The news that Fred Nile has been embarrassed by a series of emails reminds us that we've spent way too little time on this worthy Christian warrior.
The emails were written by one Douglas Darby, son of former Liberal identity Michael Darby, who is the Christian Democratic Party's campaign manager, and you can read the full story here under the header Obscene anti-Muslim emails put Nile on the defensive.
Mr Hockey claims evangelical Bible believing Churches are losing members yet refers to the “fast-growing evangelical Christian Churches”.
The Churches that are dying in Australia are those that preach the modernist liberal theology and reject the Bible as the Word of God.
Mr Hockey quotes ancient US court cases from 1925 to justify his belief.
Christian opposition to homosexuality is not based solely on the Old Testament but the New Testament in a number of chapters in context.
The greatest mass murderers in history have not been in the name of religion but by atheistic Nazism and Communism.
I agree with Mr Hockey that “love is God’s greatest gift to humanity, it is His promise and our hope”. I believe this because God so loved the world that sent His Son Jesus Christ to die on the Cross so that anyone who believes in Jesus Christ, as Saviour, will inherit eternal life.
If Mr Hockey’s grandfather was Armenian he should be aware of the genocide of over one million Christian Armenians by the Islamic authorities in 1915. Australian Christians do not want to see that type of Islamic militancy in the future in our nation.
These facts indicate there must be close surveillance of Muslims in the Australian Army and Security Forces, including Intelligence Agencies, to prevent a similar development in Australia.
As a safety precaution in the current war against Islamic terrorists, no dedicated Muslims should be employed in these critical areas.
But enough of the Islamics. Worried about religious education? Chairman Fred is hard at work for you:
“Religious education should be provided as a standard part of the school curriculum in NSW, not as an additional optional extra. All NSW school children should attend religious education classes unless Parents say otherwise. We have the reverse situation at the moment, where educators are effectively making that decision on behalf of parents”, stated Rev Fred Nile...
... Will the Minister ensure that all children attend the weekly SRE class and undertake religious and ethical education, for example, in the 10 Commandments, the Sermon on the Mount, the Apostle Paul and Peter's letters, et cetera?
(Below: and here at loon pond, we endorse the following family values campaigners. Vote now and vote often).

The emails were written by one Douglas Darby, son of former Liberal identity Michael Darby, who is the Christian Democratic Party's campaign manager, and you can read the full story here under the header Obscene anti-Muslim emails put Nile on the defensive.
But let's savor the flavor:
In one email Douglas Darby attacks a Muslim activist, Mal Mac Rae, as a ''stupid moslem cunt'' and says ''muslim scum are too busy stacking ALP branches and raping Aussie chicks''.
In another, Douglas Darby suggests Muslims ''who habitually engage in child molestation, incest, pack rape … obey the laws of this country or fuck off to Afghanistan where Australians are allowed to shoot you people''.
Yet another urges Mr Mac Rae to become a suicide bomber. ''Please do it inside either a Sunni or Shiite mosque.''
Apparently what set Darby off was a question from Mac Rae about Nile's military service record, but it's a pity the story doesn't go into his attack on the CDP turncoat, the Reverend Gordon Moyes, or the homophobic comments he's alleged to have made . It's always tasty to see the feuding and fussing amongst fringe groups.
In another, Douglas Darby suggests Muslims ''who habitually engage in child molestation, incest, pack rape … obey the laws of this country or fuck off to Afghanistan where Australians are allowed to shoot you people''.
Yet another urges Mr Mac Rae to become a suicide bomber. ''Please do it inside either a Sunni or Shiite mosque.''
Apparently what set Darby off was a question from Mac Rae about Nile's military service record, but it's a pity the story doesn't go into his attack on the CDP turncoat, the Reverend Gordon Moyes, or the homophobic comments he's alleged to have made . It's always tasty to see the feuding and fussing amongst fringe groups.
For a little background, you might revert to Alex Mitchell's story in Cikey back in 2008 under the header Fred Nile's coup inside Christian Democrats, which will remind you that, in the manner of North Korean dictators, the Reverend Fred Nile is President for life of the CDP. Back then there was a little collateral damage, a few lost souls ejected from the crusades.
But for the real flavor, you need to head off to the CDP website, here, wherein you will see that you've already missed out on the opportunity to participate in an event held in the NSW Parliamentary Theatrette with the theme "The Islamisation of Europe & the Church From the Foothold in Europe to the Muslim Jesus", where twelve bucks would entitle you to entry, light lunch and a feast of paranoia.
