Sunday, September 20, 2020

In which the dog botherer and prattling Polonius offer themselves up for a Sunday meditation ...


Usually the pond starts with prattling Polonius for its Sunday meditation, but the old codger is in such predictable form that the pond thought it should send him down to the rear to reflect on his multiple sins, while the mindless stupidity of the dog botherer in full rant was showcased for those still trying to understand reptile speak ...



Now your average reptile speaker will know exactly what that headline means, though it requires a Humpty Dumpty ability to play with words. It means rabid doomsayer dog botherer will revel in fear, ignorance and deceit in relation to anyone outside his bubble ... because, you know, 2020 has been absolutely splendid, what with the spiffing bushfires to kick things off, and the tremendous virus to follow, and the economies of the world tending to go to hell in a handbasket, and so on and so forth ...

By spinning all this in a way that usually only yo-yos can manage, the dog botherer can pose as an oasis of sanity, which is a most excellent way to disguise his tendency to sublime insanity ...

Surely everyone, not just the pond, can admire the splendid billy goat "buttism" that turned up there ... you know, the blather about fear and ignorance and ideology and alarmist tricks, followed by 'but, billy goat, butt', "no one should pretend that pandemics or wildfires are not worthy of legitimate concern.'



And so the stage is set for the climate science denialism, and Donaldish insights for which the dog botherer is justly famous, as he despatches those legitimate concerns to the fence, or at least silly leg ... (is it cricket season already? Will their chirping soothe on a Sunday?)


Oh indeed, indeed, how unfair they are when they persecute and mock the Donald, a perfectly rational and logical thinker, and so close to reality. Everyone knows that sweeping the floors is the only sensible answer, especially up against the maniacal Biden, and so much closer to the reality of those cheerful Scandinavian folk ...



The pond is hoping that yesterday's report on reptile speak is still firmly in the minds of readers as they plough on through the dog botherer ...


See how cunningly the dog botherer switched from Donald worship and climate science denialism to comrade Dan bashing? Well two can play the game of distraction ...



And so we get to the final gobbet ...

Um, the pond doesn't quite know how to tell the dog botherer this, but not everybody is having as good a time as the reptiles in their bubble. Call it catastrophism in a dismissive way, if you like, but if you happen to be dead before your expected time, you might be inclined to feel a little peeved. Death is about as good an Armageddon as it gets for the pond, though no doubt the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse might have a different view.

Could it be that this has been an annus horribilis, unless you happen to be bunkered down and sheltered in the bosom of Chairman Rupert? Could it be that no one's dancing the streets, knowing that much is fucked, and the planet is fucked, and it's not exactly what we will be getting, it's exactly what we've already got? Does the dog botherer have the first fucking clue, or is he just pissed off because suddenly he has to turn all optimistic and cheerful, what with all his denialism turned to mush in his mouth?

Never mind,  the pond just wanted to reassure everyone that the dog botherer was just as fucked in the head and addle-brained as he's always been, and let's say case closed, and move on to the marked down prattling Polonius, and here the pond had to make a choice...


It's easy to see why the pond went with Polonius. The pond rarely has an interest in reptile contributors of the """ kind - if they're not worth a thumb snap, they're not worth much in the reptile world, and beside Francis Galbally's self-interest in his comrade Dan bashing was too painful to behold.

Besides, the pond had a shared interest in Polonius's take on things ...

"Where are Australia's civil libertarians when you need them the most?" our beloved Polonius prattled in his opening sentence, and the pond shares his concern.

What a clarion call to arms for civil libertarians, and indeed there is much to worry about. 

A leftist authoritarian "progressive" government is in charge in the United States, wheeling out specious charges of sedition, as Marxist governments are wont to do, and organising vicious dogs, heat rays and LRAD - a device designed as an emitter of piercing, deafening noise ... to keep the citizenry in check and cowering in fear, as the Xis and Vlads of this world are wont to do ...


