Monday, September 14, 2020

In which the pond can't take a trick to help out our Gracie ...

Poor Gracie. She gave another of her pitiful moans, full of sobbing and wailing, this weekend, and the pond didn't know how to break it to her. She was helping sustain the lizard Oz, the source of all her problems, the origin myth of the relentless pile-on under which she found herself ...

The reptiles were at it again to day. Top of the digital page front and centre came news of George Orwell landing in Victoria ...

The pond tries to be sensitive to our Gracie, and Victorians in general - the pond itself has property it can't access at the moment thanks to the lockdown, and is paying a pretty price for the privilege, but what's money up against a life?

So the pond turned to the Major Mitchell, always a reliable galah on a reptile Monday, and he seemed safe for our Gracie to read, what with his proposal that he stop jerking his chain, and his deploring of left-wing president, the Donald, always sitting on twitter and failing to engage with the facts ...

How foolish of the pond, how sorry it was for our Gracie. Look, there was Big Brother himself, comrade Dan, front and centre, and then the Major went right up himself, and the rest of the reptiles, proving that when it comes to paranoid delusion, and chain jerking, nothing can beat a reptile in top wanker form ...

The pond doesn't know what the Major has for breakfast on a Monday, but wants some of it, because the pond recalls the lizard Oz's many harsh criticisms and famous assaults on the Donald ... including, but not limited to, Dame Slap's donning of the cap and slipping out onto the streets of New York ...

Sorry, that was just an attempt by the pond to make our Gracie feel good about Victoria, by holding up a Murdochian-approved way of handling the virus ... and what the pond meant to say with the Major was, oh woe, oh wonder, how unfair is the world to the Donald ... (and to sublime Boris, 'what, international law' Cummings) ...

Indeed, indeed, it's true that the Donald is given a most unfair time, and that bloody Twitter should be reprimanded - only loons go on it - and here Gracie, just to lift your spirits a little ...

Meanwhile, it's back to the Major humping his own reptile kind, in one of the most spectacular humpings the pond has seen since the mutt down the road tried to hump an NBN box ... and discovered there was very little by way of connectivity, let alone pleasure ...

Does the unfairly reported Donald count as one of the Twitterati? Never mind, watching conventional television, the pond heard from a Victorian, reptile-inspired rioter that the virus was a hoax and it was all fake news, and immediately knew that there was someone fully informed by the Murdochians on Fox News, aided and abetted by the Donald on Twitter ... which is why the pond had a bone to pick with this cartoon ...

Sorry, intrepid cartoonist. The internet wasn't invented for the paranoid and delusional to find each other. That job was originally given to News Corp, Fox News, and the likes of the Major, still looking for that pesky hard to find Order of Lenin medal ... well, we are speaking of conspiracy theories, andn that was a Major doozy...

And sorry Gracie, for putting you through it, but at least the last Major grab of paranoid delusional preening is very short ... (though the spell-checker wanted to say shot) ...

Being a sucker and a loser, the pond tried again. Surely there'd be one reptile who wouldn't remind Gracie she was a member of a paranoid delusional empire ... so come on down dog botherer, stepping into the world of television ...

What harm could be done with the gogglebox? Sorry Gracie, it was just more of the same, and being the dog botherer, cranked up to a delusional twelve ...

Gogglebox restored the dog botherer's faith in humanity?

Truly we are all fucked, and the planet is doomed, and oh Gracie, how can you forgive the pond, as it tries to find some way out for your fellow traveling with loons of the first water?

Sorry, Gracie, the pond nodded off there, as it often does when in front of the telly or when confronted by the dog botherer, but really he was only just getting started ...

It was like an instant focus group? Then surely this cartoon must be a major poll, with a margin of error of zero, with the pond very confident in its random sampling techniques ...

Look, the pond is just trying to cheer Gracie up, alright? And there's some good news. The dog botherer is coming to a delusional close ...

The pond felt a deep sympathy with our Gracie, and her suffering, not helped by knowing that she was keeping the company of clowns, allowed to go out and play, while she had to peep through the window ...

