Wednesday, August 15, 2018

In which the pond negotiates an energy surge with nattering "Ned" and dabbles with Donald TV ...

The pond decided to abandon the more pleasant, affectionate "lowlife dogs" and instead revert to "reptiles", because it helps the pond understand what happens when the reptiles get off their hot rocks and wander about in a confused state …

There's the bouffant one toeing the official party line of a "climate wars threat", in support of the onion muncher and the rebels with a dinkum clean Oz coal, oi, oi, oi angle ... an angle which occupied the tree-killer edition front page this day …

And there, beating back against the tide, or at least just beating it, was nattering "Ned" ...

No, no, you goose, the onion muncher is rampant, the rebels are on the march, climate wars 2.0 (did the pond miss the 1.0.10 upgrade?) is a dire, clear and present danger …

Sigh, the pond knew there was nothing for it than to endure a bout of nattering "Ned" …

Indeed, indeed, it's completely impossible to extract any humour from Malware's stunning victory …

Of course merchant banker gobbledygook isn't in order. In the pond's house, only reptile scribbler gobbledygook is in order, and the pond calls on nattering "Ned" for another serve ...

Oops, there's a mistake. Someone almost mentioned climate science. Quick, waiter, there's a fly in the pond's soup, we need jobs, though a joke about jobs will do …is another Jeffrey sampler to hand?

By golly the pond finds it hard to get through nattering "Ned" these days without a few distractions ...

A victory? They convinced their own party members in a party room meeting, yet there's a dozen or so sceptics and deniers still rolling about?

The more "Ned" carried on, the more the pond became convinced it had rolled with the wrong reptile …


Never mind, there's just one gobbet to go ...

The measure is going to be reduced power prices before the very next election?

Good luck with that ...

Luckily Rowe was on hand to provide a more sensible explanation, with more sensible Rowe here ...

And now as a bonus, the pond really must follow up on that excellent piece by Cameron Stewart … celebrating a good news day for the Donald

Indeed, indeed.

The pond has not the foggiest clue about how anyone might extract humour from the latest moment in the Donald reality TV show ...

Okay, the pond doesn't usually run New Yorker stories …it actually pays for the pleasure of having the tree killer edition sitting on the breakfast table as a supplement to the porridge diet, so the least it can do is put in a plug and note that Andy Borowitz piece can be found online here

Meanwhile in another country

And now back to reptile Stewart explaining how everything is for the best in the Donald's world ...

All up, it was a good day for rampantly delusional reptiles scribbling about the Donald …but now please excuse the pond while it returns to cable TV to catch up on the latest shows ...

1 comment:

  1. Neddy: "The real problem with the NEG is that it might be ineffective."

    Wau, so a big plan pushed by the man who invented the internet just so he could give us the NBN, "might be ineffective". Is that possible ?

    Hu cooda thunk it ?


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