Wednesday, January 22, 2020

In which the pond reheats some stale Oreo, because, as everyone knows, the Oreo is best left with the chewing gum on the bedpost overnight ...

The pond makes no apology for its taste, or its intent. 

The Oreo turned up yesterday, and the pond will now serve up the reheated thoughts of the day-old reformed feminist, on the basis that on any day, the Oreo is reliably stale even before it's baked … you know, rather like …

Besides, a curious thing happened last night with the Oreo splash …

See there, the link from SloMo to a caring, helpful coaching by the redeemed feminist … which, bizarrely, in today's digital rag turned into a link to an ancient dog botherer column featured in the pond …

It reminded the pond of that curiously incestuous reptile world to be found on another continent …

Well with all that reptilian magic established - is there anything wrong with nepotism or incest? just ask the president's daughter - please brush off the mould, and enjoy your stale Oreo …

Now one of the bizarre things when reading the reptiles on climate science is the notion that talk of internationalist positions or globalism is somehow inherently offensive … as if all we need to do is tend our own patch, and all will be well …but talking of internationalism …

But more to the point perhaps was the way that the reptiles were trying to help out SloMo by offering him a position in relation to climate science, where he could talk up the issue, while at the same time downplaying any attempt to do anything meaningful about emissions … and who better than the Oreo, who has, in even staler times, suggested everything could be sorted out by planting a few trees …

It's sublime, the art of distraction taken to a new level, the blather about national interest instead of globalist aims reduced to the child-like talk of the Donald …

Read that key paragraph again and weep …

In short, forget about emissions, it's all too hard, just talk, Donald style, about clean air, and right on cue, SloMo turned up in the lizard Oz blathering about bushfire fuel … sssh, not a mention of dinkum clean coal, oi, oi, oi …

Now at one point, the pond did think of re-heating an even staler Oreo …

But that would distract from the message that the Oreo was sending, in such a helpful way, to SloMo …

Ah, it's back to planting a few trees to sort things out, because, you know, it seems things are a little fraught in the Amazon, so why not turn the Simpson desert into the new Amazon?

You know, at around this point, the pond thought, why not serve up some more of that even staler Oreo, doing a Thatcher, as befits a recovering feminist …

Se how it all begins to blur, but see how the science is less certain and less reliable? 

Well, the pond has just one gobbet to go of the currently stale Oreo …and what do you know, the Scruton who turned up in the pond's comments section has come to life yet again ...

Oh fucketty fuck, the urge to go all Chance the Gardener is irresistible …

You knowhow it goes …

Do you think we can sort out climate change through local incentives, Oreo Chance? 

Everyday people planting seeds, conserving nature and giving shelter to native life and all will be well in the garden, so long as the roots are not severed, because there will be growth in the spring …and so on and so forth, and almost unendurably silly, but all that can be expected from a recovering feminist.

Well, it's unfair to those still munching on the even staler Thatcherite Oreo not to wrap it up, even if it means gorging on two gobbets in a row …

Indeed, indeed, Chance the Oreo gardener would have lots of harsh words about that sort of thinking … when just a few trees, and a few people out in the garden would fix everything ...

The pond almost regrets this extensive re-heating of stale Oreos from the recovering feminist, but only because there was another piece in today's digital rag, which was imported from the US in a way which was suspiciously globalist and internationalist, as might be expected from a corporation with tentacles in  all sorts of places …

Indeed, indeed, there's a lot of white noise in the thin air of Davos …

And so on with it, this reheated piece from the WSJ by the venerable Mead…

Now it's not the pond's business to defend the filthy rich, but surely there's something richly comical about an American berating others for having luxury resorts and making out like bandits. Mar-a-Lago, muchly, bigly, hugely?

But really the pond went there so it could slip in a few cartoons …

Now back to the ranting at the excesses of capitalism, and the uselessness of international cooperation and the futility of doing anything about climate change ...

Indeed, indeed … and when it comes to matters of law and order and morality, it's certainly a new world …

And so back to a final gobbet, with the recovering feminist's mouldy talk of doomsaying prophets still ringing in the pond's ears … because, if nothing else, the venerable Mead loves to do a little doomsaying ...

Never mind, we know who's driving the train …

… and we know the track, or at least the absence of one …


Yes, there's nothing like reheated Oreo, coal-loving SloMo, imported reheated WSJ, and a Donald off the tracks to remind the pond that the planet is comprehensively fucked …

Or is it? Perhaps a miracle can occur, perhaps the immortal Rowe offered a sign of hope and wonder this day, with more wondrous signs here

Sadly, this trick is as ancient as Addams, and is as implausible now in this post-truth, recovering feminist world, as it was way back when …even as the startled world now watches, where once it was just a bemused, befuddled skier ...


  1. Looks like the Oreo's views are evolving, Dorothy.

  2. And Murdoch said that there are no climate deniers employed by his corrupting enterprises.
    Extremes of weather are becoming more prevalent as has been forecast by scientists

    1. C'mon ww, Oreo doesn't deny that there is indeed something called "climate", she just believes that we have absolutely no effect on it whatsoever - it's all the other way around: climate gratuitously affects us.

  3. The Oreo: "Like many politicians who go a bit berko about climate change, Steggall has stepped out on a limb to claim it represents "the greatest threat to our national security, our economy, our health and our environment"."

