Tuesday, November 30, 2021

In which the pond serves up a late dose of Killer, in case there are no other soporifics to be found ...



To say the pond was underwhelmed by the Killer's offering this day is a profound understatement ... where was the Freudian fear of masks for starters?

So the pond marked down Killer's contribution, dumped him from the early morning outing, and slipped him into a late arvo slot where few would notice or be bothered to read ...

But how to spice up the offering? Perhaps a cartoon-led recovery, taking a look at all the best that's been going down in the United States ...


Better still, Chris Christie's book looks like being a major flop ...

And with that warm-up, it's on with Killer's komedy stylings ...



Indeed, indeed, but the pond isn't panicking, because the USA is in fine shape ... with a vigorous opposition ready to seize the reins of power and govern in style ...


And they've got their priorties in good shape ...




 Indeed, indeed, despite the odd quirk, the Killer finds much to admire in the mango Mussolini ...


Speaking of vulgar youff, one theme seemed to be running through the recent US cartooning community ... a celebration of the finest deeds of said youff ...




Yes, with vulgar youff on the streets and eager to help out, the country is in fine shape ... and the pond sees it's filibustered its way to a final short gobbet of Killer speak ...



The pond always expects Killer to end with a fatuous cliché, but the least the pond could do is go hunting for the original source, to come up with this here ... 


To which might be added, to be an employee of Chairman Rupert at twenty shows a charming addiction to getting by; to be a reptile at forty, in the Killer way, casts doubt on the soundness of his mind ... and thankfully the long absent lord will intervene so the pond won't ever discover what he'll be like at eighty ...

And so to wrap up, it has of course been turkey season of late, and it's also pleasing to see that there's still positive signs in relation to climate science ...



And now, thanks to a correspondent who provided a link to more in the saga of the oscillating fan, here, a goodly supply of tweets dealing with annony mouse topics ...




  1. Via Mark O'Shea: "Australia is a lucky country run mainly by second rate people who share its luck. It lives on other people's ideas, and, although its ordinary people are adaptable, most of its leaders (in all fields) so lack curiousity about the events that surround them that they are often taken by surprise."

    Now what was it that one of those incuriously surprised "leaders" said ? Oh yes: "It's hard to be a good leader with voters like us." Now just looking around the world at present, is it likely that the voters of the UK and the US are doing any better ?

    But yes, Australia was once a veritable world leader in governance and government, but indeed that all faded away bit by bit after Chifley. Menzies did some "good" things (eg opening up the universities and implementing Chifley's idea of Commonwealth Scholarships; and Holt did a few good things (dismantling the White Australia policy and the 1967 referendum re aboriginals). Whitlam's government, amongst other things, gave us Medicare (now Medibank) but since then it's all been downhill. Fraser, Hawke-Keating, Howard, Rudd, Abbott, Turnbull, Morrison (Gillard tried so she's ok); is it any wonder that Australia is in the shape it's in. Yeah, thanks Aussie voters, thanks a heap.

  2. and nothing else marks the sheer mediocrity of the Cater than his purloining the title of Donald Horne's exceptional book, to call his own 'The Lucky Culture' - which still rather defies interpretation.

    1. No, having thought long and hard about it, Chad, I think it is plain that a "Lucky Culture" is one blessed by the presence of the Cater who migrated far away from his birth-land to make our lives better by giving us someone clearly worse off than we are to happily compare ourselves with.


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