Monday, May 18, 2020

In which the pond refuses to socially distance from Moorice, the Major and deep-fried Oreo ...

At last the reptiles have realised, have come to their senses … what we need on a Monday is pure, distilled essence of Orwellian Moorice loonacy …

Forget the war on China … it started out very solid in a Monkish way on the weekend, and then began to turn very dark …


Taiwan gone? The US defeated? Oh well, we've always got the Brisbane line, or should that be the Surry Hills line?

Apologies, that's just the pond doing a reptile distraction. 

Let us not worry about the war on China, let us embark on our grim Orwellian future, thanks to the bold, brave Moorice, last seen standing in Pitt street mall without a face mask, cheerfully shaking the hands of stray passers by, hugging them and helping them start up the economy with a kiss on the cheek …

Meanwhile, the United States shows exactly how it should have been done. A culling of the herd, a singling out of the weak, a sacrificing of everything on the altar of the Donald's ego. Oh it's a fine example, and nothing Orwellian about it, nothing at all … it being the state's job to do as Adolf Hitler and Moorice have proposed …

In his book Mein Kampf (1924), Hitler wrote that one day racial hygiene and the culling of the herd and following Moorice’s prescriptions "will appear as a deed greater than the most victorious wars of our present bourgeois era".

Sorry, that's not quite how it appeared in the wiki, but there's something in Moorice that brings out the pond's goose-stepping German blut and a willingness to break Godwin's Law ...

Ah, did anyone notice? After that bold, brave "go figure indeed", bold brave Moorice retreated from the mall and the handshaking and the glad-handing, and came out with a billy goat "butt", though dressed in the form of a "that said." Why he even admitted there was an actual pandemic, that posed a serious threat to human health, and even proposed personal hygiene, social distancing and testing.

This isn't the spirit of a genuine paranoid conspiracy theorist shocked at Orwellian policies run wild. 

Why, the very suggestion of imposing hygiene, social distancing and testing on the populace is rampant Orwelliand behaviour in the extreme …

Surely only true freedom comes with the right to infect anyone nearby …

Come on Moorice, don't be a sook, remember freedom trumps safety, community and filthy pinko commie preverts … let us welcome more deaths, let us celebrate the harvesting of useless souls ...

Lost in all the noise is how easy it has been for those with despotic tendencies to take away our freedoms?

What, like the despotic Bolsonaro? Hasn't that turned out well

Luckily the immortal Rowe had a cartoon to hand to celebrate the Moorice line … with more dark notions here

And so to the Major, and for a moment there, the reptiles had the pond going, with something even worse than Moorice's Orwellian nightmare … former chairman Rudd as a shock jock …

Luckily the pond knew this was a beat up, and the pond should stick with the Major.

But before getting stuck into it with the Major, the pond should just mention that last week's effort by the Major featured in the Graudian's Weekly Beast …

Anyone wanting that ABC tweet can find it here, but there are many other delights at the Beast here, including talk of Media Watch's brain snap about the parrot, Penbo producing a half-baked apology, and shameless Sharri on the world stage, which curiously allows a segue into the Major's latest outing …

The dog botherer did the better job? Why it's as if the Major's determined to show that Moorice hasn't cornered the market in reptile loonacy …

Cue the Weekly Beast … and a dose of Shameless Sharri …

Of course all this wandering around the point, and clarifying and such like shouldn't obscure the reality that Shameless Sharri did a shameless beat-up, and ever since then the reptiles have been dancing on hot coals in support of her … and the Major and the shameless one have been two soul-mate peas in the Murdochian pod for such a long time now ...

By golly, Moorice would love that conspiracy theory. Just imagine the steps the cunning and devious Chinese would have taken to infect a human, then harvest it, then bring it into the lab, and then let it out of the lab. 

Some might think it simpler just to let the virus run wild and free, but not when you're a paranoid Major … because as everyone knows, for an Order of Lenin medal to escape from view and defy being discovered doesn't mean it wasn't created and worn by a commie lover, and somewhere out there, somehow, someday, the Major will reveal the findings of his hunt … much like the Donald will bring definitive proof that Obama was born in Kenya and raised a Muslim ...

