Tuesday, September 22, 2020

In which the bromancer betrays the reptiles, so the pond joins the Canavan caravan and catches a dose of the IPA ...


There was confusion and chaos in the reptile ranks this day. Can western civilisation long endure in the face of this calamity?
Look at how things sat at the top of the digital page this day, albeit early in the morning. 
Simplistic Simon, ruiner of The Insiders - sorry, the pond deemed it unwatchable in its new guise months ago - reporting that incredibly dumb Victorians - neigh, a majority of Australians apparently fresh out of Animal Farm - were supporting comrade Dan, despite all the reptiles best endeavours, and, look over there on the other side, a new burst of naked hysteria of the Killer Creighton kind ...
But the worst betrayal of all? It was sandwiched in the middle, and given an unhealthy prominence.
Oh bromancer, how could you do it, and how could the reptiles put you at the top of the page, dancing cheek to jowl with the Killer at his finest? 


A third wave? This despite all the finest reptile analysis in the land? And such a thin gruel that the reptiles sought to apply some seafood extender by way of videos, which the pond then assiduously clipped out, to leave nothing but a few short pars ...


Oh this talk is more than passing cruel. Why only yesterday, poor, hapless, pants-wetting Robert pissed himself with an Orwellian nightmare ...


And this day, need the pond remind you, bromancer, that the Killer was on the case ...


And yet here you are, in video-free fits and starts, carrying on like there's some pandemic afoot ...


The pond was in complete despair, and had to turn to the letters page for consolation, for a reminder of the real bromancer, for the stimulating companion he can be for lizard Oz readers ...


There, that's more the bromancer spirit, the bromancer readership, loons from Dee Why talking of The Divine Will, dictated to some loon by Jesus himself (should the pond modestly admit that Jesus is behind the keyboard at the pond? What is the policy of locking up people who think they're Napoleon these days? What if the pond only thinks every second day that it's distilled essence of the Holy Ghost?)

But back to the bromancer, in a pitiful short and truncated par, lathering up fear and hysteria in a way that would make George Orwell and his reptile chums shudder in disbelief...


Oh come now, it's almost as if you think the world is in the grip of a pandemic. 

Yesterday the pond shamefully overlooked the Major because the reptiles have developed the trick of holding back their star performers so that they will miss the pond's morning deadline (can the pond influence the reptile publishing habits? Is the pond in the grip of both paranoia and delusion?) Naturally the Major was spot-on ...


That's more like it bromancer. Heed the Major in his infinite wisdom. Comrade Dan is all the fault of the ABC, and gesture hypnotically in a Star Wars or Killer Creighton way, "this is not the pandemic or the virus you are looking for ..."


What is this talk of European countries? Everyone knows that they're in league with comrade Dan and his socialistic ways! 

Of course the commie Tories are going to talk of tipping points, as a way of imposing new fiendish comrade Dan lockdown measures, but really, shouldn't we all be allowed to take a quick junket to Italy to party, as a way of shaking out a little stress?

Worse, bromancer, see how your idle panic has ruined the work of so many devoted reptiles, and seen Australians embrace wicked leftism. Who knows how long western civilisation can last if this sort of talk keeps getting reported in the lizard Oz?


You see, bromancer? Look at the hideous damage you're doing ... please, repent, and get back to reporting the end of Western Civilisation, speaking in tongues and yearning for the rapture ...


It is still right to be cautious? We can't wish the virus away? We can't do a Donald?

Oh bromancer, you've undone all the work of so many brave reptiles with your idle chatter. You've ruined Killer's day, you haven't reassured the Orwellian Robert Götterdämmerungliebsen, and most likely the Major has gone bush in Queensland searching for that Lenin medal ...

Best then for the pond to pass on in silence, and take a look at what else is on offer this day ...

Hmm, slim pickings, with the usual tosh. Stout Ewin still doing work on comrade Dan, and Dame Groan pumping up the power of the unions, though when the pond last heard the news, it was that union numbers were falling, and that the merciless exploitation of workers by the gig economy was all the go ...

