Saturday, January 25, 2020

In which the pond simply has to acknowledge the medical conditions that are possibly afflicting the dog botherer ...

There's always been an eerie, sinister interaction between the lizard Oz's attempts at news and opinion-making, but it reached a new level yesterday with talk of the Canavan caravan interacting with the gassy Caterist …

But that was yesterday, and today the pond must deal with the dog botherer yet again, and is forced to ask, is there a Freudian in the house?

You see, only a few days ago, the dog botherer was pleading for silence:

That is where we should leave it this summer?

But he can't help himself, can he, he's at it again straight away today …

And being the dog botherer, it's not just that he can't just keep his trap shut ... he has to go on and on and on, endlessly repeating what he's already written a number of times, like a mad uncle down from the attic, restlessly pacing about, roaming over old ground ...

… which is why the pond needs a Freudian. Is it anal compulsive? Is it anal obsessive? Is it merely anal? Is there a condition, say OCD, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, that might explain it?

It's not as if other situations aren't there for the scribbling. There's the sports rort, there's the Donald, there's heaps of other things, but the dog botherer obsessively returns to sniff his climate denialism, and the pond is left bewildered, bored, and wondering exactly why do dogs like to sniff crotches? 

Is it because a lifetime of religious service in the cause of climate denialism is now in doubt? Is there a seed of despair and disbelief in the denialism, which now requires the penitent to lash himself hard, and to lash others even harder?

Is this yet another replay of the fundamentalist desire to punish the heretic? (Oh the pond felt a sadness at the passing of the director of Life of Brian, such a funny riff on the likes of fundamentalists of the dog botherer kind).

The pond had long thought it was wrong to mix climate science with theology and religion and faith, but the extremity of the dog botherer's condition, not to overlook that mention of the devil in the last par above, makes the pond itself begin to doubt …

Never mind, the pond must continue with the holy text. As the dog botherer has written, so it must be … at least in the minds of fanatics, true believers and reptiles ...

Perhaps because it simply is … unprecedented?

No, no, no, a plain and simple and straightforward use of the English language is not for the dog botherer. Others might claim to be enlightened, but only the dog botherer's climate denialism can truly claim the status of enlightenment, and so there must be alarmism about the alarmism proffered by others ...


It's the same old chant, a litany repeated over and over again by sundry scribbling reptiles, and here the pond must extract a few thoughts from GB in the comments section and place them above the line …

The Onion Muncher did at least do something useful by introducing us to the 1851 "Black Thursday" fires. Now these fires supposedly hit the areas of Portland, Plenty Ranges, Westernport, the Wimmera and Dandenong districts and supposedly burned out 5 million hectares (approx 1/4 of Victoria). 

The fires supposedly killed more than one million sheep and thousands of cattle as well as taking the lives of 12 people. The thing is though, that Victoria wasn't settled until 1834/35 so somehow, in a mere 16 years, Victoria had acquired more than "a million sheep and thousands of cows". Hmmm. I really would love to know who counted all the sheep and cow corpses to arrive at those numbers, and who rode around large swathes of Victoria on horseback counting the burned acres (now hectares).

But let us just remember that 1851 was the year Victoria was declared a colony separate from NSW and had the start of the gold rush era. Melbourne had already been proclaimed a city in June 1847 though.

However, I am pleased to note that any impact of 'climate change' back in 1851 was almost certainly negligible, unlike 2009 when the effect would have been much more noticeable.

Well yes, but perforce that's just a brief interlude, as on we trudge with the dog botherer in company with the Lomborgians, expert in the matter of 1851 ...

Actually the most striking thing in all this is how the dog botherer simply can't let it go, can't abandon his religious fundamentalism in the face of ferocious fires and human tragedy … 

You see, this endless rant is far from done, and now it must take on a political dimension, and involve political point-scoring of a quite sickening kind ...

Ah, the bane and the evil of social media.

It's a common condition in the reptiles, and it helps explain why the pond began by asking if there was a Freudian in the house.

It seems all the reptiles are afflicted by the syndrome.

Why also this day our Gracie showed every sign of coming down with it - apparently there's no checking, as there has been at the airports in recent times …

Actually, dear Gracie, please forget social media for the moment.

If the pond might be so bold, reading the reptiles, and the dog botherer in particular, is certain to have a negative impact on the pond's mental health, and probably on others who read him.

On some days, the pond feels as furtive and as wicked as a drug dealer …and yet the pushing must be done ...

Well, d'oh, everything that Lomborg says doesn't much matter, him being a climate denialist of the first water and all, but you see, ignoring the sacred texts is a form of heresy, up with which the dog botherer will not stand ...

If there's any undercutting being done, it's the undercutting of reptile climate science denialism, and they simply can't cope.