Could the pond offer our Gracie any comfort at all? Well the Oreo was also out and about, and she didn't have anything to say about big brother. She was just barking mad in the usual Oreo recovering, reformed feminist way ...

The pond loves it when the monarchist lizard Oz is sent into a frenzy by the Royals ... why there's even some truly weird Oreos out and about, many of them done in Royal style ...

Victoria's sweetness? Oh dear, sorry Gracie, the pond's put its foot in it again, and really, all the Oreo was trying to do was explain how Prince Chuck and that dreadful teenager and possibly George Soros and maybe the Rothschilds and all the other globalists were ruining everything ...

Oh indeed, the wicked globalists are exactly the type to inflame the Oreo, when let's face it, the last thing Australia needs is an economic reset, a reopening of international markets, or perhaps even a China willing to take Australian goods without acting like an uppity regime run by a power-mad dictator trying to outdo the Donald ...

And so on, but at that point the pond wondered if the Oreo had the first clue as the implications of the word "globalist" that she was throwing around with glee? There's a piece in Haaretz here back in 2018 to do with Ann Coulter, the Donald, etc, which might be paywall affected, but which interalia contained this ...

CNN’s Don Lemon devoted a long segment of his broadcast last Thursday to it, explaining that the term “globalist” that “keeps popping up” carries an “ugly history.” It “sounds like a pretty mainstream term, a description of an economic and political ideology. But it’s more than that. It’s also become a dog-whistle to right-wing conspiracy theorists” used in the “darkest corner of the far right,” he explained.
Indeed, like the word “cosmopolitan,” the term “globalist” echoes the ideology of Adolf Hitler, who fomented against the Jews as “international elements that “conduct their business everywhere,” thus harming and undermining good people who are “bounded to their soil, to the Fatherland.”
Over the past two years, the disturbingly robust alt-right white nationalist movement online has used the term interchangeably with “Jewish” to promote the belief that Jews put greed and tribe ahead of country.
It has been a cornerstone of David Duke and Alex Jones’ conspiracy theories featuring George Soros and a fantastical Jewish conspiracy designed to destroy “white” or “Western” society by flooding it with third-world hordes – all the better to strengthen their control of banks, businesses and, of course, the media.
In the case of Duke, neo-Nazi website The Daily Stormer and other openly anti-Semitic circles, “globalist” is used too blatantly to be described as a dog-whistle: the word “globalist” is used as the descriptive part in the phrase “globalist Jews.”
The common use of the term in the White House is the legacy of banished former Trump senior adviser Steve Bannon, who imported it from his alt-right platform Breitbart News. He reportedly used the word behind closed doors to slam Cohn and others in the White House like son-in-law Jared Kushner when their views clashed with Bannon’s populist “America First” agenda.
In dog-whistle form, the term is comparable to the triple parentheses used to flag Jewish names by anti-Semites. Breitbart even used emojis of globes to frame Cohn’s name in a headline.

And so on, and on, but what about that mention of the Nazis, isn't that wrong, shouldn't the pond be flinging a little money at the Godwin's Law swear jar? Not really ...

Oh okay, it's a bit of a cheat, and the WaPo story will be paywall affected, and so it's back to reading about the wicked globalists, and we all, except the Oreo apparently, knows what that really means ...

Globalists are unaware of the impending financial crisis? Impending? Perhaps that's because it's already here? It's right here and now, and the recovering, reformed feminist is in fact in the grip of an impending paranoid delusional hallucination?

Meanwhile, green globalists might take a look at the current - not impending - fate of the west coast of the United States, and wonder about the exorbitant cost of pretending that climate science is an elaborate hoax ...

But why bother, we've been here before, and we'll be there again, and the Oreo will go on, in her reformed, recovering feminist way, pretending that climate science is just a delusion. It's what the reptiles do, Gracie, and there's nothing to be done about it ...

