Tuesday, November 30, 2021

In which the pond takes an elaborate detour before sending in the Oreo, there must be Oreos, don't worry, they're here ...





Sorry, the pond just wanted to make sure it was still banned in Hong Kong, and as there's no money grubbing commercial interest involved, there's also a chance to mock the craven behaviour of the House of Mouse ...

The pond gave up on The Simpsons about series eleven, but still, to have an episode disappeared is something to see ... and it provided a neat segue into an opening line by the keen Keane in Crikey ... (paywall affected) ...


Not to mention the outrageous fully public, unpunished behaviour of the likes of gorgeous George and the lesser Kelly, and the shameless way that the reptiles keep on taking cash in the claw from Clive ...

They were at it again today ...



You don't need to be anonymous to demonstrate an absolute lack of shame,  while still over at Crikey, (paywall affected), Cam Wilson offered this tidy conclusion ...


Perhaps best of all in the rolling coverage was this note about the oscillating fan ...



A since deleted tweet? 

So that's what the new law is all about, making sure cackling geese can troll themselves in full public view ... and then hastily take it down (though it is in cache for anyone compelled to feel the need to look it up).

And in turn that public trolling of self led to some excellent public trolling, as the walls of Jericho came tumbling down ...



Indeed, indeed, and the pond hungers for the day when not a single reptile can reference an anonymous source, under pain of a North Korean firing squad (no more Squid Games please) ...

But wait, isn't this a blog dedicated to the reptiles?  Shouldn't someone send in the reptiles, there ought to be reptiles, is the pond losing its timing this late in its career ...?

Don't worry, they're here, it's just that the pond sometimes wants to take a walk in the park, feels the urge for non-reptile distractions, and perhaps experience the chance to play with other children ...

On with the news of the day at the top of the digital edition ...



In its stupidity, the pond was expecting a full-blooded denunciation by the reptiles of the knee-jerk border pause reaction, but Killer Creighton was on tedious US duty and instead there was a serve of simplistic Simon ...



Hang on, hang on, did someone mention a chance to treat a virus as a sordid chance to seize on a political opportunity?

Oh that's right, the bouffant one was yesterday celebrating the chance for Scotty from marketing to dance on a few more graves ...

Never mind, that's old news, and the serious opportunity has been seized, and we can wrap up this strand with another gobbet from simplistic Simon ...



What an excellent way to govern. No mention of integrity commissions! 

But at least the pond had a Rowe on hand to celebrate the discovery of OmniTron ... (a pond patented brand celebrating new forms of the virus crossed with the House of Mouse) ... with more Rowe here ...




 And so to the reformed, recovering feminist, now apparently to be regularly found on a Tuesday ...


Really reptiles? That's your graphic? 

What a wretched effort, no wonder there's no credit ... but there is that wonderful tag, noting that people who "believe in queer ideology" might get a gig in a faith school, which might come as a surprise to all the gays employed by the Catholic church ...

Yes, the pond's extended family gay priest must do a little overtime as a sterling example of gays working for the church ...

But now on with the Oreo, and as the pond has already covered this turf, it can be tossed off in a couple of gobbets ...


What's remarkable in all this is not so much the malarkey on view, but the way the reformed, recovered feminist seems to have fully recovered and now talks blithely of radical movements.

Oh it's a long and winding road from Women's Studies International Forum and Sexual pleasure as a human right (pdf) or this special edition celebrated at Scarlet Alliance, Australian Sex Workers Association ... including but not limited to ...


What grand company the Oreo once kept, and if you hunt around you can still discover hints of dangerous radicalism ...




But that was then, and this is now, and the pond isn't going to go over its old thesis that when you scratch a heavily radicalised communist, you're only a stone's throw away from a heavily radicalised capitalist, or if you will, a Jesuit from an atheist, or a devout preacher of feminist causes to a devout preacher of the rights of religious fundamentalists to damn every one to hell, and in the interim, make sure they experience a living hell on earth ...


Weird shit ... and the pond wonders if the Oreo should take the Wilcox test ...




Never mind, it was a fine trolling ... and the pond loves a bit of trolling ...


Xian trolls, you might wonder? Well yes, we have many fine examples of anonymous leaks by expert Xian trolls ...





  1. "The pond gave up on The Simpsons about series eleven..." Didn't we all, DP. But The Simpsons seems to be one of those creations that can attract and hold a continually changing - going and coming - audience. There must be a genuine principle of human existence somewhere in there.

