Like every other holyday season, this one is quickly wearing down … and like most, towards the end, instead of pleasure, there comes a sense of fatigue, a desire to get it over with, a sense that doing almost anything else other than relaxing with the reptiles might be preferable … you know, digging ditches, shovelling shit, killing things in the garden, or watching clouds … anything, instead of scoffing another serve …
What prompted this pond nihilism, this despair, this blow out? A simple question: just how many times can the dog botherer keep shovelling shit and climate denialism at the readers of the lizard Oz, and how many keep swallowing it?
Another self-doubting question: how did it become the pond's duty to keep track of the reptile loons?
What prompted this pond nihilism, this despair, this blow out? A simple question: just how many times can the dog botherer keep shovelling shit and climate denialism at the readers of the lizard Oz, and how many keep swallowing it?
Another self-doubting question: how did it become the pond's duty to keep track of the reptile loons?
It feels like a never-ending repetitive story, written by a mindless child for other braying children …
Well yes, but speaking of serious media, the pond has no idea where an American cartoonist got an image of the dog botherer so he could devise this cartoon …

Oh wait, the noisy man isn't bald, perhaps the pond made a mistake thinking it was the dog botherer.
Never mind, the pond thought it might throw in this link, on the basis that it would irritate the heck out of the dog botherer to have his words associated with PBS ...
Meanwhile, this very day, in the business section of the lizard Oz, which tends to be a bit wayward, came a different kind of reptile reporting …
But sadly, it isn't the pond's job to look at this sort of story …

Instead the pond must plough on through the dog botherer, yammering on in his usual mindless way …
Oh fuck it, should the pond really resist the temptation to intercut a portion of that other story with dog botherer gibberish? Where's the harm?
Um, actually, if the pond might be so bold as to offer an amendment to that sentence about small exceptions, with the significant exception of a large part of the fossil print media … featuring, as it does, the blathering of the dog botherer, the Bolter and many anthers, and not to mention Sky News, a signification portion of the fossil cable media, featuring as it does, not just the dog botherer, but all the rest of the Murdochian print climate denialists …
Why this constant ire about the meejia and getting it wrong? Well it's been a bad summer for denialists of the dog botherer kind, and especially for their coal-loving fearless leader, as noted in another piece in today's lizard Oz …
Okay, it means putting the dog botherer on hold yet again - the pond is tempted to put him on permanent hold - but just for the nonce, the pond will sample a small portion which helps explain just why SloMo, not helped by the climate denying reptiles, nor the likes of the rantings of the dog botherer, has fucked up in recent times …
Well you won't find any help amongst the reptiles.
So while the pond's at it, and is so totally over the dog botherer's guff, the pond might record exactly how our Henry today put his foot right in it …
Yes, our Henry didn't just breach Godwin's Law, he drove a bloody great tank through it, all to make a point implicit about the same topic as the dog botherer, though without the boldness to mention climate science by name …
You see, after the crocodile tears about Auschwitz, the Nazis, Arendt and all the rest of it, came this ...
That reference to "claims of an impending apocalypse" are about as close to climate science as our Henry dares get, given the rampant abuse of Nazis and Auschwitz present in his piece, but it was obvious enough what he was implying, given his recent outbursts on climate science ...
It's sickening stuff. It might be amusing in the current reptile climate, and the age of the climate science denying King Donald …
… but it was actually just wretched, miserable, and pathetic …and, did the pond mention it? Sickening ...
But at least it's been a distraction, until at last the final dog botherer gobbet must be faced …
What a festering paltroon of a denialist he is, what a scurvy scumbag, how resistant to the truth, how deplorable that our Henry should drag in Auschwitz and the Nazis …
How much lower can the assembled pack of climate denialists reptiles go in the defence of their denialism and the coal-loving Scotty from failed management?
Well there's always the restoration of dictatorships and monarchies around the world, and they're busy at that too, with more immortal Rowe to be found here …
I might be off topic. But the behaviour of Morrison getting his children involved in laying wreaths is typical of him using his family for personal advancement.
ReplyDeleteIt's what you get from having your bills paid by ScottyfromMarketing, ww. Kinda like Abbott's three in his time.
DeleteEven more of topic WW. Just in case anyone missed it........Pentecostal piss taking of sublime brilliance.
Thanks for that link, Anony; that "presidential religious advisor" Paula White is really something. I don't know quite what, but something.
And this link too:
Hilarious !
" just how many times can the dog botherer keep shovelling shit and climate denialism at the readers of the lizard Oz, and how many keep swallowing it?"
ReplyDeleteNow that's a good question, DP. Unfortunately, as far as I can see, the answer is: for all of his remaining lifetime. After all, he's hardly going to get much more senile than he already is. But as to how many keep swallowing it ? All of the wingnuts and trumpskins, all of the time.
"how did it become the pond's duty to keep track of the reptile loons?"
I'd put it all down to 'social media', I reckon DP.
But then, the "unprecedented" Doggy Bov: "NSW had more emergency level fires on one day that ever before (due to arson, natural events and weather conditions) ..."
The reptiles are going to push that "arson" lie forever now, aren't they. And does Doggy Bov really believe that "weather events" are totally unconnected to the changing climate ? Yes, of course he does; there's simply no connection whatsoever, is there.
"What a festering poltroon of a denialist he is, what a scurvy scumbag, how resistant to the truth, how deplorable that our Henry should drag in Auschwitz and the Nazis… "
Now, courtesy of Gracie, we know that it's all part of the global effect of 'social media', DP. After all, 'social media' is all that the Murdoch Empire is - it certainly isn't a news organisation, is it. And in Henry and DB, and ScottyfromMarketing, we see all of those evil 'social media' afflictions: "scorn for others, anger at their stupidity, pessimism for the future, despair for our country".
