Monday, August 27, 2018

In which the Oreo and the Major are lumped together like bits of coal ready to produce diamonds ...

It is emphatically not the pond's fault that it has had to jam together two favourites in an unseemly huddle, even if they are both valiantly striving towards the same end, with the Oreo finding redemption in ScoMo and Major Mitchell blaming it all again on social media, the full-to-overflowing intertubes, anything but the echo chamber known as Murdochian la la land …

Valiantly battling her confession that the media, and therefore presumably the Oreo herself, is confused, the Oreo showed all the rationalising powers for which she is justly famous … and naturally she led with a notion hot off the American Pew Research Centre … as fresh as … June 2014 … and written specifically about America's neglected 'middle child' ...

Or it might be an implicit admission that since the onion muncher first rolled Malware, the hard core fanatical fundamentalist right have dragged the Liberal party and so the government, off into la la Murdochian bizarro land …

Whatever, ScoMo should now feel the gen X love … it being well known that gen X'ers are an intolerant bunch who can't stand the thought of 'progressive' issues such as SSM and climate science … and indeed are lining up for miles to join Opus Dei, or perhaps the church, no doubt in the hope that they be given special access to children … why should baby boomers get all the breaks?

Actually, if the pond may be so bold, in that outing back in June 2017, the Oreo compared ScoMo to Barack Obama … 

Hmm, if the pond might be so bold, Barack Obama said it better, but then the Oreo fell in love with the Donald …and now to rush through the last gobbet, because the Major is impatiently waiting his turn ...

Say what? The onion muncher contemplating special envoy status, Barners off to the bush to bleat for rain, the mutton Dutton stripped of immigration, and a man who speaks in the style of Barack Obama at the helm, a hardliner who now must dress in sheep's clothing and pretend he is of the centre?

Yet somehow the conservative rump is victorious, while the Coalition's quislings, who've elected a bullshit artist for PM, are yesterday's men? (Complimentary women and Julie Bishop may seek to apply for yesterday's women status at any Sydney Anglican church).

Well the Oreo was in first-class rationalising form, and so to the Major ...

Now please don't say you haven't been warned, please acknowledge from the get go that the pond advised this was going to be another bizarre rant by the Major about a world he doesn't understand and which he hates ...

And what's the point of that extremely silly Major Mitchell pedantry, incidentally without anyone cited as a source for making the claim, which would have led the Major to be failed in a history test conducted by the pond's vigilant history teacher?

Why does the Major talk wildly of people who never speak to politicians - as if speaking to one gives the right to an opinion - and why does he, scribbling for a rag full of commentators pronouncing with great force facts that are not facts, suddenly see this as a thought crime?

Why not make mention of the real world the Donald is helping devise?

Greg Hunters might go here, but what's really been produced is a muddle and a confusion, the sort of chaos the reptiles love, as per WaPo here ...

...Trancik argues that what has really occurred is not a big change in the numbers, per se, but rather a policy vacuum and lack of a “national narrative” around what the United States intends to do about the globe’s biggest environmental problem. Others — international actors, states and cities — have tried to fill that gap but with uncertain results. The Trump administration, since the Paris withdrawal, has largely lacked a consistent message about climate change (although the White House did consider adopting one after Trump’s speech). Instead it has had many contradictory voices, from the climate change doubt of Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt to the recent embrace of climate science by NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine. Similarly, while the administration has launched a wave of attempted regulatory rollbacks of Obama policies meant to curb climate change, like the Clean Power Plan, litigation by states and environmental groups makes it unclear how far those will advance. Thus far, market trends that continue to punish coal and reward renewable energy and natural gas remain the dominant driver of the U.S. energy picture.

Yes, it's a nation and a house divided, and that's exactly what the onion muncher wanted down under, though the nakedness of his selfish search for divisive issues has left him contemplating special envoy status, out of harm and climate science's way …

How cheeky does the Major get in this?

How about attacking the media for using polls the wrong way, when the reptiles themselves have turned into polling into a desperate sort of cult whereby their failing business model might be saved? How about the Major's remarkable inability to let the onion muncher drift off into oblivion?

La de dah and fiddle de dee, the Major has got to do something about his bizarre obsession with social media, and "online comments" …

Why? Well the reptile commentariat endlessly rabbit on about the dangers of the 'leets - the Oreo and the Caterist are always hating the 'leets, and so are many others - and so does the Major …

Here's the Major only a few weeks ago, on 13th August 2018, doing his usual dog whistling about immigration …

Hartcher was indeed right about the elites. Both sides of politics, the federal Treasury, the Reserve Bank and most tertiary institutions have a vested interest in population growth. It is so much easier than improving labour market productivity or governing smarter...
...These people live in suburbs that bear the brunt of overcrowding because they cannot afford the more salubrious areas inhabited by the finger-wagging knowledge classes of media, politics and tertiary education.

There are dozens more examples, but what do we get today? Blather about the downplaying of expertise!

You know, 'leet expertise …while the Major himself operates under the delusion that the lizards of Oz have some sort of credibility to lose ...

And there's the reason for the Major's gloom, which has little to do with social media or online comments. It's that comrade Bill is looming up fast, and dammit, the Major still hasn't found the Order of Lenin medal that will convict Manning Clark and explain why the Donald is in the pocket of the Ruskis. That was once a major Major crime which sent the Major into a frenzy, but these days somehow it's online comments that manage the trick …

And so it goes. 

Of course that reference to the Donald was only designed so the pond could slip in a couple of Donald cartoons …


  1. It's just great to see that The Oreo is continuing her long march through the illusions and delusions. Doubtless her "march" will sustain her for a lifetime.

    "And what's the point of that extremely silly Major Mitchell pedantry..."

    Yair, as you imply DP, the Maj. Mitch. is just no match for Polonius: neither in proliferating reptile "factoids" nor in propagating those wonderful "big lies" so beloved of German socialists. Especially the ones about how the next will be "the most left-wing Labor government in our history."

  2. I hear politicians complaining about interference in the political systems from foreigners.
    So why don't they put a stop too Murdoch who is a foreigner a man who chose to forgo his citizenship of Australia but has been the biggest cause of political upheaval over the last 10 to 15 years in Australia.
    But we will see when he turns up his toes all and sundry will praise him I see him as an evil man who will stop at nothing to influence politics around the world and is financed by the Saudi's who are now slaughtering with the support of America innocent women and children

  3. Funny how the honesty comes when you don't have anything to lose (or the old man doesn't). Turnbull Jnr "My father fought the stupid and the stupid won."

    1. Too little much too late, regrets he might have a few, but still worth a mention Befuddled, and so the pond will...


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