. It's straight out of Game of Thrones or the fundamentalist playbook that talks of a thousand year reign.
"True" in this context doesn't mean true, it means the blinkered Bolter has careered down the race track yet again.
It does a major disservice to the English language - much like the ABC breakfast presenter who this morning talked of "pretty unique" - that the Bolter should be the arbiter of what is "true". Could Malware be, if not "true," then a totally or pretty unique leader?
It does a major disservice to the English language - much like the ABC breakfast presenter who this morning talked of "pretty unique" - that the Bolter should be the arbiter of what is "true". Could Malware be, if not "true," then a totally or pretty unique leader?
And this from a man who with rat-cunning nastiness and shifty furtiveness, then manages to reconcile how he's urging a vote for Turnbull for the next three years, while holding out the advantage of him being defeated so that over the next ten years the country might return to the sublime incompetence of the onion muncher and his ilk ...
It's as cunning pitch for "vote Malware" as the pond has come across ...
Meanwhile, the pond has noticed a certain tendency for politicians of all stripes to don high visibility clothing ... and to use it to garb workers for television commercials. Inevitably the larrikins couldn't resist ...

Now the pond doesn't mind if the tradie was a real tradie or a faux tradie. He sounds like a fake tradie, which means he must have been a bad actor, which might make him a real tradie. On the other hand, you need a bad actor to really invoke the spirit of faux tradie pretending that Malware cares more about him than a watermelon.
Whatever, the result has seen the #faketradie tag come alive ... and everybody has been having fun, including here ...
At last, some genuine comedy and a decent act of class war ...
Oh, the circularity at play here.
ReplyDeleteSo a writer that Turnbull once described as "quite unhinged" and "..borders on the demented" writes in a fashion that supports Turnbull's proposition entirely.
Discreet indeed, but as Melbourne is entirely awash in a wave of witch-burning opprobrium, it could be that no-one notices.
Over-paid media bully boys - your day has arrived!
"If we're going to take offence at every silly, offhand remark or attempt at humour, then we're not focusing on the really important issues of the day," Ms Bishop said in Sydney.
ReplyDeleteThere ya go, harden up, girls!
So most of us don't have a megaphone to broadcast banter to the nation - tough titties!