You will also find a feast of press releases, covering every aspect of the thoughts of Chairman Nile, including a touching tribute to Joe Hockey which damns him to hell:
Mr Hockey’s attempt to emulate Mr Rudd’s Statement on his faith in God has failed dismally because of its errors and lack of Christian knowledge.
Mr Hockey claims evangelical Bible believing Churches are losing members yet refers to the “fast-growing evangelical Christian Churches”.
The Churches that are dying in Australia are those that preach the modernist liberal theology and reject the Bible as the Word of God.
Mr Hockey quotes ancient US court cases from 1925 to justify his belief.
Christian opposition to homosexuality is not based solely on the Old Testament but the New Testament in a number of chapters in context.
The greatest mass murderers in history have not been in the name of religion but by atheistic Nazism and Communism.
I agree with Mr Hockey that “love is God’s greatest gift to humanity, it is His promise and our hope”. I believe this because God so loved the world that sent His Son Jesus Christ to die on the Cross so that anyone who believes in Jesus Christ, as Saviour, will inherit eternal life.
If Mr Hockey’s grandfather was Armenian he should be aware of the genocide of over one million Christian Armenians by the Islamic authorities in 1915. Australian Christians do not want to see that type of Islamic militancy in the future in our nation.
The Crusades are alive and well in the antipodes, and Richard the Lionheart still rides the range. The obsession with Muslims is singular and remarkable. The conclusion derived from the slaughter instigated by Muslim Major Nidal Hasan?
As a safety precaution in the current war against Islamic terrorists, no dedicated Muslims should be employed in these critical areas.
But enough of the Islamics. Worried about religious education? Chairman Fred is hard at work for you:
“Religious education should be provided as a standard part of the school curriculum in NSW, not as an additional optional extra. All NSW school children should attend religious education classes unless Parents say otherwise. We have the reverse situation at the moment, where educators are effectively making that decision on behalf of parents”, stated Rev Fred Nile...
... Will the Minister ensure that all children attend the weekly SRE class and undertake religious and ethical education, for example, in the 10 Commandments, the Sermon on the Mount, the Apostle Paul and Peter's letters, et cetera?
Take that secularists, and opt out if you must, you filthy perverted atheists.
And what about this cogent warning Australians to Surrender to One World Government?
The Rev Fred Nile MLC, Leader of the Christian Democratic Party, has raised concern that the Rudd Labor Government will subjugate Australian interests to a new international government to be set up by the UN in December 2009. Rev Nile made the comments in the NSW Upper House.
“Janet Albrechtsen' article on climate change in the 28 October edition of the Australian refers to the United Nation's "Copenhagen plot". The article deals with a draft of the climate change treaty, which she says is "aimed at creating a world government that would tax rich countries and give to poor ones".
“Janet Albrechtsen' article on climate change in the 28 October edition of the Australian refers to the United Nation's "Copenhagen plot". The article deals with a draft of the climate change treaty, which she says is "aimed at creating a world government that would tax rich countries and give to poor ones".
Yep Chairman Fred is at one with wacky zany Janet Albrechtsen, and sometimes sounds like he's channeling Tim Blair and Andrew Bolt.
You can spend hours rotting your brain by strolling through the official policies and the many media releases, most of which fall like ripe fruit close to the tree, unreported by left leaning media organisations full of journalists with secularist and left wing tendencies.
How does it all happen? Well I blame the cat people. Little old ladies who worry about cats and vote for Chairman Fred because he's such a nice man, and he's a Christian and he hates homosexuals and Muslims and such like. That's why in the media releases, you'll also find Chairman Fred suggesting laws which will allow people under 18 smoking in public to be find, or urging the banning of cage fights, or supporting animal welfare legislation.
And don't worry about climate change. Like Tim Blair, Chairman Fred has the good oil on that. We're entering a period of global cooling, and indeed as I switch on my air conditioner for the first time this season, I notice that indeed the interior of my house is getting cooler. And so it seems is the planet:
When global warming fanatics realised that the problem is global cooling, not global warming, they decided to adopt the slogan of combating "climate change". That was not such a brilliant idea: the climate changes all the time! In Australia, the climate changes markedly from winter to summer, and we all acknowledge that the climate changes.
