Friday, April 19, 2019

In which the pond spends a quiet day with Akker Dakker and Aah Flinty me lad ...

And happy fertility rites to all, though the pond accepts that the festival has less to do with the celebration of Ishtar, the Assyrian and Babylonian goddess of fertility and sex (though who can doubt the argument that Roman Catholicism is actually Babylonian paganism in disguise), and more to do with Ēostre, but here again fertility rears its ugly head, courtesy the venerable Bede:

Writing in the late 20th century, Rudolf Simek says that, despite expressions of doubts, Bede's account of Ēostre should not be disregarded. Simek opines that a "Spring-like fertility goddess" must be assumed rather than a "goddess of sunrise" regardless of the name, reasoning that "otherwise the Germanic goddesses (and matrons) are mostly connected with prosperity and growth". Simek points to a comparison with the goddess Rheda, also attested by Bede. (Greg Hunters here).

Well yes, hares, rabbits, eggs and so on and so forth are all Freudian enough, but before the youff of today plunge in with enthusiasm, perhaps they should remember Bill Maher cheering them on for not reproducing quite as much in recent times, his argument being that there are simply too manny people on the planet.

But how did the pond come to be meditating on this ancient form of decadence, now transformed into a chocolate fest at the local supermarket?

Well the reptiles reliably disappoint and this day the lead story was yet another climate science denialist beat-up …

Some might think farmers are in fear of the effects of a warming planet, or the quest for coal fucking over the Liverpool plains the way it's fucked the Hunter Valley, but never in reptile la la land …

Meanwhile, the Mocker was still up, doing his usual thing …

The pond loves the way the reptiles support and endorse anonymity on the full to overflowing intertubes, even if it sits oddly with their routine railing against anonymity on the intertubes …

Meanwhile, the legendary Salt, bad for hypertension, managed to discover the grim reaper, apparently unaware that the Pythons had done it years ago …

Well yes, in due course we'll all be dead, and then it's somewhat had to maintain a lifestyle, or even an addiction to salty banalities …

And the legendary Kev caught the eye …

And of course the legendary Kev displayed a rat-like cunning, or a craven cowardice, by sending others out to do his dirty work …

Victorian Liberals president Michael Kroger has intervened to stop a motion on gay "conversion" therapy being debated at the party's state council. The move follows criticism from federal MPs on Monday that described the motion as a "dark" throwback to the 19th century. The proposal, from a Young Liberal branch linked to veteran federal MP Kevin Andrews, called for the law to be changed to ensure doctors "can offer counselling out of same-sex attraction or gender transitioning"... (here)

Yes, good old Kev knows how to stay clean, while being fundamentally dirty ...

Of course there was other entertainment around …

But in the end, being a slow easy Friday, the pond decided it would settle for a dose of Flinty …

Even here, the pond was disturbed, because the Speccie mob had buried Aah Flinty me lad right down the page …

There were all sorts of riffraff, low-lifes and degenerates given more prominence.

Why even Akker Dakker's diaries had more prominence, at the top of the page Ma.

Poor Akker Dakker was trying to explain how he'd been caught out helping the onion muncher, even going so far as to downplay his role as a humble sometime correspondent for the Terror …

Of course it's a tad unseemly for a journalist regularly providing what purports to be objective commentary out and about door-knocking for the onion muncher, but Fox News long ago broke the barrier between blatant bias and naked pandering and actual journalism (though to be fair, their heroes at rags like Pravda and Der Stürmer had shown them the way). 

Naturally Akker Dakker wasn't phased by any of this, and used his time with the Speccie mob to keep up the propaganda ...

What's that you say? The pond seems to have completely forgotten Aaah me lad Flinty in this Akker Dakker tale of woe … but after this final gobbet, the pond will do its duty ...

Oh fucketty fuck, did he just trot out the grandfather defence?

And now to imagine the Murdochian reaction if an ABC or Nine journalist had been caught door-knocking out-of-hours for a Labor party politician.

Okay, it's unimaginable, the level of fear, loathing and hysteria that would have ensued, but never mind, it's always fun to see Akker Dakker shooting himself, and the onion muncher in the foot … though it does seem to suggest that the onion muncher is in dire trouble, and all hands, and loons, have been called on to the deck of a ship which has taken on something of a list ...

And so to Aah Flinty me lad, though it's so mind-numbingly tedious, the pond can understand why the Speccie mob sent it down the page …

Yes, the symmetry is there, and once again the onion muncher has been summoned from the shadows to do his duty, but oh please, not another opus on Western Civilisation … though the pond does urge everyone to note that Aah Flinty me lad remains on song, with a mention of Gramsci and the march (surprisingly not a long one, though everyone knows it must be long), while all around the brave lad, everyone is succumbing to the Marxist philosophy of cultural hegemony ...