    "...but still, to have an episode disappeared is something to see ...". Now the sensible thing here is not to complain to, or about, Disney, but to turn it into a Streisand Effect. Who can do that for us ?

  2. The PVO tweet - plus comments.


    The Loons seem to be in a big flap of late, their desire to be offensive seems to have come up against the victims ability to say "fuck off".

  3. "the pond sometimes wants to take a walk in the park..." And merrily we roll along into the woods to hear a little night music with company.

  4. ‘the reality of birth sex’? One organisation I assembled, included a girl who was quite competent, expensively dressed, but - can I say odd looking? It was quite by chance that I heard her story, when a retired couple from the next street mentioned that they knew - call her ‘Jane’ for convenience - and her family, from their time with the bank in Mt Gambier. Family were wealthy graziers. Jane was born around 1960 with one of the many indeterminate developmental syndromes but one that included distinctive facial elements. The local medico ‘counselled’ the mother along the lines of ‘Well, this one’s not really boy or girl - but we can set it on the path to appearing as one or the other. You already have a daughter, why not make it two girls?’

    So - with surgical removal of a couple of bits that were inconvenient to that ‘identity’, and unremitting hormonal supplementation, steadily amended as the knowledge base improved, that child lived as a girl and woman. I preferred not to know any more detail - this was a member of staff, after all. My informant did note that the parents encouraged Jane to go out into the world, but were able to provide her with a very comfortable place to live in the city, a car, a generous allowance above what her day job paid - all as a kind of partial compensation for not knowing if they had made the right choice with their baby. Socially, while she was readily included in the ‘work’ events and outings, she didn’t really fit into ‘girlie’ sessions, and, in the time I knew her, I never saw her bring an outside friend to any of the outings.

    But she was - I believe still is - an example of the ‘reality of birth sex’.

    It must be easy, living in Oreo world., the more so when you can blather about some supposed need to ‘restore . . . rights . . .to hold a world view that differs from extreme ideology.’ and with a bill that ‘reasserts the primacy of truth in the realms of politics’

    Oh, and looking at the Oreo’s examples, from the ‘No’ campaign, freedom of religion means that one sector of our population can deny others the simple satisfactions of being a family, with particular property rights - because they do not conform to alleged biological ‘truths’ which are not recognised in biological texts.

    Yes, a long-time Professor of Child Health at University of Queensland was also an assertive Creationist, who wrote extensively on his version of that ‘truth’. That simply illustrates that there are medical practitioners who never shake-off the hold that superstitious religion took in their early years.

    1. Oh c'mon Chad, we are all Creationists now:


      A fine example of the great power of undisprovability, yes ?

    2. The Oreo is just assisting in the current task of throwing as many dead cats as possible on the table to distract from the grift and incompetence of our elected officials.

      This has all been explained at such great length - here is just one example


      - that even a scribbler for Murdoch must know this narrative is rubbish.

      Of course it has that appeal we often see in the Murdoch offerings, that even if it doesn't make the reader's life any better, it at least makes someone else's life a bit worse. That seems to do the trick for a certain type of personality.

    3. Thanks Befuddled - and the possible 2% incidence noted. Not that the reptiles recognise any obligation to make allowance for just 2% of the population; well, except for climate sceptics, anti-vaxxers - and what proportion of the population is likely to read Sharri's book?

  5. So says Simplest Simon: "At the start of a parliamentary sitting week that was expected to be a repeat of last week's chaos, Morrison was given a rare opportunity to seize back control of the political agenda."

    Oh yeah ? Given by who ? It's just wondrous how no matter whether it's good, bad, indifferent, disastrous or just plain imaginary, that everything always works out totally the best for SloMo. Always ! But then, given the nature of the majority of the Australian electorate, that's probably true.

    I mean, just think: Abbott followed by Turnbull followed by Morrison who might just win again.

  6. Oh [sigh] here goes the ignorant righteous again. The Oreo: "The threats to people of faith were physical and financial." But as we all know, Christians have never, ever threatened anybody else, have they. There never were Crusades, were there. And Christian nations never invaded, colonised and enslaved anybody, did they - the Barbadians must have mistaken Muslims or maybe even atheists for Christians. Though maybe the Tainos, Arawaks and Caribs mistook the Africans shipped to Barbados for the Christians who enslaved them.

    How many of today's "republican" Barbadians are actually of indigenous origin, and how many are of imported African slave origin or of the English who imported and enslaved them.

    Such a totally loving and caring people everywhere and everywhen, Christians. Aren't they ?


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