The pond suggested right at the get go that there were other fun things that the dog botherer might do … you know, try to help Scotty from marketing sell his way out of the pork barrel the immortal Rowe found him in here

But no, we had the same parade of neuroses and denials, the very same litany that's been trotted out endlessly these past few months, to the point where the pond began to wonder if the scribbling reptiles had slipped from neurosis, and headed towards psychosis …

The pond has always regretted it never proceeded beyond a few units in psychology. It would have come in handy in so many ways ...

Last night, for example, doing its best to ignore the Korean hard-coded subs, the pond made it through the first song and the first poem in Cats.

It was even more bizarre, more weird, than everyone had told the pond. The only joy was that the high Anglican anti-semitic T. S. Eliot was probably still rolling in his grave, possibly in company with his fascist friend Ezra Pound

The pond takes its joys where it can find them - no, Cats is too furry to be pond porn, the pond will leave that to the likes of Jon Stewart promoting his new movie on Colbert - but there is another joy, and that is that we have reached the last gasp of the dog botherer … and, blessed relief, it is short ...

Welcome to the world of actual climate science, and the implications of climate change, though the dog botherer seems determined, such is the strength of his religious beliefs, to be dragged there kicking, and screaming, and denying, denying, denying …and that's why the pond has been forced to end with this Rowe.

And it's all the fault of the dog botherer, who simply couldn't shut up for the rest of this summer …


  1. Lovely work DP. The Poodle Porker's really stuck on, in, and up this desperate Denialist trope - perhaps a judicious blast from a high pressure fire-hose might free him? I notice his attack on "fact-free activism on Twitter" makes no mention of Der Trump's incredibly excessive (and obsessive) fake-truth activity on said platform.

  2. Thanks for the gracious acknowledgement, DP.

    I was wandering fitfully through the latest Dog Botherer's witless, whining wankings and thinking about your question, DP: "Is it because a lifetime of religious service in the cause of climate denialism is now in doubt?" when I encountered this from the DB:

    "I'm old enough to remember when the states ran and funded schools on their own, hospitals, disability services, emergency services and energy supplies."

    Which followed immediately after this gem: "What a sad indictment on our state governments, which always seem to have their hands out for more money ..."

    Well if you can remember that, Doggy B, you must have a memory that stretches back at least a century or so. Back to maybe when the states still ran, and directly benefitted from, income tax (for one). And by the way, "energy supplies" (electricity and gas) always made a decent profit for the Victorian State Government via the SEC and the Gas and Fuel Corp. Oh yes, and nearly everybody in Victoria could comfortably afford their electricity and gas bills - until Kennett "privatised" it all (along with the MMBW and water supplies).

    But it finally dawned just how much the DB's world is unconnected, static (ie no historical change) and binary (ie something either is or it isn't - no partials, no interconnections).

    So, for our state governments, all those things (schools, hospitals, services etc) were then as they are now: they haven't grown in scope nor in size (despite the Australian population having more than tripled in the 70 years since 1950). Nor that taxing powers in the growth taxes (personal income, corporate, retail sales tax which basically replaced the older wholesale tax) all having gone to the Commonwealth - in short, many interconnected functional and historical changes that his wondrous memory has no knowledge of.

    So likewise. climate change is either here or it isn't, and even if it is increasingly undeniably here, it hasn't changed over time and it has no connection to bushfires.

    So the idea that the effect of climate change started off very small - about zero back in 1851, perhaps just a tiny bit in 1939 - but has grown in intensity and effect over time until come 2009, and even a bit more so in 2019, its effect is indisputably significant.

    What a crazy, static, unconnected, on/off only world the DB inhabits. But then again, he is a reptile who spends all his time in an ophidiarium with a bunch of other reptiles who all suffer the same neurotic psychosis that he does..

  3. Funny that Kenny doesn't mention the fires that raged through Qld, NSW, SA and WA in 1851. Perhaps because there weren't any, and the extent of the fires now is umm, "unprecedented". And you'd reckon in 1851 men were more interested in digging for gold than fighting fires.

    1. Yes, indeed it is funny, that, which I noticed too.

      But mainly I was intrigued as to just how they knew back in 1851 what the size of Victoria was so that they could measure the Black Thursday fire as having consumed 1/4 of it. And also how they counted up 1,000,000 sheep carcasses and 'thousands' of cattle too.

      I'd also like to know just what was burned back then: was it all forest ? Or mostly savanna grassland ? or some unspecified mix of both ?

      And if it was forest, was it forest that was still subject to indigenous fire management or had we mostly massacred and murdered the aboriginals so there wasn't enough of them left to keep the forest management going.

      And most of all, I'd like to know how many of these questions - and maybe one or three more - did Bjorn Lomborg ask and get definitive answers to before accepting the '5 million hectares (12.35 million acres)' figure as accurate.


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