Of course embracing blather about "alien neo-com influence" puts Aaah Flinty me lad right out there on the fringe of loony, loopy linguistic follies, but that's our Flinty …

As for the rest, it was had not to suppress a yawn, and organise an Ēostre egg hunt a couple of days early …then only question was whether Aah Flinty me lad would forsake a few cliches, or whether he'd go the full "useful idiots" routine … as if the pond should have doubted ...

Too soon after Christchurch for this idle supremacist chat? Well no for the likes of Aah Flinty me lad, it's never too soon, and they will keep on beating the drum of supremacy forever, because they actually want a clash of civilisations, a war of worlds, and though they never say it out loud, a Western Civilisation where whites rule the roost and all those difficult, unruly coloured folk are kept in their place ...

The pond has nothing but admiration for the immense stupidity and ignorance of Flinty. Take that line about Australia being the only continent never to have suffered this moral taint (of slavery). For starters, convicts were despatched here, and made to work whether they liked it or not. Then for seconds, the same was done to many Aboriginal people, with all sorts of servitude imposed whether they liked it or not. And thirdly, even if people can find workarounds for those forms of slavery, there's no workaround for the blackbirding of kanakas …

Most of the original labourers were recruited from the Solomon Islands, the New Hebrides (Vanuatu), and New Caledonia, though others were taken from the Loyalty Islands. Some were kidnapped ("blackbirded") or otherwise induced into long-term indentured service or unfree labour. (Greg Hunters here).

Unfree labour? That's just a fancy term that ropes in those convicts, Aboriginal people being turned into servants and Vesteys slaves, and kanaka slavery …

And what about that attempt to pretend that somehow Western Civilisation had nothing to do with the Nazis, or Mussolini or the like, or Communism? Karl Marx is pure, undiluted Pommie …

...Marx was exiled to London in 1849 and lived the rest of his life there. Much of his time was spent in the reading rooms of the British Museum (which then housed the British Library collection) - this is his entry in the 1873 admissions register. There he worked on his most celebrated book Das Kapital. It puts forward his theory of political economy, with its celebrated phrase 'From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs'. (here).

And fair dibs, Western Civilisation can also claim credit for that great wrecker and destroyer, the narcissist barbarian known as the Donald ...

If all that's freedom and equality, how come the 1% own just about everything?

Might as well be a work slave …


  1. Thank you Dorothy for your work to enlighten us on the stupidity Flint.
    So how to lose your memory and write rubbish and ignore the achievements of eastern and middle eastern societies They used the gun powder to trash their captives into submission and to conquer and colonise countries.
    And in recent times invaded and destroyed countries and killed millions of innocent people.

    1. And we all applaud the imperial firmness of Amritsae, don't we.

    2. Ooops that's Amritsar.

  2. Hmm, Flinty would have us recognise "...the role Christianity played in securing our democratic freedoms ..."

    Well sure it did; by exercising it's savage dictatorial repression of the people and engaging in rampant war-mongering and war-waging, "Christianity" eventually raised a spirited secular opposition that lead directly to both the Reformation and then to the Enlightenment.

    Had Christianity been more decent, merciful and genuinely humane, we may never have gotten to either of them and so would still be living in a regime of rigid thought, and expression, control. Carry on with burning people at the stake for a teensy heresy - they clearly deserve it for insulting God.

    And I'm sure that the Ramsay folk will study this very deeply in their Worship of the West degree, you betcha. And they will acknowledge Flinty as the acutely historically conscious chap who not only brought that to their attention, bur who also informed them, regarding another of those religiously approved practices, slavery, that "Australia would be the only continent never to have suffered this moral taint". No blackbirding and aboriginal enslavement here, not to mention"unpaid convicts". None whatsoever.

  3. "If all that's freedom and equality, how come the 1% own just about everything?"

    Oh pish tush, DP: the 1% is the state. Thus the state owns the means of production, and therefore America is a truly socialist nation !

  4. Flinty has actually gone bonkers (even by his standards). His three landmark moments are two coups against legitimate government and an inconsequential act (Britain banned the slave trade 30 years before they banned slavery, and by then nearly all slaves were born in the country where they were slaves, not brought from Africa).

    Stupidity and ignorance have always been the warp and weft of a good Flinty rant. But this was 100% undiluted barking.


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