Sunday, January 26, 2020

In which the pond offers prattling Polonius for its Sunday meditation ...

The pond doesn't usually start with a cartoon, but this one seemed fine, seemed a jim dandy way of summarising the ethos at work in the lizard Oz … and perhaps might form a theological basis for the study of fundamentalist beliefs at the lizard Oz, a fitting subject for a Sunday meditation …

And who better as a fit object for study than prattling Polonius, down from the attic to brood about assorted conspiracies ...

Yes, yes, the pond realises it immediately sounds like it will turn into a very familiar, extremely repetitive litany, but the pond can't help it.

When in the company of fundamentalists, and when in the business of reporting fundamentalist thinking, it's the fundamentalists that set the pace. And they don't come any more fundamental or repetitive than prattling Polonius ...

Indeed, indeed. Slomo is in fact merely a lover of dinkum clean pure lovely Oz coal, oi, oi, oi …

In recent times, he's attempted a little decanting and recanting, which attracted the attention of Crikey

Well yes, and the conclusion was more of the same ...

And not everyone thought that the newly redeemed Slomo, as opposed to the unrepentant Onion muncher, had the first clue what he was talking about, per Michael Pascoe at The New Daily here ...

Sorry about all that. 

The pond occasionally remembers that there's a world outside the reptiles and travels there. 

Frankly it's the only way to cope with the constant wading through the reptile sewers, as apparently the English must do when they come to one of their raw sewer-shit laden rivers … (now that was a Channel 4 report the pond didn't need to see). 

Never mind, on with Polonius, prattling on, and perversely still deliberately misquoting Pitman, a topic the pond is now so bored by, it will skim right through ...

Yes, the pond long ago opened a Swiss bank account, alongside Gra Gra's, to deposit the dollar it receives every time that Polonius prattles that the ABC was/is/will be a conservative-free zone.

Polonius understands, Donald style, that if you repeat a moronic line often enough, soon enough, enough morons will agree with the moronic line …

And then came a little high spot ...

Okay, it's a feeble excuse to run a few cartoons, but the pond will take it …

Ah, that feels better, and it gives the pond the strength to endure the last gobbet of Polonius repeating himself ...

The good old 1.3%. How the reptiles love that figure, how they repeat it as a meaningless mantra, while bizarrely claiming that others aren't aware of the extent of their bias …

But to be fair, Polonius is fully aware of his bias, and he routinely misrepresents, tells porkies, and lies in a bold, bare-faced way… as in his rather pathetic defence of Andrew Forrest, making an unsubstantiated assertion, and yet somehow redeemed because someone dared to note it was an unsubstantiated opinion …

So there we have it, another anal compulsive-obsessive case study in denialism, replete with defences of Twiggy and the onion muncher …right down to the repetitive recalling of old dross of the Pitman and 1.3% kind, with nary a sign of life outside the fundamentalist bubble ...

There's no point trying to argue the actual science, or repeating assorted obvious points that make Polonius sound like a dodderer heading off to senility a little too quickly …

Rather there's a joy in looking at the pathological denialist condition afflicting the reptiles, which has grown rampant in this unprecedented - yes, dog botherer, unprecedented - summer of heat and tragedy …

Will it someday come to be seen as the reptile climate denialist apocalypse? 

Let's hope not, at least if other responses to troublesome events around the world are a sound indication of where we're heading …


  1. Truly it's a joy whenever Prattling Polonius is the day's main fare (but no Lobbecke - has old Prattling completely lost favour in the ophidiarium ? Even Goosebumps Cater still gets a Lobbecke occasionally).

    Anyway, no fever of anticipation, no sense of impending revelation, nothing but that good old "the ABC has only one wing" stuff that nobody takes any notice of these days. Or ever did.

    And even his headline writing subbie is just going through the motions. Consider:
    "The left media's different treatment of two very different prime ministers".

    Well then if they're "very different prime ministers" doesn't it make sense that they'd be treated differently ? Especially if one, not a complete idiot, is trying to make some sense of his disordered world whereas the other is just revelling in his delusions and spouting his never-ending gibberish. I'll let people make their own decision as to who is whom.

    But getting back to the Prattler, he hasn't mentioned injustice to the Catholic Church and to Cardinal Pell over their support for pederastic priests. Now that used to be a 100% regular theme - even more than the one-winged ABC - but I can't remember Polonius mentioning it at all for quite a while. Don't tell me the poor old guy has been having a hard time down in the corner losing his religion ?

  2. DP - While applauding your choice of the work of Drew Sheneman (some nominative determinism there?), how confident should we be that the President can either pronounce, or thumb type, the name of the virus? On his usual performance, that seems to be a level of detail that he does not normally advance to. Perhaps ‘covfefevirus’ might be more likely.

    Other anonymous.

  3. ”The good old 1.3%. How the reptiles love that figure, how they repeat it as a meaningless mantra, while bizarrely claiming that others aren't aware of the extent of their bias …”

    Prattling “Goebbels 101” Polonius.
    The old dodderer give strong credence to your opening with that particular cartoon.....”We don’t have no stinkin’ denialists round here”

    I watched the Channel 4 report too...... the fact that nothing in the world of environmental plunder has changed over the last 100 years really was saddening. Went to see an old 1930’s shearing shed in Axedale, near Bendigo, that the brother in law bought recently.......complete with drenching pen and pump stand.......straight into the nearby creek. Was still in operation until 1975 presumably substantiated, at least judging by the yellowing newspapers still on the old table in the eating quarters.

  4. No fish or yabbies or any other living thing in that creek then, Anony.

    Still, Australia's chock-a-block full of creeks, isn't it.


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