Hmm, did the Major just quote The Lancet? Well there's Why President Trump is wrong about WHO, and then there was this ripper that concluded

The Trump administration's further erosion of the CDC will harm global cooperation in science and public health, as it is trying to do by defunding WHO. A strong CDC is needed to respond to public health threats, both domestic and international, and to help prevent the next inevitable pandemic. Americans must put a president in the White House come January, 2021, who will understand that public health should not be guided by partisan politics.

Now that's worthy of a Major conspiracy theory, and a column to boot, but don't hold your breath …

And so to the recovering, reformed feminist …

Frankly the pond wouldn't have bothered with the Oreo this day, except that belatedly it discovered that deep fried Oreos were actually a thing ...

This is old news to the Oreo aware, because the phenomenon has been around since 2002, as its wiki reveals here, but having a death wish, the pond suddenly developed an insatiable desire to sample some deep-fried Oreo from the recovering reformed feminist, even if it turned out to be Moorice lite...

And that's why the pond is pleased to report that Sky and the reptiles have abandoned all safety precautions as an example to others, and are frolicking and gambolling around Surry Hills in wild, carefree abandon. 

Still, it's a shame that the Oreo didn't go the full Orwellian. It proves she's just a shadow up against the mighty Moorice, or perhaps just a soggy mix of pancake batter and heart-attack inducing biscuit ...

Still, there's an angle. Why the pond understands - or at least lives in hope - that the recovering feminist is herself thinking of opening a deep-fried Oreo stand in her local market, and encouraging customers by taking absolutely no social distancing precautions,  certainly not the wet ones proposed by the useless "that said" Moorice, because businesses need examples to follow …

Is there an irony in all this? 

Well if you head off to the recovering feminist's short bio, you might spend most of your time wondering what the Oreo actually does. How does she contribute to the economy in any meaningful way? Is a weekly column the best she's got? 

Well you could hardly count cited works, and references to posh, lah di dah universities. 

What about doing a little cash in the paw work as a plumber to help get things kick started? How about a job in the construction game, because all around Newtown, the pond sees tradies busy at work? Has she thought of doing a little time with the inner west garbos?

Nope, it seems that the Oreo's main deep fried contribution is to celebrate US Republicans, who have contributed mightily to vastly disproportionate deaths in the US (compared to other countries) and a devastated economy.

Blaming public servants is just part of the blame game, though the pond suspects the recovering feminist would love a job as an academic … instead of wasting her time chatting to loons of the John Anderson kind

Resenting public servants while yearning to be one, and bashing the ABC while some occasionally do a bolt or a flit over to the public broadcaster is all part of the mental health suffering that makes up a reptile.

It also explains why all three reptile loons this day did their best to find someone to shame and blame.

It's all a part of a proud reptile tradition …


  1. I tried to listen to that Andersen-Oriel bloviation that you linked to, DP. I managed about 6 minutes. What a pair - she is disappointed with the way "the Left" changed, so she decided to shift to the even worse "the Right" which is unchamging, and he is all in favour of that.

    Just goes to show it doesn't take much to get a Piled higher & Deeper in "political science", does it. I truly wonder - given what we learned about some others - what she gets paid for her "weekly column".

    1. What does a Political Scientist do and why do I need one?

      Funny how often vague and wobbly fields like to pretend to be scientific in their approach. Think of Malaware talking about the "immutable laws" of economics.

      "Immutable laws"? Originally an attempt to claim a sort of Newtonian certainty to things that would be strong tendencies at best and barely recognisable most of the time.

    2. Personally I have no idea whatsoever what a "political scientist" does, Bef, other than write long, pointless columns for politically oriented media. However, Wikipedia has this to say:
      "Political science, occasionally called politology, is a social science which deals with systems of governance, and the analysis of political activities, political thoughts, associated constitutions and political behavior."

