Monday, May 25, 2020

In which the pond spends a dull Monday with the usual suspects ...

Before jumping into the shallow end of climate science denialism with the dog botherer, a couple of notes …

First, can it be agreed that The Insiders is now well past its use-by date, and there is absolutely no point watching a show which allows the bromancer to rabbit on about coal, and sundry other matters, unchecked … 

The lizard Oz's science denialism is best approached with tongs, mask and in print form, where it can be dissected. Luckily, there's no transcript for The Insiders, so now anyone wanting to know what happened will be forced to sit through to the end to see Annabel Crabb attempt a feeble retort, while watching Speers demonstrate that he's completely useless as a moderator …unless you happen to be a bin rat or a rat with wings, that'd be like sitting down to a meal of week-old fish market chips ...

Second, what is it with the lizard Oz and Hong Kong? This day the lizard Oz in its digital and tree-killing editions was more concerned to run a beat-up about the source of the virus and slag off Daniel Andrews, while tossing Hong Kong aside by slotting the news down the page next to the dog botherer, a fate worse than death …


Call the pond a conspiracy theorist if you like, but the pond thinks the signs are there that the reptiles really don't give a flying fuck about human rights abuses in China, or any of the other complaints that might be mounted. This is a war on the Labor party, conducted by proxy and barely disguised…

There are thousands back in the streets in Hong Kong, and yet the reptiles have gone doggo …

And with that noted, it's on with the usual Monday fare of reptile, dog fucker climate science denialism …

Because, you know, the planet is in such good shape …

But all this comes from the lizard Oz's deeply ingrained belief that climate science is a fraud and a hoax, and while we have advanced a little along the spectrum - a retreat from absolute denialism to the pretence that the effects of climate change are greatly exaggerated - the routine, ritual cries for Australia to do nothing actually come from that original comprehensively denialist stance. 

There is then, as with The Insiders, nothing to be said. It's like debating the existence of God or the source of the current pandemic …just a standard encounter with dog fucker hot air, and the pretence that somehow he's a font of scientific wisdom and insight ...

The reptiles operate on the big lie, and there's no bigger pants on fire, shameless liar than the dog botherer, trotting out the line that Australia is one of the relatively few nations that has met its global undertakings and reduced emissions. It's up there with the Donald boasting about how well the US is doing in relation to the pandemic and turning figures upside down.

Some of the data is now a little aged, but nothing much has shown signs of changing - apart from the current reduction in economic activity, which will in due course be a blip - since the Graudian published a story in July 2010, Australia's emissions reach the highest on record, driven by electricity sector

And that's why certain readers recorded dissatisfaction watching The Insiders … there's no chance to say, 'whoa, horsie or doggy fucker or bullshit artist bromancer, what about this?' Have last seasons's bushfires already been erased from the admittedly small hard drive reptile brain?

Opened up to a fierce political attack? From a man who said climate science was crap, urged on by reptiles who still maintain to this day that climate science is crap, a hoax and a fraud, and freely strut about the ABC celebrating their deep love of dinkum clean Oz coal …please, spare the pond the suffering, there's already far too much suffering in the world. Just think of the suffering of Boris and Dominic and one rule for them, and one rule for the rest ...

And so to the cult master's offering of the day …

There's nothing much to be said about the cult master this day. But there's also no need to go with George, or even with Josh, reduced in status this day to lizard Oz "contributor" …

Actually Josh,  you're a taxpayer-funded politician, not a lizard Oz "contributor" explaining how you dropped a lazy $60 billion … 

Never mind, this day the reptiles have gone to war with certain Premiers, and the Caterist has boldly headed north to toad land, though his last venture there to study the movement of flood water in quarries produced a spectacular own goal ...

What's interesting in this? Nothing really, except the usual, and the way that the reptiles are always selective in their targets. Hong Kong? Forget it, it's all about comrade Dan.

Borders? What about South Australia? Forget it, it's always the toads …

Yes, yes, but what about the impudent crow eaters? Oh that's a different matter. 

Penbo, having disgraced himself and forced the reptiles to apologise to the Ruby Princess Commissioner, decided to swing the other way …

So why not an assault on this impudent, recalcitrant upstart, and the crow eater state premier? Need the pond state the bleeding obvious?

Yes, yes, but what about the crow eaters? Was there no room to take them down too? The uppity upstarts with their idle boasting and their usual talk of eastern staters … frequently riddled with hints and innuendoes about eastern states tainted by the stain of convict blood …

Nope, nada, zilch, nothing. The impudent upstart can get away with it, because the Caterist has never got over nearly drowning in those quarry waters ...

And so to set the washing machine to rinse and repeat … because the Major went down exactly the same path ...

Yes, because havin' a brew is what a territory full of rampant alcoholism is what everybody requires …

To be fair, the Major did at least mention the defiant, disreputable crow eaters, but about this time the pond began to feel like it usually does when reading the reptiles … a nightmare where the pond's struggling in slo-mo to get to an island of sanity, but is trapped in a bowl of marshmallow,  where the same nonsense is repeated over and over again ...