There you go. Chairman Fred discovers the seasons. Advanced science 101 for all you mugs. The climate changes! There are seasons! QED:
The question is whether climate change is caused by human beings, or is part of natural seasons that occur in the environment. I believe the latter to be the case. It is interesting that not only are the climates of a number of countries becoming cooler but in fact those countries are experiencing freezing conditions.
In this very month, Montana is experiencing a minus 10 degree Centigrade chill. The temperature shattered a 36-year record in the heartland of the United States. Last Sunday, the city of Billings recorded a temperature of minus 12 degrees Centigrade, breaking the 1959 record of minus 5 degrees Centigrade. In the European region, Austria is receiving its earliest snowfall in history and approximately 40 centimetres of snow is predicted to fall in the mountains.
Such dramatic decreases in temperature provide evidence that should support those who doubt that the world is being threatened by global warming. They certainly point to the need for further studies and investigation, and blow a hole in the argument that the earth is hurtling towards an inescapable death from heat that has been created by man's abuse of the environment. We must not panic. There must be calm, scientific investigation. All factors should be taken into consideration. I commend a very thoughtful article published in the Australian under the headline "Carbon vanity will be Rudd's downfall", by Tony Abbott. I commend that article particularly to members of the Labor Party, some of whom I know already share some of the concerns I have expressed", stated Rev Nile.
In this very month, Montana is experiencing a minus 10 degree Centigrade chill. The temperature shattered a 36-year record in the heartland of the United States. Last Sunday, the city of Billings recorded a temperature of minus 12 degrees Centigrade, breaking the 1959 record of minus 5 degrees Centigrade. In the European region, Austria is receiving its earliest snowfall in history and approximately 40 centimetres of snow is predicted to fall in the mountains.
Such dramatic decreases in temperature provide evidence that should support those who doubt that the world is being threatened by global warming. They certainly point to the need for further studies and investigation, and blow a hole in the argument that the earth is hurtling towards an inescapable death from heat that has been created by man's abuse of the environment. We must not panic. There must be calm, scientific investigation. All factors should be taken into consideration. I commend a very thoughtful article published in the Australian under the headline "Carbon vanity will be Rudd's downfall", by Tony Abbott. I commend that article particularly to members of the Labor Party, some of whom I know already share some of the concerns I have expressed", stated Rev Nile.
Now what did I say! You must not panic. Chairman Fred is here to lead you to the promised land, along with Tim Blair, Janet Albrechtsen and Tony Abbott.
Correction: you must panic, but only about gays, gay marriage, abortion, feminists, animal welfare, the suffering of cats, the misdeeds of the young, with their fornicating, drinking and smoking ways, and Muslims. Whom we don't like, but whom we must not tell on with the real language coursing through our dark sinister minds. But be reassured, generally they're a bunch of mother f*ckers. (Oh dear the tasteful SMH gremlin style has slipped in here).
Oh and recidivists and destabilizers and splitters because the lot of leaders is always difficult, as the moles go about the business of undermining society and its precious leaders for life:
Gordon Moyes' Destabilitising Campaign
Following his defeat in the Presidential Election, Gordon Moyes launched a destabilising campaign campaign against Fred Nile as President, against the CDP Management Committee and against CDP policies, especially the Muslim Immigration policy.
Gordon Moyes used the CDP 'Emag' system to attack and ridicule Fred Nile with many false claims. He finally launched a public attack in the Sun Herald against Fred Nile which upset many CDP members.
Following his defeat in the Presidential Election, Gordon Moyes launched a destabilising campaign campaign against Fred Nile as President, against the CDP Management Committee and against CDP policies, especially the Muslim Immigration policy.
Gordon Moyes used the CDP 'Emag' system to attack and ridicule Fred Nile with many false claims. He finally launched a public attack in the Sun Herald against Fred Nile which upset many CDP members.
A destabilizing campaign. Just like the campaigns all those splitters used against Comrade Stalin. Well off to the gulag with them, or Siberia perhaps, or both. Or perhaps Tasmania?
Oh and perhaps global cooling. You can worry about global cooling. This weekend is a very good weekend to contemplate the dangers of global cooling ...

I was so disappointed the SMH article didn't go into Niles' military record.
ReplyDeleteWe really need to bring back lions & Christians into the stadiums on weekends instead of boring cricket and football.
Actually, we may not need the lions: the Christians can just fight amongst themselves.
Oh, if only there was a Jesus and we could hear his thoughts on these religious folk (RFLMAO) who claim to represent him.