And this sickening tendency amongst leftist authoritarian governments isn't restricted to the United States. The leftist authoritarian "progressive" government in charge in the UK has shown an astonishing tendency to try to control the hapless citizenry ...


Just look at all that talk of lockdowns and curfews, and with talk of more to come, as if the entire country should suffer just to save a few old people of no use anymore ... you know, prattling Polonius's, only too happy to shuffle off this mortal coil so vulgar youffs can have their fun ...

There's more at the Graudian here, explaining the behaviour of this alarmist leftist progressive catastrophist government, carrying on in a way that would shock the dog botherer and Polonius ... but perhaps the pond should now begin at the beguinning, and the Polonial rapture not so serene ...

Indeed, indeed, though perhaps while in history mode, we should recall that Polonius's beloved Ming the Merciless showed his civil libertarian stripes by trying to ban anything that moved, or even didn't have much of a movement ...

It's no doubt inappropriate for the pond to recall at this moment that there have also, in recent times, been a few heretics and rats in the reptile ranks ...

 Poor foolish Angelic one. That's the last we heard of her perfidious treachery ... now let us get on with Polonius's clarion call for the freedom to die ... 



The pond is aware that many enjoyed hole in the bucket Henry's classical allusions, whatever matters of detail, and the Graudian adds to that pleasure here ... though it might help to know that this is an allusion to the leftist autocratic authoritarian government's splendid testing regime, a triumphant success ...

But let us not be distracted by the deeds and failings of the dangerous authoritarian leftist governments abroad ... let us not forget that it is our patriotic duty to bash Comrade Dan for the squillionth reptile time for his over-zealous desire to save the lives of a few old farts of the prattling Polonial kind ...

Indeed, indeed. Could it be at this very moment, thanks to Boris's and his crew's apparent ideological obsessions that the UK is being governed in accordance with the principles of what the Marxists of old called scientific socialism, which contained little science but loads of socialism?

Would we not be better off with the climate science and health care lavished on US citizenry by the Donald?



Searching, tricky, difficult questions, and the pond sincerely hopes that the dangerous, leftist, scientific Marxist socialist UK government hesitates before they move from 1 in 6 to 1 in 5:

One in five people in the UK are to be subject to some form of local lockdown after the government introduced new measures to control the spread of coronavirus in parts of the north-west and Yorkshire.
The step will bring the total number of people living in an area subject to some form of additional restrictions to 13.5 million, according to Guardian analysis.
New rules, which will come into force on Tuesday, will prohibit millions inLancashire, Merseyside, and parts of West Yorkshire, the West Midlands and Cheshire, from socialising with those outside of their support bubble in private homes and gardens. Leisure and entertainment venues will be closed between 10pm and 5am to try and tackle rising coronavirus cases.
People in affected areas have been told to only use public transport for essential purposes, such as travelling to school or work, and to avoid attending amateur or semi-professional sports events as spectators. Residents should also take holidays only with people in their own household or support bubble. (Graudian here).

This sort of nonsense is very distressing to Polonius, a man with a grip on matters almost as sure as the Donald's ...


Indeed, indeed, the ABC fails yet again, not that Polonius is obsessive, though there must be a few business worries at the Sydney Institute, what with its business plan of leeching the rich to attend jolly meetings a tad locked down ...

But the pond shares Polonius's concerns. What we need are civil liberties in a real sense, though perhaps we could also have them in an unreal sense, or perhaps a Boris sense, or better still and perhaps best of all, a Donald sense ...




  1. Just a quick observation here: that Doggy Bov and Polonius the Pusillanimous are having just about as much effect now as Advance Australia had back in May 2019.

    One thing we can be sure of, though: neither will ever get the slightest bit bored repeating themselves over and over and over.

  2. Well now, DP, like you I do truly "... admire the splendid billy goat "buttism" that turned up there". Indeed, who would not admire the blatant, outright lies that Doggy Bov is proud to spew. Like this:

    "The core case presented here, that re-electing Trump will lead to more bushfires and flooding in the US, is so unscientific, irrational and blatantly false that it would not and could not be supported by any scientist. It calls into question the intellectual capacity of the man delivering the words."