There really was only one choice ... all the more so because it carried a potent image of clean, dinkum, pure dinkum digger Oz coal, oi, oi, oi ...

There's a reason he sits atop the pond's page, and once more he returns to claim his place ...


Yes, gas is not the climate hoax you were looking for.

Contrast this with simplistic Simon, thinking that SloMo is some new Teddy Roosevelt ...


Yes of course if you see this goose on The Insiders you should switch off at once. His nose has been up Liberal arses, and SloMo's in particular, for so long, that he's lost all sense of daylight, and is positively vampiric ...

As for those two most important words in the political lexicon, the pond guesses that "stop killing people", especially oldies in aged care homes, is a bit too long-winded, and besides the Canavan caravan has kindly stopped to remind us of the luddite lexicon ...



Now do you get it, simplistic Simon? The two most important words in the political lexicon are "dinkum coal", though the pond will allow "clean Oz coal" because it counts like the Donald, and will accept "climate hoax", or if you will, and feel you need an extra word, "climate science fraud" ...

Oh yes, let's get on the Canavan caravan and hear it for pure sweet innocent Oz coal, with a lavish dose of climate science denialism ...


Didn't that feel good? Didn't that feel true? Wasn't that just like the glorious days when the onion muncher ruled the roost?

And so to the pond's bonus, the IPA fix for the day, because the pond can never get enough talk of George, and silencing dissent and tyranny ...


Now in these troubled times, the pond can think of many things to get agitated about - but as the pond has never read a single word by JK Rowling, she's not one of them. The pond passes her silently, like a ship in the night, and leaves TG bashing to experts in the field ...

Apparently Liberal party senators - unaware of the pickle the country is in - are happy to pass their time blathering about cancel culture and all the usual IPA shit, wheeled out as a distraction from the genuine shit that's going down ...



Of course the pond has a bigger problem. It seems this Chandler person was scribbling for the Hobart Mercury, which is a Murdochian rag with a paywall ...

Why should an elected servant of the public publish her bigoted views and put them behind a paywall in service of the Murdoch empire?

Taxpayers pay for her salary, and then must pay again to access her bigoted views? Why doesn't she just stand up in parliament and say how she thinks Harry Potter is a whiz?

Come to think of it, must we also pay to access the thoughts of Jimbo, hidden behind the lizard Oz paywall?

Why the IPA gives away its stuff for fair value ... free ... (though even free comes at a price when you think of the mind rot and brain worms that are attached).

You see, Tasmanians didn't vote for Chandler to hide her bigoted values behind a Murdochian paywall. Many would not share her bigoted opinions, but wouldn't have the time, or the money, to access them, and worse, once locked out by the paywall, they lack the platform by which they might call her a prime doofus ... an exemplary loon, more interested in mindless culture war distractions, when the country is already over a cliff, and the only answer we seem to have is the Canavan caravan, still clutching a lump of coal, and never mind the planet being fucked ...

There's an even worse situation for some, evoked this day by the infallible Pope ...



Oh yes, tax cuts for the rich will fix the cancel culture.

But please do go on with the culture wars ... 


What is this talk of free speech? Chairman Rupert has put a price on Jimbo's speech. He's also put a price on Chandler's speech. Indeed, he thinks he controls speech in this country ... but thankfully Jimbo is courageously and passionately clueless, in the usual IPA way, and will not be silenced, and has a Murdochian platform which exposes the absurdity of this process to those stupid enough to stump up their hard won cash to the Murdochian empire ...

As for the pond, one more gobbet of this "free to Murdochian subscribers" from taxpayer-funded politicians will be more than enough ...


Oh and while you're at it, you can take your TG phobic JK Rowling, and shove her up your fragile, panic-laden, fear-mongering, TG bashing rectum ... because the pond is so tired of a ruling government lathering up talk of fear of online mobs, when the only thing to fear is a Canavan caravan clutching coal as we march like lemmings towards the realities of the climate science hoax ...

And now, this having been a cartoon lite day, why not a Rowe to wrap things up, with more Rowe here ...


