Friday, January 17, 2020

In which the pond has to revert to the readership to save the lizard Oz from itself ...

Terribly disappointing, these reptiles are, during the pond's limited holyday season…

With time running out, is the best the reptiles can do Gra Gra talking of Meghan wearing the pants? 

Sure, he lives in the 1950s, and no doubt talks of the strife of life, and the ball and chain and such like, but it seems so long ago …

In desperation, the pond turned to the lizard Oz editorialist …

But it turned out this was an easy punt down the road …

What? Vlad the impaler like a modern tsar? A modest dictator inclined to kill dissenters and journalists?

But, butt, billy goat, think of the Donald, and the Murdochian love and lust for power …

Fixed in a tweet. Try hard enough, and you too can learn to get along with, and perhaps even love, your local thuggee killer dictator.

But in a Devine-free day, the pond was looking for more, and so idly turned to that talk of climate, and was shocked and numbed to the core …

How had a greenie been allowed into the commentary section? 

Was this a feeble reptile attempt to prove that it was balanced and caring? 

Where was Moorice, what of Lloydie? Why no Bjorn? It was such a pathetic attempt, the pond was outraged, and so, it turned out, was the readership, fed a steady drip of climate science denialism over the years, and keenly aware of reptile talking points …

The pond felt a cut and paste coming on …even if the reptiles had deemed the outrageous greenie piece worthy of an illustration by cult master Lobbecke ...

Uh huh, but what sayeth the readership? You only truly know a rag through its readership, and the readers were ready at a very early hour to rock and roll and rage …

Ah, that's much better.

If the pond can't get its climate science denialism direct from the lizard Oz each day, it can at least get it from the devoted lizard Oz readership … but back to all the cause of the fuss and the bother …

Well that sort of nonsense can't be allowed to stand without question …where are the loons, there must be loons, preferably one skilled at using bold to make a point… because bold is SO MUCH MORE SUBTLE THAN CAPS!!!

At this point, the pond wondered whether it might have been better off joining the infallible Pope in another government folly …

But no, the pond had embarked on an ethnographic survey, and must maintain the course, and return to the source of the outrage, the accelerant who had set the readership on fire ...

Oh the rogue, the rascal … what a fury he provoked …with very few dissenting voices remotely prepared to give him the time of day ...

The pond was almost satiated, almost prepared to call it a day.

So much climate science denialism, so little time. The reptile readership had done the lizard Oz proud. How they'd drunk the soma, how they could recite all the talking points … how they'd stood up, when the craven editorialist had faltered and indulged in a little pathetic tokenism ...

But the wretch who started it all still had one last gobbet in him …

Why did he bother? It's like a Satanist heading out to a Catholic church to explain the joys of atheism, it's like a Galileo trying to argue with the church, it's like … well, it's not really like any of this, it's just a form of madness …

But why did the reptiles bother? Just to reassure themselves that the readership would stay solid through thick and thin?

It reminded the pond of a recent Crikey joke about Murdochians bullshitting about taking climate science seriously …


The pond loved that notion of the reverse ferret …it explained so much about this token outing in the lizard Oz this day, while all the regular denialists were still off on holyday, poised to return after Australia day to maintain their denialism ...

And now just to make that point about the lizard Oz readership a little clearer …a few more ethnographic samples, put together in a cut and paste of such epic length that even William Burroughs would feel the mugwumps on the back of the neck, and shoot a horse to save himself ...

Oh heck, it's only an excuse to run lots of cartoons as punctuation points, because the pond has been recently entranced by the confessions of a certain Lev Parnas …

The readership has spoken.

The lizard Oz remains a haven for climate science denialism. No doubt hundreds more will chip in during the day, but sadly the pond must move on after this early morning sampling of the loonacy …

And just to wrap up everything, here's one for Gra Gra … yes, it's not often a Ramirez makes it into the pond, but how the pundits love that strife of life routine when it involves a little missy who is clearly a little off colour ...


  1. So for the readers of The Oz, there are good scientists (it was cold 1 million years ago, it was hot 2 million years ago and so on) and there are evil scientists who say that we are in a crisis. Who are you going to believe, a good scientist, or an evil (probably mad) scientist?

  2. " because bold is SO MUCH MORE SUBTLE THAN CAPS!!!"

    Ooops. I'll have to stop doing this, then.

    What a lovely tour down Subnormal Psychology lane, DP. I always wondered where the crazy ones they kicked out of Kew back in 1988 went (though Kew Cottages stayed on until 2008). Now I know.

    Now the real trick is to get on board when the reptiles decide to expand their repertoire and go for flat earth, anti-vax, Trump and chemtrails. Ooops, I think they may have already done at least one of those.

    Now the thing us, that we have actually known about the effect of anthropogenic greenhouse gas (mainly CO2) since Svante Arrhenius did the science back in 1896. Yes, that's 124 years ago - long before any of the "contributors" and/or "subscribers" to the Murdoch Lies were even born:
    "In developing a theory to explain the ice ages, Arrhenius, in 1896, was the first to use basic principles of physical chemistry to calculate estimates of the extent to which increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) will increase Earth's surface temperature through the greenhouse effect. These calculations led him to conclude that human-caused CO2 emissions, from fossil-fuel burning and other combustion processes, are large enough to cause global warming.."

    And if perchance you are unaware of it, you can find all the stuff ejaculated by the "subscribers" fully repudiated in:

    Happy reading.


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