Remarkable just how accurately reptiles can describe each other. Such is life.
And there you have it, straight from the dog botherer’s mouth.
ReplyDelete“It smacks of fake news generated to pursue green-left political goals. And it is as much of a worry as the climate”
Kenny and all the rest of the pack sound as desperate as all get out. In their hearts they have always known they are pushing shit up the scientific hill......but still they persist with the lies, obfuscation and gaslighting.
Just as Abbott gets prime publicity with his lies, obfuscation and gaslighting from his recent appearance at the Heartland Institute, all the reptiles just do their denial routine because it is the nature of the job, the choice money and the political can hardly slip a cigarette paper between conservative politicians and the Murdoch press, wherever it publishes.
They are just the printing press of right wing think tanks and the billionaire club. No wonder they hate Twitter and social media. They are well aware that it exposes the lies......hence the apparent desperation.
If it wasn’t for your contextualisation DP, and the brilliant cartoons, some of us would be even more depressed than we are.
Since the early 70’s, the Heartland Institute, for an initial modest outlay of money, have expanded a model that has generated a literal global web, thanks to ever expanding money supplies, of like minded think tanks, to serve no one but the suppliers of said monies. Such a global model left the progressive side of politics totally flat footed and herein lies the problem, a problem that serves no one but the neo- conservative god bothering money grubs......... pissed off? You got that right.
So George Carlin is this century's Lenny Bruce ?
DeleteDP - please be assured that there are many who appreciate your selecting the daily extracts for us, and who admire the way you can find new ways to skewer the - er - writing. It so belongs in the Fiction Department in the Ministry of Truth. ’Here were produced rubbishy newspapers containing almost nothing except sport, crime and astrology’ But it extended to ‘Pornosec’, and Julia described her experience there in producing the books ‘They only have six plots, but they swap them around a bit. Of course, I was only on the kaleidoscopes. I was never in the Rewrite Squad. I’m not literary, dear - not even enough for that.’
ReplyDeleteSeems the Associate Editor, National Affairs is similarly ‘not literary’, and, on recent form, would find six plots as just bewildering, where one will do to ensure the salary. His kaleidoscope needs to be reconfigured - today’s column is interchangeable with yesterday’s, and those of last week, and . . . Perhaps this is evidence that nobody in the firm reads it; the days of active sub-editing having long gone.
Other Anonymous
Oh c'mon Other Anony, there only ever has been six basic plots:
Delete1. Rags to riches – a steady rise from bad to good fortune
2. Riches to rags – a fall from good to bad, a tragedy
3. Icarus – a rise then a fall in fortune
4. Oedipus – a fall, a rise then a fall again
5. Cinderella – rise, fall, rise
6. Man in a hole – fall, rise
Or, if your reading stretches to Mills and Boon, there's basically only two plots:
1. boy gets girl, boy loses girl, boy wins girl back
2. girl gets boy, girl loses boy, girl wins boy back.
But yes, for the wingnuts and reptiles, there is only one plot:
1. we're righteous and right, you're evil left-Greenies who must be destroyed.
I cannot get behind the paywall but it appears Blot has jumped the shark at the Hun.
From the snapshots and twitter comments it appears he has misquoted Andy Pitman again. It seems incredible that anyone would be dumb enough to run this line at this time, but I guess Blot has the form for this type of thing.
There are ways past the paywall, Bef, and DP even gave us instructions some time ago, but personally I can never be bothered, especially for The Blot.
DeleteBut I do read the free Herald Sun at my lieu de cafe daily so I did pick up Blot's rave today. He went on about how Pitman mentioned that increased rainfall (which does occur in some places) produces green shoots that provide bushfire fuel. Which, at least in Blot's mind, explains all those pesky fires we've been having.
He then goes on to drag Freeman Dyson into the conversation (denialists always quote each other). Freeman reckons that all that extra CO2 is just great for growing green stuff and that's why farming is setting worldwide produce records ... well, maybe it is in places not experiencing long, hard droughts.
So, it's all for the best in thus best of all possible worlds, Bef. And a few wild bushfires is a small price to pay for all that extra green stuff the human race will have to eat when the population reaches 10 billion in a few years time; and then goes on increasing, of course.
The following is specifically about the current POTUS but I think it's core sentiment applies to Kenny as well. I was inspired by GB's mentioning the other day that perhaps Polonius was losing his religion.
ReplyDeleteOh mine’s
A big thing
It’s bigly and huge
And yours is not big
The depths that mine can sink to
Its distance is so high
You say I lie too much -
I haven’t lied enough!
That’s me and I warned ya
That’s me in the spot light
Unleashing my derision
Trying to out-fake fake news
With my great and unmatched wisdom
You say I lie too much -
I haven’t lied enough!
I love how they get you choking
I love how they make you cringe
I love how my tweets make you cry
With every misquote
With every raving howler
The Left is my obsession
Trying to keep them all in stew
They’re all Climate Alarmist fools - tools!
They say I lie too much -
I’ll ramp it up!
Go figure this
Consider this - I’m the
Wit of the century!
Consider this - my tweets
Bring Greenies to their knees - Hail!
Watch as all my fantasies come trolling around
Oops! Now I've said too much
I love how they get you choking
I love how they make you cringe
I love how my tweets make you cry
I have just one dream…
I have just one scheme…
It’s me having four more
Years of me in the White House
Producing more division...
R.E.M. would be proud of you, Kez :-)
DeleteCheers GB!