Why not the same dire prophecies about South Australia? Why bother to ask, why not just enjoy a Rowe cartoon or two, with more Rowe here

In the end, the reptiles are best thought of as cartoon coat hangers, which is why it now seems that The Insiders exists mainly so that a few cartoons and photos can turn up towards the end of the show …

And now, because the pond needs a little space before catching up on an infallible Pope, here's the Major obligingly being a wardrobe spacer with a final gobbet offering more of the same…

So much hot air, so much bullshit sent north, and yet no bullshit available for export to South Australia? 

And yes, so much for Hong Kong, as if somehow what's going down there is all about comrade Dan. Even the lizard Oz editorialist couldn't resist …

But what about being bold and brave, and cutting off coal supplies to teach Xi a lesson? What about putting Hong Kong at the top of the page?

Sorry, when it comes to war, the reptiles puff out their chests, and strut around with the bravado of a peacock Mussolini, dishing it out to comrade Dan but ducking away from Xi. The pond hasn't seen such bold, brave, knock 'em down military glory since the days of Colonel Blimp …

But enough of that, here, have a slightly aged, but not worn, Pope as a wrap-up to this day's exceedingly limp reptile proceedings…the pandemic has really taken the starch out of them ...


  1. Maj. Mitch: "powerful editorials by Peta Credlin and Andrew Bolt last Tuesday"

    Oh wau, and did the Earth tremble for you too ? Who, or what could possibly withstand the might of Credlin and Bolt "editorials" Watched on Sky News by, what ? Maybe 20 or 30 thousand ?

    And on he goes: "Queensland could be vulnerable to a Constitutional challenge ..."

    Could ? Not "must" or "shall" or anything even remotely definite, just a measly, weak "could face a challenge".

    And then the piece de resistance: "Pauline Hanson told Channel 9 [Note: Channel 9, not Fox News] she had received offers from three law firms and several potential litigants ..."

    Oh my, she'd better watch out for an angry Dame Slap and the IPA campaigning forcibly against lawfare !

    And so anther great Maj. Mitch day ends as inconsequentially as all its predecessors.

    1. But not such a good day for the Doggy Bov, GB. He's got Paluszczuk and Berejiklian facing off over "the economic artery that runs across the 69th parallel" which according to my schoolboy geography, is somewhere off the coast of the Australian Antarctic Territory.

  2. 69th - 29th? Cater is not good with figures, he is more of an "ideas man" like Steve Kerrigan.

    Do you think someone set him up? Just tell him something totally wrong and see if he will repeat it?

    1. I think they've been doing that for his entire life, Bef. And yes, he faithfully parrots it every time.

    2. My guess is he did an Angus Taylor and whacked a 'funny number' in the draft (69, geddit?) that would be so obviously wrong that it would be checked and corrected before publication. An insider's practical joke that, in the case of Taylor anyway, went horribly wrong.

    3. Ummm, maybe Merc, except that (i) there's no checking and editing done on reptile output any more (too expensive by half) and (ii) Cater doesn't have any kind of sense of humour.

    4. There's me forgetting reptile fundamentals again, GB.

  3. "No climate change denial around here"... meaning denying, specifically, the-climate-is-always-changing sort, naturally; just saying climate change has been turned into the straight line, just to get that meaningless trivialising in. Anyone gullible enough not to realise that meant "natural" - no matter the question was about human caused climate change - apparently has only themselves to blame. Only I think it IS unethical, no matter how it is spun - and more so for being spun. Or maybe doing such spin about things of such grave importance is the more unethical.

    Reminds me of the Business Council of Australia - supporting emissions reductions so long as Australian Business is not harmed... which I have come to believe means they oppose if ANY Australian business eg like coal and gas mining ones, are harmed.

    What these people say does not mean what they want us to think it means - and that, to my mind, may be a morally worse kind of lie than just outright lying. Which is how those currently holding the highest positions of trust, responsibility in Australia communicate about the climate issue.

    When they talk in doublespeak you know things have taken a wrong turn.

    1. It's what comes of folks being too lazy or too laid back to always refer to it as anthropogenic climate change. So when it's reduced like that, the reptiles and wingnuts can get away with the 'double entendre' version of "climate change".

      And don't they just love doing it.

  4. GrueBleen May 24, 2020, 3:48:00 PM:
    "Yep, Hogan did indeed paint the SHB, and he did, especially when paired with Strop, have a fine touch of Aussie humour but apart from one classic scene in Crocodile Dundee, I can't recall it showing up all that much in his movies. But then, I am yet to find the drive to
    view 'Charlie and Boots'. You've almost persuaded me though."