  1. Here we go again, the Bromancer cedes the rostrum to Professor Raina MacIntyre of Uni NSW who describes the "normal pattern of recurring bouts" as: "mass infection followed by severe social distancing and isolation, testing and tracing which gets the infection back under control which then leads to community complacency which triggers a renewed outbreak. This goes on until there is a vaccine."

    So happy to know that the 1918/19 "Spanish" flu outbreaks continued until a vaccine was developed. Especially as no flu vaccine was developed until about 20 years later:
    Spanish Influenza Pandemic and Vaccines

    And so happy that we have such wonderful reptiles to sort out all that we need to know.

    1. Why single out Victoria? I would think Vic would be like those Asian countries that learnt the ropes with previous pandemics and quickly put control measures in place when COVID-19 came along.

      It suspect NSW would be more likely to be caught flat-footed as their outcomes have been as much good luck as good management.

      Mind you, I have family working in the health area in NSW so I hear about mismanagement and near misses there but I don't really get any observations about what's happening on the ground in Vic.

    2. Why Victoria ? So that the reptiles can continue their slow march of assassination of Dan. What else is there to do in life ? Besides, NSW had its idiot moment (Ruby Princess) while still supposedly in the "first wave".

      As to "mismanagement and near misses" well just keep in mind that at least 50% of human beings have a below 100 IQ, but that nonetheless, many more than 50% pass exams and gain "professional" qualifications. In everything. Except politics, of course, no minimum IQ or qualifications required.

    3. Kind of a rhetorical question. The war against Dan isn't going that well though, is it?



      Regarding the bell curve, it's plain to see when a novel situation arises. If a precedent cannot be used people will do anything rather than think about the problem.

      In a lot of cases they will listen to the loudest voice, which is usually coming from Murdoch's bully pulpit.

    4. I think this exercise with Victoria and 'lockdowns' is indeed very interesting: it is a case of some tough, and stressful, measures having to be applied because of some appalling mispractice of governance and government. Anybody a few IQ points above the mean could, and should, have forcefully told Dan that unmonitored 'private enterprise' is nearly always a disaster - just look at the Australian banking industry as a prime example.

      But at least Dan responded rapidly and properly so it was caught, and reversed, quickly. Though, as usual, its very effectiveness encourages the idiots (Killer C et al) to come out in loudmouthed, senseless opposition. As we've discussed before, if prophylaxis works, then, by reptile/wingnut definition, it was totally unnecessary overkill.

      For example the journo question about why gyms are closed because there have been no covid cases from them: because they are closed, replied Dan. [sigh] And why have nearly all of the cases originated in aged care places: because it was stopped from getting out into the general populace ... except in Casey which shows exactly what could have happened all over the place if Dan's 'lockdowns' and curfews etc hadn't been applied quickly and effectively.

      But none of that will mean a rat's fart to Killer Creighton or Maskell or Gottliebsen. They don't believe they personally (or relatives ?) were threatened so it all must have been overkill.

  2. Interesting to see Canavan trying to get the team fighting among themselves. I suppose he's a bit frustrated sitting on the bench with no prospect of getting a game anytime soon.

    No point going through all the lies one at a time, sufficient to say the opposite is true for any of Jethro's statements.

    Just to pick on a couple though.

    The frequency control he thinks you need those big spinning generators for is better managed by grid-level batteries. In fact, they make most of their money from providing those services (FCAS).


    "Almost all of the savings delivered by the Hornsdale battery came from its role in frequency and ancillary control markets, a key part of network security that had previously been the domain of fossil fuel generators, so much so that in South Australia these fossil fuel generators controlled the market like a cartel."

    Another would be cost


    Please explain?

    I guess it's more than the facts that have turned against them, it's the market itself, so government intervention is their last hope.

    1. Oh pish tush, Bef, that isn't government "intervention", that's just government wisely supporting "the market" in a time of stress and difficulty.

