Personally I find the sight of a 66 year old former doctor and prisoner and football team owner getting hitched to a 25 year old former fitness instructor shocking, appalling and offensive.
Silly old goat, silly young bimbo. The fact that it's a heterosexual coupling's no excuse. You can salivate along here at And the bride wore red. Or Edelsten defends wedding exposure at prenup press conference. Or any of a hundred other sites and stories and snaps.
Hang on, wait a minute, what am I saying? I actually don't give a flying fuck that they're getting hitched. They might live happily ever after, or it might all end in tears, but they're both adults, and they have the perfect right to do what they're doing. Just don't expect me to pay attention.
Start again.
Personally I'm shocked and appalled that two gay men yesterday got hitched in a legally recognized same-sex civil ceremony in Canberra. (here). I know for a fact that at least ten thousand heterosexual marriages were immediately undermined, and that the divorce rate will increase substantially by the weekend. Weak pathetic marriages, you say? Clearly you don't understand the impact of the sight of two men kissing one another ... something best left to Catholic priests behind the altar.
Hang on, wait a minute, what am I saying? I actually don't give a flying fuck that they've got hitched. Good luck to them, cheers and all that. They might live happily ever after, or it might all end in tears, but they're both adults, and at long last in this godforsaken country they have the perfect right to do what they've done.
The fact that they've hung around together for nearly twenty years indicates a bit more emotional maturity and stability than a lot of heterosexual couples going around in the marital stakes (me for one), but I guess for Christians coming from a religion ostensibly based on love, love doesn't count for much ...
Start again.
I'm shocked and appalled the Federal government is persisting in attempts to bring down the ACT's legislation:
... the Federal Government is not backing away from its plans to block the new laws.
It has asked the ACT Government to amend the legislation.
Federal Attorney-General Robert McClelland says he is not worried that ceremonies will take place while negotiations are underway.
"We're not panicking about the situation," he said.
"We're trying to see these issues in their context."
Any legal ceremonies that take place will still stand regardless of the final outcome.
What? Get in now, get in quick, and the ceremonies will stand as legal? Leave your run too late and you'll be left out in the cold.
What a bunch of dingbats. Well I hope that the ACT takes it down to the wire, to the point where the Federal Government has to veto the legislation, and its shame is up there for all to see. If I'd wanted John Howard to keep setting my moral compass, I'd have bloody well voted for John Howard, but any of you mugs who voted for Kevin Rudd did, in fact, vote for John Howard. Or so it seems ...
Oh and while I'm shocked and appalled, can I just add how shocked and appalled I was by that goose, the Catholic Archbishop of Canberra and Goulburn Mark Coleridge, carrying on about how the ACT laws undermine marriage and how he wants the Federal Government to step in.
As Attorney General Simon Corbell notes, it's extraordinary that a church leader wants to undermine the legislation of an elected parliament.
Get thee gone prattling priest.
But I guess that the Catholic church has form, what with the recently outed decision to ban Rep. Patrick Kennedy from eating wafers in church. (Bishop Tobin is doing his best to prove the anti-Catholic bigots right). Perhaps they could let him eat vo vo's or a nice lamington. Blessed of course, and turned by magic into the body of Christ.
Oh and in other news the Catholic church kicked in over US$550k to help defeat the same-sex marriage campaign (Portland ME Catholic Diocese Donated $550k To Defeat Same-Sex Marriage Campaign).
Pity they couldn't spare a little more hard cash for victims of pedophile priests, instead of regularly managing to conflate homosexuality and pedophilia in ways that are unforgivable.
What else can I be shocked and appalled about?
Got it. I want to know what the bloody Catholic church is going to do about bestiality.
Look no further than that filthy, perverted Bill Shakespeare and his mating of the fairy queen Titania with a donkey. I expect a handsomely funded campaign to ban A Midsummer Night's Dream, and I expect it now ...

Think but this, and all is mended,
That you have but slumber'd here
While these visions did appear.
And this weak and idle theme,
No more yielding but a dream,
Gentles, do not reprehend:
if you pardon, we will mend:
And, as I am an honest Puck,
If we have unearned luck
Now to 'scape the serpent's tongue,
We will make amends ere long;
Else the Puck a liar call;
So, good night unto you all.
Give me your hands, if we be friends,
And Robin shall restore amends.
And all's well that ends well, provided that all is allowed to end well, without the benefit of prattling priests.
"Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest? ..."
ReplyDeleteThomas à Becket
That comment probably didn't contribute much, just popped into my head when I got to the end of your post.
ReplyDeleteI'm just so angry with Rudd and government. So much for an ALP government that espouses that it's against discrimination
k. social justice and equality for individuals, the family and all social units, and the elimination of exploitation in the home;
p. elimination of discrimination and exploitation on the grounds of class, race, sex, sexuality, religion, political affiliation, national origin, citizenship, age, disability, regional location, economic or household status;