    Hi GrueBleen,
    I can't as a Jerseyman presume to comment on how far Hogan "went Hollywood" in watering
    down his inner Aussie to make his movies more accessible in the USA and elsewhere.
    But Charlie and Boots(2010), a genial comedy that starts out a little slow slow but settles down into a satisfying, good natured travelogue, was without a doubt directly aimed at the domestic market.
    I had to explain - as well as I could - aspects of this flick to my friends as it assumes a knowledge of your country mostly restricted to the natives or your Kiwi cousins.
    Such as Tamworth being a country music mecca and cameos by Reg Evans and Roy Billing.
    Or that unlike our love affair with the Corvette, for some reason the car seemingly beloved by most all Aussies is the venerated Holden of whatever vintage.
    At one point when the boys visit a Holden museum, it's a signifying cross generational moment for Boots - Shane Jacobson - and his Pop and the Australian audience.
    I should explain that newly widowed Hogan is lost in grief. To snap him out of it his estranged son takes him on a 3,000 kilometer road trip from Victoria to Cape York.
    There is also a fun scene that will escape Americans when Val Lehman, the tough inmate boss from Prisoner: Cell Block H crosses swords with our heroes and stares them down.
    I apologize for going on a tangent away from Loon Ponds mission statement, but what the
    hell I figure it's only a 50/50 shot that Dorothy will hie over to Jersey and give me a
    tune up(ass kicking).
    It's too bad there isn't a separate section on this site where Dorothy's followers might exchange views and interact with each other on all sorts of subjects.
    It could be both illuminating and fun. Just a thought.
    This film is free on tubi, as well as free from commercials, watch for the very funny Sydney Harbour Bridge bit inserted after the end credits have rolled.
    The minute long "Jesus joke" meritss it's own entry on You Tube:
    Charlie & Boots (Jesus Joke) - YouTube

    1. Well you make a damn good case, JM; are you sure you aren't a lawyer ?

      All right, crosses or bees. Youtube seems to want me to either buy or rent the complete movie, but I never, ever do financials on the web.

      I've never encountered tubi until now, but it seems to want me to register and I prefer not to (old saying: "Give 'em nothing, take 'em nowhere")

      I may have to see if there's anywhere still trading that has movies (tape or preferably DVD) for rent. Ooh, I see JB Hifi has the DVD for $10. That'll do, next time I'm at a JB Hifi.

  5. I avoided watching Insiders but other netizens obligingly posted the worst parts on the internet anyway. Very Pond-like - we watch so you don't have to!

    I was tempted to post links to charts showing the secular trend in coal prices (very downward) or discuss utilisation rates for coal-fired power (also down). Perhaps, import substitution (rail lines from Inner Mongolia, Indonesian coal etc) that will hit Aussie coal Oi, Oi - Oh!

    But what's the point? The reader with even a skerrick of curiosity can discover this, the reptiles, with the possible exception of DB and Cater, probably know the facts but just repeat the lies anyway, and the intended audience just want their mistaken beliefs validated.

    Probably better to just amuse ourselves picking through what passes for logic in the herpetarium. If I had attended to my studies I could make a list of logical fallacies, but maybe someone can help me.

    So - if a group of experts made made an error in the past, does that invalidate all their current findings? Extending that a bit, if a group of "letes" in a particular field make an error, does that invalidate findings by an entirely different group in another field?

    Moving on - if popular appeal trumps unelected experts, why do we have to follow the advice of the Chief Medical Officer? Come to think of it, why would we trust the unelected, and unspecified, economists or the folk at the BCA?

    I'm confused.

    1. Confused?......if like many, the word is angry. A bit like Boris’ spin doctor DC. One rule for them and another for us.
      Then there is this......

      Meanwhile in Hawaii.......way to go Scotty. :((
      Cheery Anon.

    2. Another of your links with very few views (about 8000). But good.

      So, just for the hell of it, here's one with over 10,000,000 views

      Enjoy (I hope).

    3. You'll also have to search for news of the Royal Commission into bushfires, BF. Clearly the reptiles want nothing to do with it, for fear of being singed ...

  6. “Call the pond a conspiracy theorist if you like, but the pond thinks the signs are there that the reptiles really don't give a flying fuck about human rights abuses in China, or any of the other complaints that might be mounted. This is a war on the Labor party, conducted by proxy and barely disguised…”

    The endless repetition that is the reptile MO could easily make one feel like a conspiracy theorist DP,.......because they work and editorialise as if the whole world is a left wing conspiracy against their sensitivities, ad infinitum.
    Their idea may be that if they drive us all to despair with their conspiratorial jargon we will all become totally disconnected from politics, the environment and all things that have consequence to our lives and just walk away ......and they can just get on with selfish ideology of show me the money, it’s all Labor’s fault, fuck people’s health, just open the pub!
    It appears to work with roughly 50% of the population.

    I can just see the dog botherer and Lloydie down at their local working on their next conspiracy piece, sucking on their gin and tonic and thumbing through a thesaurus.

    Personally, I thought the 4 Corners piece was quite good, if not compelling, and I think the thoughts of people like Parkinson and Henry, who were at the coal face, hold more weight than the botherer. The fact that Ken Henry was so angry that he suggested he should probably source some counselling was interesting enough on its own.

    My tip for the week is a correspondent piece from Nick Minchin in the near future. He is also a true mercenary.....i.e. primarily concerned with making money at the expense of ethics.
    Cheery Anon.

  7. Not always the same 50% though, CA. It's an up and down thing too - sometimes more than 50%, sometimes less. But there does always seem to be a 'loyal core' who stick through thick and thin - for instance the 40% or so who are Trump's inseparable base and the 33% or so who still support Bolsonaro.


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