      Just as "the government" wisely built most of Australia's infrastructue in the early days - roads, rails, tramways, coastal shipping, post and telegraph, radio services, airports and air transport services etc - so that "the market" could, in due course, take over and make lots of profit for the capitalists.

      As has been ordained for generations as ScottyfromHorizon well knows.

    2. Senator Jethro and Senator Pinocchio in one day........has the Govt. Gazette been privatised or something?
      Canavan is one strange creature, walking hand in hand with Jesus and Hayek, happy to spout utter bullshit when, as both yourself and Holmes a Court note, the complete opposite is true.
      Then again his brother works for Peabody so we shouldn’t be surprised.
      The Twitter link was interesting and there is no doubt CCS and coal will never marry....it is just another act in the game of delay.
      I was interested to read about the (Australian) CCS pilot programme for cement production on the thread.
      Sad that it was sent offshore (thanks to Abbott?) for a measly 12 million Euro.
      Seeing as Sheridan was given a tick from Frank of Aspley, let’s give one to Jethro too.
      Imagine......Canavan wanted to be a Communist! :))
      Having spent a time in Queensland, I did notice that the further north you went the stranger the folk became....then again, maybe I just met the wrong people.

    3. Sending stuff offshore for a few miserable million and then having to pay a motsa to buy the products thereof is an Australian habit. But then, as I have mentioned before, most people are completely unaware that foreigners, not Australians, own the majority of Australia.

      When I was a lot younger, I came up with this idea that we should get the Japanese to pay every Australian $1million (which was a comfortable lifetime's worth back then) and they could have Australia, and we'd all move to Japan. I still think we should have done it.

      But people in FNQ ? Well being conceived and born in hot places is just no good at all for human beings - it mucks up the brain and the cognitive processes.
      Climate change could undermine children's education and development in the tropics

      We originated in southern Africa you know (modern Botswana), not in the tropical heat.

  3. From the London Review of Books:
    Anglo-America’s dingy realities – deindustrialisation, low-wage work, underemployment, hyper-incarceration and enfeebled or exclusionary health systems – have long been evident. Nevertheless, the moral, political and material squalor of two of the wealthiest and most powerful societies in history still comes as a shock to some. In a widely circulated essay in the Atlantic, George Packer claimed that ‘every morning in the endless month of March, Americans woke up to find themselves citizens of a failed state.’
    https://www.lrb.co.uk/the-paper/v42/n14/pankaj-mishra/flailing-states (may be paywalled - if so, get thee to a library!)

    1. I have only two words for you: Reagan and Thatcher. Oh yes, and Hayek's "long slow march through capitalism".

    2. Very good GB! The world abounds in failed gods.

    3. Very good. And youtube tossed up this one as 'next in the list'

      But anyway, there are no failed Satans because they aren't expected to achieve anything of lasting value, anyway. Except for apple temptations. Which, by the way, was all about "the tree of the knowledge of good and evil", not just "of knowledge".

    4. And then followed up with this one:

    5. Mad As A Hatter is a beautiful and profound bit of songwriting and different from most of their material....ie Preachin’ Blues. Dementia is a terrible thing....as the interesting comments thread attested.
      The band are doing a gig at the Corner Hotel next April and am definitely going....no doubt we will be judged by all them good and evil youngins. :))
      My wife and I last went there about three years back to see The Fabulous Thunderbirds...a packed house, half in our late age group. By about 11.30 it was like paramedic central....old geezers dropping like flies!! :))

      Regards the tree of knowledge of good and evil, I seem to recall some years back that DP or a correspondent posted the 613 commandments of the Torah.......definitely harder than any lockdown.

    6. Next April is more than 6 months away, so there's a good chance. But in accordance with a lifetime, I won't be joining you. :-)

      Yes, 613 mitzvot (commandments): it's just amazing what nutcases can work themselves up to do when they have time on their hands.

    7. Ha ha! Just a rush of enthusiastic optimism on my part GB. Pandemics appear to run at 2/3 years so I guess I’m hoping for a miracle. Cheers.

