Friday, August 24, 2018

Well the dust has settled for the moment, and there is a glorious new leader and it's farewell to the old leader - his inspirational work on the NBN will be remembered down the ages, and as for the republic, what to say, a lifetime's legacy - and all that said, how good it was to see Artie get up from his sick bed and do a last walk with Malware - and now, being traditional and deeply conservative, the pond naturally turned to the exhortations of the bromancer, who earlier scribbled some sage advice to ensure that the future might be just as glorious …

Say what?

Just that line "anyone who remains in parliament must declare that they have no enemies on their own side" promised a doozy, a comedy routine that few could match …

40 against the spill, and the onion muncher's minion, the puppet mutton Dutton defeated, and ScoMo the new king pin, and the far right snarling and bitter, as they've always been? But ScoMo only scored 45 to 40, so he's as secure as a rolling pin on a tilted table? Or jaffas when the pond sees an inviting aisle?

And jolly Josh, the man behind the NEG, for which the ratbags rolled Malware, the new deputy?

How forlorn and abject this digital fish and chip wrapping, and idle bromancer talk of peace now reads ...

Uh huh. But over at the Speccie mob, good old Flinty has also been dishing out advice …

Dear sweet long absent lord, they're still banging on about the onion muncher?

And Flinty wants him to keep on doing the same theological and ideological inquisition, and rooting out anyone to the left of Genghis Khan?

Yes, it began even before the fearless new leader was installed, that incessant, insidious chant of "bring back the onion muncher" could be heard amongst the barking mad, howling at the moon ...

What sayeth the bromance to this?

Say what? All hostilities must cease?

Say that again!

What a card he is, what a clown, what a delusional dreamer, and now the pond must pause for a cartoon to celebrate Flinty's mission …

And so on to another selection … because nattering "Ned" also had some thoughts about the future …

Such gloom, such hand-wringing … clearly the bromancer message has yet to sink in …

So what's been resolved today in a 45-40 way? Just the opening line in "Ned's" last gobbet resounds like a fish head in a potato stew ...

Yes, the new fearless leader already has blood on hand, or at least a lot of potato peelings, and the pond's major grievance in all this?

Too many distractions from work, and not enough time to enjoy the Donald follies in their infinite variety, and having to settle for a few cartoons instead …


  1. Oh, it's been a week, hasn't it. First the Oreo showing 10/10 in total delusion, then Moorice single handedly creating a whole new category of Unreal Unreality- as opposed that is, to Flinty's 'real unreality'.*

    Real unreality ? Yep, consider: "...absolutely terrified of your [Onion Muncher's] return because they know that if you were prime minister, you would win the next election and win it in a landslide."

    Oh but then he goes on: "...couldn't the Nationals produce somebody of the calibre of Sir John McEwen to make clear to the Liberals who they will accept as Coalition leader."

    Of course, Flinty is referring to Blackjack Mac blackballing Billy 'Big Ears' McMahon. And yes, Gorton was elected leader instead - and what a raging success he was - and then, well, Blackjack retired to his farm and Billy was elected anyway. Yep, it was obviously made abundantly clear to the Libs who the Nats (aka Country back then) would allow to be leader.

    Funnily enough, by electing McMahon, they clearly helped Whitlam get elected, so the nation got the leader that McEwen would have abhorred even more than Billy. My, how history repeats - first as what, again ?

    * yep there's real-reality and unreal-reality and real-unreality and unreal-unreality. And then there's Moorice.

  2. Hi Dorothy,

    The Bromancer’s plea for an armistice seems to have fallen on deaf ears, as Abbott is still claiming “we still have a government to save”.

    I suspect the Onion Muncher suffers from the political version of ‘Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy’ where he continually damages his own government whilst meantime expecting to be hailed as its saviour.


    1. Ummm, ‘Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy'. Yep, good thinking (and accurate observation) DW. I'll have to keep Munchausen in mind now.

    2. Yes DW the pond really should reference the Baron more often … though the memory of watching the movie probably explains the fear ...


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