Friday, April 12, 2019

In which Barners and Flinty make a hearty meal of SPAM ...

Will Victorians accept this sort of defamatory stupidity? The HUN helped Daniel Andrews to a hearty victory, and it seems like they want to do the same for comrade Bill …

Meanwhile, speaking of silliness …

The pond knows it's meant to be satirical, but haven't we moved on from gas guzzlers and SPAM devotees? You know, maybe a spaghetti, a curry, a dumpling, a nice Thai meal? 

Apparently not in the world of the reptiles …

It got even worse this day, and the pond admits it flinched and faltered when confronted with these apparitions …


The pond realised it didn't have the intestinal fortitude. It simply couldn't go there, nor could it go here …


Dear sweet reptiles, should our hole in the bucket man be mentioning this, and the reptile editorialist acting as little Sir Echo, when anyone with half a clue realises that it was the coalition that comprehensively fucked the NBN? In much the same way that they've been clueless when it comes to energy policies ...

Luckily, there was relief at hand … a genuine, certifiable loon of the Barners kind …

The pond immediately got the reference …

The deviant Commie socialist pinko perverts had planned for everything … except for the New England warrior world famous for his radical John Milius cooee cry ...

Indeed, indeed. the pond always loves it when the agrarian socialists get agitated about socialism … but when it comes to medicine, aren't we all a little socialist?

It's classic Barners, with blather about religious zeal, and even a disclaimer, "over the top?", which hints that even Barners realises he's over the top and far away, but what the hell, when you're in so far, you may as well deliver a steaming heap of conspiracy theories and paranoia … because, you know …
there's something in the clouds …

Yep, they're coming to take away your houses ...

Actually the pond thinks that a generous parliamentary pension is the best way to plan for retirement. Why you can fuck around all you like doing other things, and you still have a nice nest egg, and it all comes courtesy of spending a lifetime warning against the dangers of government giving you nice things ...

It is socialism in a Giorgio Armani suit and a new SUV? 

Barners is so rich in his infinite stupidity that the pond marvels that the voters of New England maintain their loyalty. But then once Tamworth was the centre of the known universe, now it's a black hole sucking in all light and intelligence …

But what to do after this sort of three meat and veggie entrĂ©e?

Well the pond sometimes heads over to the Speccie mob on a Friday, and come to my arms, my beamish Flinty, O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!, the pond chortled in its joy …

What better way to begin than a bottom joke, because the Speccie mob seem to have more than a dash of anal Freudianism in their make-up … perhaps it comes with private schooling …

Is it a poo, or is it a piss joke, or is it both, or just a case of Flinty having a case of Huggies' nappy rash? Who knows, the Speccie mob liked it so well, they put it at the top of the column too …

Hmm, Flinty sounded a little glum, a little uncertain in that opening, as if he was yearning for a miracle pass, what the pond understands they call an Israel Folau Hail Mary …

Perhaps he'll buck up as we go along …

Still with the electric cars? Still with the climate science denialism? Still with the talk of discovering, channeling and dumping into the world the inner Trump? But we know where that leads …rampant stupidity …

And then Flinty stumbles, suggesting that he really doesn't have much of a clue ...

Did you spot it? Flinty's bizarre notion that there's only one petrol station between Sydney and the southern highlands … 

… and yet even, in EV infancy, it's possible to find EV charging on the Hume highway that makes a trip to Melbourne easy if you've got the right sort of vehicle.

The hysteria that Flinty is peddling reminds the pond of the fear drivers once had when they took their Morris Minor up the Bulli pass.

Times change, which is why we no longer hear the reptiles rabbiting on about the dangers of more efficient light bulbs …

What's really driving Flinty's rhetoric is his intractable, incurable climate science denialism … even Sixty Minutes might visit Greenland and discover that things are changing, but Flinty, along with the HUNsters, remains the perfect luddite …

As for following the Donald, why do alleged conservatives remain infatuated with a snake oil salesman, a con artist and an inveterate liar?


Well there's just one gobbet to go, but even the dinkum clean Oz coal mob have discovered the limits to blathering on about the joys of coal and the dangers of renewables, at least in the southern states ...

Flinty doesn't really have a clue about what motivated Kimberly-Clark's move, and neither does anyone else, because the company simply offered blather about its "global restructuring program", and while the reptiles have pushed the idea of electricity prices being the reason, the pond can think of a dozen other reasons the company might have decided to head to Asia - not least to make crappy products that have fallen out of favour with the likes of Choice …in much the same way that PacBrands made the move years ago …

And back then? This from an actual reptile report …

And so on …

But it wouldn't be a Flinty piece, if we didn't get a generous dose of apocalyptic hysteria … with electricity unaffordable, unavailable, and unreliable (and never mind the contradiction in those two words), and the lights and the power will go off and we're all doomed …

Yet there's never a word about what climate science warns us about … because in Flinty's luddite world, climate change is just a form of arcane theology …

Well the Donald knows how to keep idle chatter under lock and key, and no doubt somewhere in the vault, he keeps his scientific papers on the cancer-causing impact of windmills, alongside Flinty's treatise on the dangers of EVs ...


  1. Hi Dorothy,

    “It is socialism in a Giorgio Armani suit and a new SUV”

    Well Barnaby would know all about that;


    1. Well at least Barners seems to have some idea of what socialism "means", at least to him. Americans are somewhat more confabulated, it seems:

      "WASHINGTON, D.C. -- When asked to explain their understanding of the term "socialism," 17% of Americans define it as government ownership of the means of production, half the number who defined it this way in 1949 when Gallup first asked about Americans' views of the term. Americans today are most likely to define socialism as connoting equality for everyone, while others understand the term as meaning the provision of benefits and social services, a modified form of communism, or a conception of socialism as people being social and getting along with one another. About a quarter of Americans were not able to give an answer."

  2. CUT & PASTE:
    "Can't stomach vegans ? This will make you gag.

    Traditional veg and three meat was good enough ...

    Que ? Meat and three veg remember, but veg and three meat ?

    The reptiles get worse by the day, don't they.

    1. Nice one, Anony, but I think it might take a few generations and maybe an awful of that "humans only emotion", guilt.

      But this might help:
      Burger King’s new Whopper is 0% beef. That’s a big deal.

  3. I didn't think to see it, but I underestimated Barners. To lay out with a straight face that current policy has the amount of tax paid by companies determined by the tax position of those who receive dividends - it's loonacy of course.

  4. The reptiles are certain. There is no possibility that the time taken to charge an electric vehicle will come down in the near future.

    But new technology not yet invented will ensure that low emissions coal fired into HELE power stations will save us all.

    And ol' Henry's hole in the bucket is all the bucket's fault, not the person who's trying to pour water into it.

  5. "But it wouldn't be a Flinty piece, if we didn't get a generous dose of apocalyptic hysteria …"

    He's a true joy, isn't he. Why, I reckon it would surely be Flinty that they used as the model for creating Captain GetUp.

    But who did they use for Freddie Foreign Money ? Barners perhaps ?


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