    It's just exactly as you said, DP:
    "Ah, it's back to planting a few trees to sort things out, because, you know, it seems things are a little fraught in the Amazon, so why not turn the Simpson desert into the new Amazon?"

    The Oreos of this world, and SloMo is one of them, think this is just a minor problem that will go away if we just "plant a few trees". There is simply no conception of the true scale of the threat and its likely impacts. They are children and it's time we required them to grow up and accept adult responsibilities.

    But the Oreo worships Maggie once again: "She believed in the power of individual genius, not the state, to mitigate whatever negative effects climate change might produce."

    So, it will be the Industrial Revolution all over again with "individual genius" transforming our destructive civilisation into a well oiled machine. And so it partially might be: the rise of hydrogen fuel, electric transport, better recycling etc etc except for just one thing: the CO2 (and other greenhouse gases) in the atmosphere aren't going away - we are stuck with what we've already done and with how much more damage we do before we can finally stabilise the climate.

    And that damage is already significant - just ask the farmers who didn't get burned out, but can't feed their cattle and sheep anyway because of already destructive droughts. It will take more that just a few "acts of individual genius" to work some amelioration and adaptation to what we've already done - perhaps Oreo didn't notice that the present fire-based disaster is expected to cost Australia at least $100Billion. Climate change has already cost many $billions around the world, including Australia, with many hundreds of $billions more to come

    But bring on more of it, eh Oreo.

    Then we have the completely unknown Walter Russell Mead: "As the millionaires, billionaires and Greta Thunberg assemble ..."

    Yep, they really, truly do hate her, don't they. Just because she's way more famous already than they could ever be.

    1. Just a little something we can bet that Oreo will never read:

      Scientists hate to say ‘I told you so’. But Australia, you were warned
      January 22, 2020 6.04am AEDT

      It contains this gem of an observation:
      "All these impacts have occurred under a rise of about 1℃ in global average temperature. Yet the world is on a pathway towards 3℃ of heating, bringing a future that is almost unimaginable."

      It talks about thresholds and tipping points too. Now where have I heard mention of thresholds recently ?

      Feeling lonely and undervalued ? How about this, then:
      As Earth’s population heads to 10 billion, does anything Australians do on climate change matter?
      January 22, 2020 1.50pm AEDT

  4. "It is everyday Australians planting seeds" says the Oreo. If you want everyday Australians to plant seeds, you are going to have to pay them. I belong to a (voluntary) bushcare group in Leura, we get at most six people for six hours a month to work regenerating the bush. That number of people is about 0.1% of the population of Leura. It seems very few (hardly any) people are interested in "planting seeds".
    Maybe the Oreo could push a government scheme for everyone to indulge in some good, honest labour, getting their hands dirty for one month a year planting trees for a nominal wage, eating good tucker, living in a log cabin... Or we could introduce a carbon price.

    1. Strange, Joe, but that's just exactly the kind of job that dole bludgers had to do in order to keep getting the dole. Not so ?

    2. Maybe folk on benefits (unemployment or pension) should receive an exemption from the usual process where they lose payments for a prescribed period if they take paid work? Too much to ask?

    3. I thought they actually had to do "work for the dole" or summat, Bef. Whatever happened to that ?

  5. Hi Dorothy,

    “As the millionaires, billionaires and Greta Thunberg assemble in Davos this week to debate the future of the world, they face a crisis of relevance. What if, with all of their competence, experience, cosmopolitan vision and, yes, goodwill, the Davoisie are merely passengers, comfortably ensconced in first-class seats, on a train whose route they do not know and cannot control?”

    Maybe a bit like this one;


  6. Feel free to shoot me down on this but I think the Oreo needs to explain how "individual genius, not the state" explains the Asian economic miracles where literally millions of people have been dragged out of grinding poverty. Looks to me like central planning, not individual genius, has done the work in China, South Korea and Japan (maybe post war Germany?).

    Similarly, public health issues like smoking and aids preventative seem to have responded to public campaigns not been cured by some "genius" solution.

    What about the cost of renewables. It looks like policy proceeds innovation in this case.

    The problem for people like the Oreo, Murdoch lick-spittles if you like, is not that government planning will fail but rather that it will succeed all too well. It's why the ETS was scrapped and why any useful suggestion is attacked relentlessly.

    1. "She believed in the power of individual genius, not the state, to mitigate whatever negative effects climate change might produce." (Oreo) And that's what's happened, with solar power, windmills, batteries, storage etc. But the State, i.e. the Commonwealth Government, is standing in the way!

    2. Ah but she's talking about Maggie Thatcher, mate, who so completely disbelieved in the power of the state that she set herself up to run one, and was totally devastated when all those non-social individuals dropped her because of her proposed totally un-Green poll tax.

      Remember Maggie and Ron: she promised to follow him to the end of the Earth, and he promised to take her there.

      But as for China, Bef, a lot of very cheap labour, a huge demand pool (over a billion Chinese), lots of technical capability stolen from the west, and lots of 'most favoured nation' treatment from the WTO and USA. Easy, peasy, mate. And the Japanese did much the same - though they did actually pay for the use of the transistor (about US$25,000 IIRC). Everybody remembers Sony and the miniature portable radio, don't they ?


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