Former NSW premier Kristina Keneally says Kevin Rudd is a 'psychopathic narcissist' and not fit to be the UN secretary-general.
'I can think of 12 Australians off the top of my head who would be a better secretary-general, and one of them is my Labrador,' she said.
Enough of defaming labradors, the pond has a budgerigar in the extended family that could easily to the job ...
Don't do it world, don't do it Liberal party ... but it seems it's a day for pale-hairs to be out and about kicking up a fuss ...

The pond hesitates to say it. Some will find it awkward, confronting, difficult, possibly embarrassing.
The pond has difficulties with blondes on commercial television. There, we've said it. In fact, the pond calls for a ban on all blondes on television, at least ones given licence and space to express views and opinions. Even when it's only attention-seeking Trumpist nonsense.
Possibly there should be a nation-wide ban on blonde immigrants. Now this shouldn't be construed as blind prejudice or even colour prejudice on the part of the pond.
Sure the pond is more comfortable and feels a lot safer with brunettes and redheads around, but the pond is comfortable with white hair too, and whatever colour you've got in the bottle. Well reality dictates that one.
Sure the pond is more comfortable and feels a lot safer with brunettes and redheads around, but the pond is comfortable with white hair too, and whatever colour you've got in the bottle. Well reality dictates that one.
There's just something about blondes that evokes Germany in the 1930s and reminds the pond of its German DNA.
Oh the pond knows there will be some pedants who want to talk of freedom of speech and freedom of worship and inalienable rights and all that guff, but who gave blondes those privileges? Blonde peril has seen the pond give up watching commercial news and current affairs and morning television programs and how is that fair?
Never mind, on we go with the main course which somehow manages to mingle the notion of blondes with the joys of readheads ...

Speaking of perils, it would seem that the perils of Peter Wertheim in the lizard Oz are far from unique ...
Actually it's funny that Wertheim should mention loss of voice and nerve.
The pond was thinking only the other day how there's a loss of voice and nerve when it comes to noting that Benjamin Netanyahu is a barking mad extreme right winger who has done his level best to make everything worse in what the English care to call the middle east ...
If any voices full of nerve are raised, to observe the deplorable racism and support for racist building activities in areas controlled by Israel, the cry of "anti-semitic" and even "holocaust" goes up, and the voices are silenced.
Even the documentary Zero Days, which the pond caught up with over the weekend, felt constrained in what it might say about Israel and the conduct of its foreign policy, or the outcomes it achieved when launching on a secretive cyber crime of the first water, though Haaretz (behind the paywall, so no link, easy to google) summarised them succinctly enough ...
And while we're speaking of Haaretz, and Netanyahu, this just in ...
But enough of all this, because it's time to head back for a final Wertheim gobbet ...
Uh huh, just another contribution to the religious wars, as if we don't already have more than enough contributions ...
That piece can be found in another form in full at The Jerusalem Post, but might be best googled because of paywalls ... and in turn that googling might lead to another report in Haaretz ...
It probably doesn't help in the religion wars if the pond were to throw another religion into the mix, or even another hair colour, given we've already had blondes and redheads and delusional silver, but it seems the pond has taken to mentioning the bible a number of times this day ...
Now let the cries of an anti-semitic, anti-blonde, anti-redhead, anti-former Chairman Rudd pond start rolling in ...
TBH, I didn't know what a Sonia Kruger was.
ReplyDeleteNow that I have an idea of what it is I'd put it in the same category as an Anthony Mundine when it comes to opinions on world events, ie, completely irrelevant.
Her German Jewish family fled the same unfair bigotry to find sanctuary here.
ReplyDeleteShe so disgusts me with her hypocritical condoning of the same bigotry against Muslim refugees.