    So just to provide perspective, consider this simple statement that is universally supported by all rational scientists: once CO2 is emitted into the air then although some of it is extracted by normal biological processes (eg tree growth of long-life trees), some of it stays in the atmosphere for many years (centuries) and that it therefore adds to the atmospheric temperature by retaining the heat of the sun. Keep it up at a high rate for just four years and it will have a measurable effect in increased parts of CO2 per million of atmosphere.

    And we can be certain that Trump will continue his sabotage and repeal of any and all environment protection acts and laws that come to his attention. Biden, on the other hand, will restore and strengthen them and, where feasible, add new ones. Therefore, four years of Trump compared to four years of Biden will not be sufficient to create disaster, but it increases both the probability, and the extent, of wildfires and powerful storms and tsunamis.

    Note that 4 years of Biden instead of Trump will not undo the damage Trump has done: it will merely try to not keep on adding to it.

    1. If cause and observable effect are separated by more than a second DB will happily deny the link.

      Of course, the real disasters are an accumulation of different acts of neglect and destruction over a long period of time.

      Echoing what you say "The industry responded by ignoring them and fought fiercely against the Obama administration’s efforts to start regulating methane emissions. (A 2016 rule requiring operators to measure methane releases at active wells and invest in technology to prevent leaks was summarily overturned by the Trump administration at the beginning of August)".

    2. Yeah, I guess what I'm saying Bef, is that if your car is travelling too fast you can either hit the brake (Biden) or the accelerator (Trump). But indeed without a century or two of preparation and buildup, 4 years of Trump wouldn't be quite so bad.

      However, the whole concept of temporal separation isn't the only thing, Doggy Bov doesn't get: the basic ideas of 'incremental' change and 'start slow, build up to fast' are completely beyong his ken.

  3. I have always known myself to be a slow learner. That gives me an excuse for admitting I tried to watch SloMo on 'Insiders'. I watch 'Insiders' on iView so I can skip across the interview, but really really told myself I should watch all of today's interview with SloMo. I didn't. His talent for saying nothing is of a quality we have not seen since John Anderson left electoral office, but Anderson was better at looking earnest and concerned even as he said nothing.

    Simon Benson, who, I think, carries the title of 'National Affairs Editor' for the Flagship, did demonstrate one useful thing - he is much better at writing than speaking. OK - faint praise. He also met the requirement for members of the panel to be allowed out by Limited News - he gave a plug for the company product. A Newspoll out tomorrow - should be very interesting - buy one of our editions.

  4. Oh c'mon Chad, hope springs eternal ... or so I've been told.

    1. Tony Windsor - a much more accomplished learner - has also commented on today's show, finishing with 'Simon Benson once again proves what a fool he is.'

    2. A man's reach must exceed ?

  5. Kenny’s article was actually written by the program DogBot 1.0. It is believed that later versions will be able to simulate human thought, imagination and wit.
    Nevertheless Dogbot 1.0 is quite a feat. Merely by entering items such as “virtue-signalling”, “Greta Thunberg” etc. in the box and clicking “Write article” in 1.5 secs it is produced.

  6. A bit late but referring to yesterdays rant by the bromancer re Ross Douthat and the decadent society, Ross and the all American toxic loon Eric Metaxas are the very best of chums.
    And as I have previously pointed out John Anderson our former deputy Prime Minister considers Metaxas to be a font of wisdom too.

    Cant get much more self righteously decadent than that!

  7. Ah - GB with Andrea del Sarto, NH with the discovery of 'Dogbot 1.0', Anonymous reminding us that that John Anderson goes to the Metaxas font, for whatever one goes to fonts for - this site is so much more interesting/entertaining than those that try to drape themselves in the conservative/libertarian togas.

    1. Which is, I guess, why we're all here. Even DP maybe.


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