      Hmmm. Back in the 1960s when I tried to get some sense of meaning from and about Derrida's "deconstructionism" it seemed to me that it was basically a never-ending loop: to deconstruct some text only resulted in further text that in its turn also required deconstruction and so on ad infinitum.

      And now it strikes me that 'political science' - as defined above and as practised by the likes of the Oreo - is a perfect case of never-ending textual deconstruction. How to circle forever without ever arriving anywhere. Especially when the personal becomes the political and the political becomes personal.

      But then, what would I know ?

    3. Sheesh, GB, you tried to listen and lasted six minutes? What form of brave madness is this?

    4. I dunno about "brave madness", DP. In retrospect it's a lot more like "bloody stupid and possibly senile madness".

  2. Quoth Moorice, "Suicide rates have hugely outstripped death from COVID-19".

    Odd thinks I, not familiar with that one. With all due respect to Moorice, it seems an outlier, the sort of nonsense I'd expect to hear from a Trump. So off to Google I toddle.

    Lo, and behold:

    Oh Moorice!

    1. Oh pish tush, vc, that's Japan and the Japanese commit suicide when times are good and fight like samurai when times are bad. Unlike Aussies who commit about 3000 suicides per annum from about 65,000 attempts. [Given the ratio of 3000:65,000 makes one wonder if most of the 3000 weren't just accidents that occurred when people were only trying for some kind of attention].

      But anyway, you can get some thoughts from:

  3. Hi Dorothy,

    Reptile logic.

    Experts predict dire consequences unless urgent action is taken immediately.

    Reptiles complain cost is too high and dire consequence unlikely to happen anyway.

    Urgent action is taken and dire consequences averted.

    Reptiles declare lack of dire consequences occurring proves they were correct and experts shown to be wrong yet again.

    Rinse and repeat.


    1. Trouble is, DW, it works like a charm and always has - especially on the Faux Noise devotees. I reckon it just might be a variant of the Dunning-Kruger effect.

      Consider it as like this: If Trump is elected, disaster will follow. Trump is elected and hey, contrary to the doomsayers, everything is fine: greatest President in America's history. And so was Reagan, and Bush I and II, and ...

    2. Reptile climate science in one DW, except skip dire consequences averted as party of the rinse cycle

  4. Moorice: "As they fretted their way through weeks of police state restrictions, many Australians must have marvelled at the ease with which their government put them under virtual house arrest."

    Maj. Mitch: "Media Watch should look at the ABC's own anti-Trump motives rather than trying to link Markson, a non-ideological news reporter who broke the story of Barnaby Joyce's baby to a News Corp conspiracy for Trump."

    The Oreo: "The federal government has played a vital role in responding to this crisis with extraordinary measures. The worst-case health scenario has been averted for now. But the nation is being pushed further into debt by a reluctance to open the economy with the same degree of urgency that it was shut down."

    Now if those statements are representative of the mental abilities of a significant part of the human race - and I strongly suspect they are - then it is just no wonder at all that the entirety of documented human history is just a record of a continuing series of wars, famines and disasters. And will ever continue to be so.

  5. For no particular reason other than to highlight the marriage of Murdoch duplicity and public stupidity

    "Ailes opined that television had emerged as the most powerful news source primarily because “people are lazy” and want their thinking done for them."

    1. "...what we are witnessing is the culmination of a decades-long endeavour to create an alternative reality within which viewers and readers of News Corp’s outlets can reside"

      It isn't only Murdoch, of course, because in fact we all live in our own "universe". It's that the News Corp universe is particularly pernicious and yet still believed so willingly by so many for so little reward.

  6. Like rust, reptiles never sleep, and should always be judged by the company they keep......Steve Bannon? Such ambition in a probable fool.
    Cheery Anon.

    1. What's that saying that Churchill (and Twain and a bunch of others) is credited with ? Oh yes: "A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on."

  7. GB. You know.......just a bit of fun. :))
    When you’ve made political editor at the Tele you know you are a certified loon.
    Cheery Anon.


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