The UN makes people vote for Donald Trump? Oh fair crack of the reformed, recovering feminist whip, surely the Murdochians and Fox and Friends, and Tucker and Laura and Sean and all the rest of the mob should take some credit ...

And now as we were speaking of reptile-approved globalists, here's an immortal Rowe, with more here, to wrap things up this Monday, and sorry Gracie, that hitting of head with hammer isn't going to stop anytime soon ...


  1. Well now, wasn't that a wonderful act of deluded, vainglorious vanity. Maj. Mitch. really, really wants us to believe that he once edited a NEWSpaper ! And how does he intend to prove that to us: "If you look at Bolt's blog, you can find harsh criticism of Abbott's decision to award Prince Phillip a knighthood ..."

    Oh wau. What was that bit about scams and scammers ? Oh yes, “Anybody who doesn’t fall off their chair laughing is exactly who they want to talk to.” Geez I'm glad I have soft carpet beside my chair. And I hope you all do, too.

    And that's just about enough of the Maj. for today, yes ? But I do hope he finds that Lenin medal soon, I just haven't got many more decades to wait.

    So, what can be said about out daily dose of Doggy Doos ?

    Ok, so on with the Oreo. And frankly, there's not much more to be said about her than about the Doggy Bov. But I did like this:
    "Leaders who think they possess the power to change the course of history are unsettling, but those who believe they control the destiny of the world are deluded and invariably become violent when human nature gets in the way of their grand plans."

    Wau, what an accurate description of Roopie and Lachie ! :-)

    But really, what a clear example of reptile attribution-projection: there's not a single Murdochian reptile who doesn't sincerely believe that they have the power to "change the course of history". Except perhaps Gracie, maybe.

    But what a sad delusion: that they know there is "a course of history" that they know and preach about to us benighted "lefties". And boy do they preach ... and preach ... and preach. While the rest of the human race falls off their chairs with hysterical laughter.

  2. Just a little bit of nostalgia, CA:

    1. Yes of those songs that made the hairs on your neck stand up the first time I saw it.
      A big thanks for link to Chadwick of Chris Smither. Amazing artist....cannot believe I’ve gone through life unaware of this guy. :)
      The par you reference on the controllers of destiny from the Oreo, or high oil and fat biscuit .....via Befuddled :)). really made you have to actually read it twice just to make sure you did read it right.
      The more the contemporary events of the last 20 years stare her in the face the harder she digs in, spouting absurd language, abuse, vitriol and absurdism that just leaves one, as Dorothy notes at the end, of having the sensation of being hit on the head with a hammer. She does your head in.

      “Globalists are unaware of the impending financial crisis? Impending? Perhaps that's because it's already here? It's right here and now, and the recovering, reformed feminist is in fact in the grip of an impending paranoid delusional hallucination?” Tou bloody che’
      Oriel is a mental pyromaniac and would serve more purpose if she just bought herself a pair of Blundstone and got to work raking the wilderness with Donald.......

      And as Befuddled points out, “what are the consequences of being wrong?”
      The groundswell of nervous money appears to be on the move, regardless of a couple of thousand plus seriously detached American economists.

    2. You did get this link too, I hope, CA:

      Letter to You

    3. PS: glad you enjoyed the Chris Smither. AFAICS, he has a bit of a limited, though appreciative, fan following.

    4. Yes I did GB......the Boss has the knack of timeliness. Cheers. CA.

  3. Oh dear, Jennifer is hearing the black helicopters again. Even her file photo suggests someone with a tenuous connection to reality - though maybe knowing what she scribbles leads me to see it that way.

    Apologies if I have linked this before but it really seems to sum up the sort of attitudes you find in the Oz of late:

    "The paranoid spokesman sees the fate of conspiracy in apocalyptic terms—he traffics in the birth and death of whole worlds, whole political orders, whole systems of human values. He is always manning the barricades of civilization."

    Sound familiar? The problems our high oil and fat biscuit sees are either non existent or absolutely trivial. Based on the evidence she presents you can sign me up that UN world government any day.