    8. Here's hoping you get one, CA.

  4. Well, well well, now here's some gas for SloMo:

    Airbus reveals plans for zero-emission aircraft fuelled by hydrogen

  5. For those readers who wish to follow up on your 'dip' into the swamp of letters to the editor - Frank Pulsford of Aspley (in lieu of a title - the right address can help) is, in his own way, famous. Just g..gle this - (it does not yield a specific link)

    The Catholic Leader’s most prolific letter writers have their say on why they write
    June 10, 2020

    and, yes, it is the journal with 'The Catholic Leader' on the masthead, not 'The Australian', however much the Bromancer might wish otherwise.

    1. Jeez - how do you hunt this stuff down?


      Frank does look like the old bloke 'who didn't come down in the last shower' and I'm sure door to door salesmen and opinion pollsters would avoid him like the plague.

      The snippets from the article and DP's offering have a slightly Dog Botherish quality of very firm opinions and repeated claims to logical justification that are not much linked to anything in particular.

    2. Befuddled - if Dorothy is willing to don the metaphoric gum boots to trudge through the steadily recycled 'contributions', seeking a nugget here, a gem of purest ray serene there, for us - I am happy to be able to apply some now northern local knowledge to the site. Frank Pulsford of Aspley (does he yearn for the days of knights of old?) contributes to many publications of diminishing circulation.

      I did try to follow-up from the mention of Quad Rant. The 'search' delivered several items, apparently the result of Frank's obsession with rewrite and revise. However, the Quad Rant site shows just 3 or 4 lines (which they must think actually whet the appetite for rambling lay dissertations on rightfully obscure points of liturgy) before inviting the seeker-after-truth to, well, pay for any more of Frank's thoughts.

      The offers include digital subscription for $68 for a full year, or - one can be a Patron, of Quad Rant, for the meagre consideration of $300 a year. I don't know if that entitles one to add 'POQ' after one's name (it had a different meaning in my primary school years).

      GB probably will give us a conversion for both amounts to a quota of his preferred soy latte with benefits, to emphasize what a bad deal it would be.

    3. Always accept a well-intentioned invitation. A good large soy late no sugar can cost a range: from $5.50 to $6.30 depending on whether the classification is "large" or "jumbo". The most common charge would be $5.50.

      Therefore, the digital subscription comes to 68/5.5=12.3 soy lates. which is about 2 weeks worth for me at the rate of 6 per week. The Patronage comes to 300/5/5=54.5 which is just a week or so more than two months. And that would be a true sacrifice to give that up. But would it qualify me for entrance to heaven along with the other 100 billion or so homo sapiens sapiens souls that God has created - and is creating at the rate of approximately 385,000 per 24 hour period.

  6. Well, Canavan and Paterson and even a passing mention of Gottliebsen being his usual "godly" self.

    Strewth, DP, things are getting worse by the day in the herpetarium: Canavan being his usual blind, stupid ignorant self and well recognised in his 'top left' position: 'we've got the coal so let's burn it all ! Now ! Because if we wait "they" might come up with a better technology'. And that's not CCS which is failing now, has always failed, and will continue to fail - but Canavan, like SloMo, will declare it a runaway success.

    Paterson, on the other hand, loves his little, pointless IPA lies and will continue to tell them. So I'm just waiting for him to inform us that as banning David Irving has brought "democracy" to this terrible state, he is going to campaign, along with his IPA and LNP mates, for an unqualified apology to all oppressed holocaust deniers. Free speech rulez !

    But old, doddering Gottlebsen is still slobbering away in the Murdoch press, and still unavailable to those who will not pay. So very reassuring.

  7. Too funny Chadwick......The Bro, a self confessed lurker of religious publication, will be waiting nervously for a stern reprimand from Frank after he has meticulously constructed his next letter to the Australian.

    “The first thing and the most immediate thing that came to my mind was the lack of vigour in our bishops in defending our right to attend the Holy Mass (during the COVID-19 pandemic),” he said. Bla! bla! bla!

  8. PS: Has Tom Jellett got any idea how a reclaimer works?

    1. I give up; has Tom Jellett any idea how anything works ?


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