    Now, the things she sees as mere pretexts for this vast and meticulously planned takeover, do actually look like existential threats.

    The question should really be "what's the consequence of being wrong?"

    "Business as usual amounts to conducting a one-time, irreversible experiment of unknown outcome with the habitability of the entire planet."

    1. Maybe not entirely irreversible, Bef. After all, virtually all the living creatures that have inhabited Earth - except maybe bacteria and ants - have come and gone over time. Consider:
      "Mammals, for instance, have an average species "lifespan" from origination to extinction of about 1 million years, although some species persist for as long as 10 million years. There are about 5,000 known mammalian species alive at present."

      The Current Mass Extinction

      Species come and go, mate and just because humans are only accustomed to think in terms of a few generations (we think 100 years is a long time) doesn't mean that the current major species won't all be gone in 10 million years. A long time you think ? Not really when you recall that it was 65 million years ago that the then dominant sauropsids mostly died out and let our ancestor synapsids come to dominance once again (ie after having lost our original dominance in the Great (Permian-Triassic) Dying about 252 million years ago.

      So, comings and goings over hundreds of millions of years. And even if we manage to extinct most of the current species (eg nearly all the mammals) we almost certainly won't be able to wipe them all out - though indeed humans probably won't evolve again. So none of our kind will be there to see the total extinction in about 1 billion years when the expanding and heating sun gets hot enough to extinct all life on or near the surface of the Earth.

      But who knows, maybe we'll get an attack of rampant sanity before we really stuff everything up. Even so, we'll be long, long gone before Sol goes red giant and evaporates all the inner planets.

    2. I assumed he mean't habitable for 'us'. For the average reptile you could reduce that to 'myself'.

      The thing I don't get is that the average Joe has very little to gain from maintaining the status quo.

      If you look at energy for example, very few people work in the extraction phase, not that many in support industries and a handful in generation. Renewables are consistently tendering lower than established fossil fuels so costs will go down.

      There is literally nothing (for me anyway) to lose and everything to gain.

      The whole reptile project seems to be to persuade people that they have a personal interest in things that are actually a net loss for them, but I guess I am showing my naïvety by even bothering to say this.

    3. “The whole reptile project seems to be to persuade people that they have a personal interest in things that are actually a net loss for them, but I guess I am showing my naïvety by even bothering to say this.”

      lol!, and ain’t it the truth! ......but if it wasn’t for Dorothy Parker and others we wouldn’t have the pleasure of studying the reptilian journalism that plagues much of Oz.

    4. "habitable for 'us'" ? Well there is one thing we can do that no other Earth inhabitants can: build totally artificial 'habitations' that can potentially house millions of us. Especially now that 'chemically grown' food is being seriously developed (eg laboratory made artificial 'meat'). Why, we've even had popular science fiction stories along that line (Isaac Asimov, 'The Caves of Steel').

      The only problem as I see it is that humanity is so practiced at screwing things up it would all fall apart very quickly. But who knows ?

  4. It's a very cold evening in hell. I am agreeing with the dog botherer - he's rightly identified the problem with people being stuck in media silos.

    Every single day, each sentient person in the world scratches their head wondering how anyone could support Trump. And courtesy of Ken Tremendous and The Economist, here's the clear and evident reason.

    1. Now all we need is to get the corresponding stories for Boris de Pfeffel and ScottyfromMarketing.

  5. The Maj just a shade off his game here.

    On August 6th, front page of The Oz featured a blast from D Shanahan that rocked the nation: Vic Gov figures revealed modelling showing 1,000 cases per week in late August. turned out double digits all that week. Shana's handlers had pinched a graph from a hobbyist - who admitted the modelling was wrong But Shana's byline was attached, and away it went..

    When Media Watch asked, Shana replied in a language I've not seen before. Well worth the googling. Suffice it to say, the Shana has not had any more COVID exclusives.

    1. But its all good honest news, vc, fit for the paper and print version of 'gogglebox'.


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